
Vampires: The Masquerade Bloodlines - Turning Teeth

Algernon Blake was your average writer trying to make it big in Hollywood. But after a one-night stand, he's pulled into a Byzantine world of intrigue and manipulation among the undead. Can Algernon retain his humanity while satisfying the beast that rests within? A retelling of Vampire: the Masquerade Bloodlines with a male Tremere. Minor story differences. this is a unfinished fanfic from ff.net By: thebrillaintgrandmaster which i thought was really amazing and wanted to share it with you all

grimmhorizon · Video Games
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31 Chs

Chapter 5: Interlude: Inner Workings (Strauss)

Maximilian Strauss was livid.

A Tremere executed in front of the vampires of LA, Hollywood, and Santa Monica? A Tremere executed by that incompetent prince, who parades his superiority on that stage? A Tremere?! The fact that it was one of his clan that broke the rules, executed so publically was an absolute travesty! This couldn't be allowed to stand. He had to do something to save the face of his clan, to preserve the Pyramid.

He took a moment to calm himself. The Beast within raged, telling him to cast a spell to destroy all of his enemies tonight. But the Beast was an irrational creature, not to be listened to unless it was a matter of survival. So, he had to calm himself, erase all emotion and rage from the equation. He had to think of the facts, and he had to think of them in a way that didn't make his blood boil.

One: Prince Sebastian LaCroix didn't know the truth about Justine Sanders. If he did, he'd doubtlessly have mentioned it in front of the crowd. After all, announcing that he was executing a violator of the Tradition of Progeny and an antitribu spy within the Camarilla would no doubt give him points among the LA Camarilla. If nothing else, the Kindred talked. They talked to their ghouls, safe in their havens, and their ghouls talked to other ghouls, who talked to their masters. It would be spread that Prince LaCroix was a protector of the Traditions and a bulwark against the Sabbat before the fortnight had passed.

Two: Justine Sanders' childe was still alive, and he was no doubt loyal to LaCroix, which would be a problem. He'd gazed upon Justine's aura and saw she bore the taint of diablerie. He didn't know what she was by the point of her execution, but that would no doubt mean that she had produced a powerful childe. How powerful? If he had the time, he could divine his generation. But would it matter? He was looking at someone who could be a spanner in his works or a useful pawn. He would rather the childe be dead before he even had a chance to be the former, but the Prince just had to save face.

With those two facts, Strauss believed he had a pretty accurate working theory on the state of things. LaCroix was ignorant of Justine being a spy from the House Goratrix, and Justine's child, a potential fledgeling that is anomalously powerful, was loyal to LaCroix. Things were looking dire indeed, but he had to remain calm. He had to think. He knew he was smarter than LaCroix, and he knew he could outmaneuver him. He'd done so many times before, and without the foolish prince knowing to boot!

"Regent, we've reached the chantry." His driver said. "Is there anything more I can do for you, sir?"

"No, acolyte." Strauss said. "Thank you for your service tonight."

Maximilian exited the car and walked towards his chantry. It was a large, Victorian-style building with a colored windows. He walked through the halls, deliberately choosing the path that would lead him to his study, rather than the inner sanctum that wasn't open to outsiders. With a gesture, he opened his doors and took off his coat, hanging it on the nearby rack. He stared into his fire, deep in thought. How would he save his clan from this embarrassment? Such a thing getting out could potentially weaken the position of the Tremere, and the Camarilla as a whole in LA. He'd rather his sect not be torn down by xenophobic witch hunts for Sabbat spies, especially not one led by the demogogues in the Ventrue.

A knock on his door interrupted his thoughts.

"Enter." He commanded.

A figure came in, dressed in black pants, a black blouse, and a long, red coat over it with feathers along the collar and sleeves. Her hair was long and curly, and her skin might have been darker at some point, but was now an ash gray.

"Magister Kamala." Strauss greeted her.

"Regent." She said, bowing her head respectfully. "I have come to ask what came of the Prince's meeting? Had he found out…"

"No." The Regent said. "At least, I do not believe so. If he has, he is hiding it, and I don't see why he would."

She nodded. "What will we do about Justine's progeny?"

Strauss rubbed his chin, turning back to his hearth. The fire flickered and danced, reflecting against the red lenses of his glasses.

"What indeed?" He said. "I'd thought we should kill him...but I believe we should consult the Lord before we act any further."

Kamala nodded. "Of course, Regent."

Maximilian turned to her. "You seem troubled, Magister. Speak."

"Justine was...a talented Magister, and her passion for the Mysteries was unlike anything I'd ever seen before." Kamala said. "Very amiable. It is just unthinkable that she'd…"

"Turn on us?" Strauss asked.


"Mm...well, the pull of the forbidden blood sorceries and diablerie can be very tempting, Magister." Strauss. "The House Goratrix, traitors as they may be, are very cunning and intelligent, and worst of all, persuasive. We must be more zealous within our clan's ranks and recognize that, regardless of the character of the Acolyte, Apprentice, Magister, Regent, or even Lord, that all can be pulled into the Sabbat's machinations."

Kamala nodded. "Yes, Regent. Do you wish for me to gather the other Magisters?"

Maximilian nodded. "Yes. I will message Lord Godric."

