
Vampiric Tree

The Darkness within forests often is off-putting to many but some will not heed their instincts that danger lurks deep within often leading to their demise at the hands of something stronger. 400,000 humans were tossed into a newborn world as Creatures that could evolve based on their forms our mc was reborn as a vampiric tree once he was a person who was devoured by doubt in his own self-worth now, he shall work to prove that everything will change when he is finally given a chance to shine. Eventually he may even become a progenitor of a species ancient and terrifying. There are no humanoid species yet in this world and humanities reincarnates shall decide what races shall be born some will stick to a more monstrous life while other will gladly become humanoid and remove all possibility of more evolution.

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Unique Races/Sleep

[Since You were created as a Unique Race {Vampiric Tree} you can only evolve twice but will also lose the talent granted to everyone else due to this your exp will not increase as your race level increases as a slight bonus and when you evolve you will keep all stats Unless you become humanoid. Also, Unique Races Cannot increase in grade technically due to the fact that there can be only one of that race at a time unless they are Hivemind or controlling of their spawn. (Evolving is basically just a reset of levels for unique races)]


"That is some dark information would it mean that if I plant a seed, will it grow attached to me mentally?" I whispered within my soul to the system.


[If you managed to form a seed yes it would become linked to you increasing all your stats as it grows becoming a part of you technically you could be become a forbidden forest like in realm #160890 which has overtaken the world in flesh otherwise known as SCP-001 or The Flesh That Hates in that realm this realm is not part of my own so I cannot provide precise details.]


I twisted my branches together and put all my functions into autonomous actions so that I would survive while I mentally rested until the barrier came down in a couple months strangely in this world each month is perfectly 30 days.


[Status Window]

Name: Boramir Korman

Age: 2 months 5 days 

Species: Vampiric Tree (Stage 2) {YOU CAN EVOVLE}


{Blood}- (Mid) {Sealed to Low}

{Life}- (Very Low) -> (Low) {Grew due to Spirit Deer Blessing}

{Darkness}- (Low)

{Demonic}- (Low)

{Spirit/Soul} - (Semi-Nonexistent) {Due to Spirit Deer Fur/Blessing}

Level: 11

Exp: 10,012/25,600,000 (+10,000 an Hour due to Spirit Deer Fur/ Spirit Deer Blessing)

HP: 800/800

BR: 800/800

MP: 1280/1280

Fruits: Blood Fruit (x2)

STR: 86

INT: 128

VIT: 80

Sense/SEN: 78 (I had made a mistake earlier missing 3 extra stat points on each stat)

Blood Bounds: 

Plaux- Lv10 Evo.1

Mukil- Reaper Rat Lv5 Evo.2


(New) Abilities:

{Shadowed Ground Bloodstained Hearts} - Corrupted land slowly spreads out around you that is influenced by your affinities making it the perfect place for these types of creatures to live. Anything that dwells or evolves within this area will gain one of your affinities.


{Shadows Grip} - The shadows shall grab the unsuspecting taking their very soul if they are so much weaker then you.


{Blood Halt} - Halts the blood within a creature if they have no way to keep their blood moving they will die.


{Corrupted Trees} - Any living being that even comes from any type of tree will be easily corrupted by you slowly becoming a part of your body their stats will become yours. Be aware if something breaks this corruption you will be severely harmed.


{Soul Sight} - Based on SENSE will allow you to see souls.


{Temptation} - A form of telepathy that can insert thoughts into others who have a weaker Will/SENSE then you. SENSE determines if the thought goes through Their own Will determines whether they act upon it. (More easily used when tempting a person)


{Dead Blood Moving} - Buffs your undead stats by x4 by moving their corrupted lifeblood through their bodies at a faster rate permanent/passive/Active. Active version will result in the undead blowing up after 1 minute but increase all stats by your stats x2.


Blessings (New)-

{Spirit Deer} TN: Unknown - Blessing of prosperity Increases chances of gaining an affinity or increasing Life/Spirit/Soul Affinities. Also increases exp amount gained from Spirit Deer Fur by 100x.


I work up feeling much more sensitive to my surroundings and strangely I could even feel rain but it tasted great almost like blood. I looked more closely realizing it was blood mixed with several other things.


[Welcome back you have many notifications you ignored so I will state them here as I am back. You have gained A blessing and as the first human being to gain one not from a god (Who are interfering wenches). You will gain the status Exp Bonus allowing you to no longer have your exp cost increase from this point on even if you evolve it will stay the same. (: As the Second to change an environment 80 meters around you gain the ability {Terra former} The original gained the ability {Ruler's Land} I shall not explain it. The Barrier surrounding you protecting you from the angry treents you have been accidentally hurting will now attack you. You Have also Achieved a Combo effect with two item and as the tenth to do this You gain Nothing Jk you gain {Attribute booster} -One time use item that doubles 2 random stats or increases 2 Affinities by 2 or 1 random stat doubles and one affinity goes up by 2]


{Terra Former} - The heavens and earth will accommodate your changes much more easily causing Demonic Blood rain or Soul rending rain or Life/soul stealing Rain that all benefits you or those who have those attributes the soil will more easily become Shadow Soil or Blood Soaked Land or Soul Soil that will contain the souls of those who die on it providing energy to plants.


{Exp Bonus} - You no longer Increase or decrease exp required amount, but it will be much harder to gain exp You can't gain it through killing anymore only through natural methods.