
Vampiric Reincarnating

Carmine is a young woman who grew up with an overly loving mother. Her life never felt inconvenient and was always fulfilling. However in one fateful night after leaving the graduation party, Carmine encountered an accident that would leave her mother wreathing in anguish and anger.

CharlotteVanEtten · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Carmine was sometimes referred to as "the vampire" by close friends. She didn't take offense to that joke, and it was sort of true.

Not that she relished in drinking blood, but that she looked like the "classic vampire."

Carmine was born with a rare genetic mutation called albinism, her body produces little to no melanin which causes her to look extremely pale.

It not only affected her skin but also her hair which looked a silky platinum blonde.

She was always advised to stay out of the sun. She learned that the hard way by getting a severe sunburn at the nape of her neck back when she was a child.

But modern life was glorious. There was sunscreen, and sometimes she'd use a parasol.

It doesn't make her go out any more often than she needed to, but at least her skin didn't scorch when she did.

Carmine also had ocular albinism, which is just albinism but to her eyes. Her vision isn't very good because of it, and any bright lights were straining to her eyes.

Sometimes her eyes would look red under bright light. She had never seen it, but her mother said she has sometimes.

Overall, she had a love-hate relationship with her albinism.

It was extremely very inconvenient to not being able to walk outside in the bright daylight without sunscreen slathered on her exposed skin, a parasol close in her arms, and shades to protect her poor little eyes.

But she figured that it made her unique in a way, whether in appearance or the way her genetic trait shaped her personality.

School was difficult though at first. Because she looked different from other students, she was sort of viewed as a deity not to be messed with.

With much dedication, she got close with a few people and finally had friends.

School also presented the problem that Carmine would need to go out every time.

In winter she only needed a parasol, but in the hotter parts of the year, she needed a lot of skin protection.

It became a routine to thinly coat her skin with sunscreen every morning, even in the winter.

School was interesting and fun though, so she charged through the problems and always walked to school.

Luckily she and her mother moved closer so she wouldn't have to walk much of a distance.

Carmine did sometimes get that stare of curiosity to people who've she's never met before, but she became used to it.

People even said she looked extremely pretty.

Though she thought all that was inherited from her mother. They would probably look the same if not for her condition. Well maybe except that her mother had a more elegant and calm aura.

And so here I was, in the dead of night, having these thoughts as I sluggishly stumbled across the sidewalk. I used the railing to support myself as my stomach churned with the urge to vomit.

When I felt it go up to my throat, and I couldn't hold it in anymore so I let it all out. On the sidewalk, right at the trunk of a tree.

So miserable! I hope it doesn't die.

The bitter taste in my mouth made me regret drinking more alcohol than a lightweight like me could ever handle.

Although the graduation party was fun, I felt drunk just after a few big gulps so I decided to leave early.

My friend's house is pretty close to mine, so I decided to walk home.

Just as I was stumbling across the crosswalk, I heard a faint sound. It began growing louder and louder at a fast rate, I turned my head to it and saw a flashing light.

An image of a large vehicle appeared in my head for a slight second before I felt something impact me and blacked out.