
Vanguard Of Death

A being born to bring only death and destruction. He is known by many names Vanguard of Death, Herald of Destruction and more. Life has forced him to master the art of destruction and he has indeed. Will he follow his destiny and end the world or will he be the one to save it?

Anonymous_Daoist · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 2:The Spear Of Humanity

Long'er saw two plain swords slowly revolving around each other. The swords were not long enough to be called long swords but were not short enough to be called daggers either. They looked normal enough that if you would place them in a bunch of steel swords you would not find any difference.

He had seen a similar type of sword in the village chief's house when he had sneaked in to annoy his dog.

'But his sword did not float around in the air either', he thought to himself. He felt a familiar feeling from the swords as if he had seen them before. The swords seemed to beckon him to come forward and started revolving a little faster.

He cautiously took a couple of steps forward but stopped after seeing them revolve even faster. The swords seemed to become impatient seeing his caution and moved towards him so fast, they seemed to become a beam of light.

"Ahhh...", he started to scream and hid his head between his arms. 'You greedy fellow! Got tempted after seeing a couple of swords. Now who will find a groom for sister Mei after I'm dead….',he stopped his chaotic thoughts after noticing that he still had all his limbs.

He raised his head and noticed the two swords revolving around him now. Their speed was slowly increasing and a black gas was coming into being around him. He fear started coming back after noticing the ominous lights.

Soon they formed a dark cocoon around him. After some time, all the black gas suddenly rushed into his body through the pores of his skin.

Even the pain of being bitten by a hunting dog couldn't compare to the pain he felt now." Ahhhh....", a miserable scream tore its way out of his throat. Long'er felt like he was being burned from the inside and being frozen from the outside. A force seemed to stop him from being knocked out and giving him even a brief respite.

After what seemed like an eternity to him, the pain stopped. 'Lance', voice seemed to call out to him from inside his mind. "Lance", now the voice seemed to come from all around him.

"Are you talking to me?", Long'er asked in a hoarse voice and looked around. But there was no one around.

"Yes, Sacred Saviour", the voice said this in a booming tone with a hint of amusement.

"Sacred Saviour? I think you have gotten the wrong person."

"Wrong person? Hahaha. Do you think I can't recognise the one born from my energy?", guffawed the deep baritone voice.

"Born from your energy? How can that be! I thought I was abandoned in the woods by my parents.", exclaimed Long'er.

The voice sighed and said," I apologise for my daughter, but I assure you that you were not abandoned. She was the one who left you outside the village."

"Is she my mother?", he asked quietly.

"No, you were born from the world itself."

"You said that I was born from your energy, didn't you?", he asked again.

"Yes, I was a Realm Tree.", then as if sensing the question Long'er was going to ask, he continued," When the essence of a realm is concentrated in a tree for thousands of years, the tree slowly forms a consciousness. I was born the same way."

Long'er became even more confused after listening to his explanation, but he instead asked about something else that was bothering him.

"Why did you call me Lance?"

The voice stayed silent for so long he thought that the voice was gone.

"Lance is the name given to you by the world itself.", the voice said slowly.

"What is the difference between realm and world.", he asked.

"A Realm is the world to us unless you have cultivation powerful enough to break the laws of a realm, but enough about this. You will get to know only after you have a high enough cultivation or else the knowledge may bring you a bloody calamity.", replied the voice of the Realm Tree. The voice seemed to want to continue but he asked another question.

"Why was I born from the world?"

"You will know if you stop interrupting me, child", the voice intoned without any irritation in its voice.

Long'er wisely remained silent.

"A world gives birth to being of great potential when it feels a threat to its continued existence. A threat to its existence may be a threat to the world itself or its inhabitants. The beings born during these troubled times are called Sacred Saviours. But sometimes these being are born before a calamity occurs, they are called Sacred Protectors.", then the voice continued after a couple of seconds.

"These beings are named by the world itself. The last one was born 200 thousand years ago and he was called Yvtal, The Sacred protector. He belonged to the race of Elves. After the calamity is dealt with, the beings leave the world for advancing their cultivation."

"As for your title…", a gasp seemed to come from the invisible tree.

The voice remained silent for a long time. Just as Long'er was going to speak, it came back.

"The world told me your title is not Sacred Saviour or Sacred Protector, even I do not understand as to why this happened."

"What is my title then?", he asked anxiously.

The tree seemed to be too surprised to take offence and replied,

"Lance, The Spear Of Humanity".