Magisters Kamala, Wei, Samara, and Alejandro gathered in Strauss' study. Strauss had moved the furniture so they'd have enough space for a circle, which he created with ash. It was a simple one: a circle with a square within, then a five pointed star drawn within the square to focus the magical energy within the circle. Strauss, Kamala, Wei, Samara, and Alejandro each stood at a point on the star and held their hands out to the side.

They began chanting in another language, a tongue long dead to mankind. The fire in the hearth suddenly turned a ghostly blue, and the entire room went cold. Their chanting became louder and louder as it went on, and the fire moved like liquid through the air, dropping at the center of the pentacle and turning into a raging collar of flame. Now the flame was all kinds of colors: red, green, blue, white...the fire rose up to the sky and then died down, spreading into a ring of fire on the ground. The fire spread across the ash, igniting the circle. A ghostly light manifested in the center, forming and solidifying into a humanoid shape.

Lord Godric was much older than he looked. This was the case with most vampires, but with Godric, it was exaggerated. He couldn't have been older than seventeen or eighteen when he was first Embraced centuries ago. He was shorter than Strauss and lankier, with black hair that was slicked back. He wore the red robes of a Tremere Lord, along with a necklace with the clan's symbol on it. Godric stood with a dignified pose, his chin up, his presence absolutely regal, even though this was just a projection of his image.

"Regent Strauss." Godric greeted him. "Magisters Wei, Kamala, Samara, and Alejandro. Good evening."

"Good evening, Lord Godric." They all said in unison.

"Your Regent had messaged me earlier to tell me of a spy within our ranks." Godric said. "I've heard she has been dealt with."

Maximilian spoke up. "Yes, Lord. She had been executed by our prince."

Godric's expression darkened. "A traitor within the Tremere was executed by a Ventrue prince?"

Everyone was silent.

"Tell me everything." Lord Godric commanded.

The Regent told Godric everything. He told him about how she had the taint of diablerie in her aura, how she'd been seduced by the House Goratrix. As Godric listened to this story, his expression became more and more stony. By the time Strauss was done, his hard gaze was directed at the floor, almost as if he was trying to burn through it.

"Magisters," Godric said, "Leave us. Let me speak to the Regent privately."

The Magisters each looked at each other. Godric looked at Strauss.

"Now, if you please." Strauss ordered them.

Quickly, all of the magisters left their stations at each point of the circle and, one by one, they left the Regent in the study with his Lord. Strauss turned towards Godric, who very much looked unhappy.

"Strauss," He began. "I had charged you with the administration of this Chantry with faith that you would be able to guide the LA Camarilla into prominence, just as your colleagues in Seattle had done."

Strauss nodded. "Of course, Lord Godric."

"Do you know what's at stake here, Regent?"

Maximilian didn't answer.

"What's at stake, Regent, is our reputation." He continued. "If it gets out that there was a spy coming from our clan, and that a Ventrue Prince had executed her, then it is going to erode faith in our organization's ability to root out traitors. This will cause Tremere and other Kindred alike to lose faith in the Pyramid, which will lead to chaos in our ranks! In fact, this could lead to the weakening of the Camarilla in general. The Ventrue or the Toreador will seize control - and then what? We'll be subject to their suicidal whims?"

"I understand, Lord." Maximilian said. "I had considered all of this much earlier, believe me. The reason the Magisters and I had decided to call upon you is for advice and direction. We ask only your wisdom. What would you have us do?"

Godric rubbed his chin. He began to pace, never reaching the edge of the circle.

"You say Justine had the taint of diablerie in her aura?" He asked. "You have seen this yourself?"

Strauss nodded. "Yes. It would seem she had diablerized her sire."

Godric's expression darkened. Strauss had never seen him like this before. It was as if he'd seen a ghost, or something horrible happen right before her very eyes.

"Bad omens indeed." He muttered.

Strauss raised his eyebrow. "My Lord?"

"Speak not of this in front of the Magisters. This is not to go below your level at all, do you understand?" Godric asked.

Strauss nodded. "Of course."

"Our ability to blood bond...it is weakening." The Lord said. "It is not gone, no. But it is allowing Kindred below us to do things that shouldn't be possible. Apprentices are disobeying their Magisters. They are only minor acts of rebellion so far, but if what you say is true…"

Suddenly, Strauss felt cold. He hadn't felt cold in centuries.

"You understand the implications." Godric said matter-of-factly.

"Yes, my Lord." Strauss said.

Godric went back to pacing. "And LaCroix...you said that he doesn't know that Justine was an antitribu spy?"

Strauss shook his head. "No. Or else he would have announced it at the execution earlier this night. It would put him on the good side of a city already growing frustrated with his administration."

The Lord of the West Coast shook his head. "No, Regent. Think of the long game."

The Regent raised an eyebrow. "My Lord?"

"It's possible that he does know, and he wishes to use this knowledge as a bargaining chip." Godric said. "Perhaps he wishes to use it to twist your arm, force you to take a particular action."

Of course. Strauss thought. How could he be so stupid? That is a legitimate reason that LaCroix would keep his knowledge secret. The Prince was many things, but stupid wasn't one of them. He had always been hell-bent of ridding the city of the Anarchs, and he was even willing to ally with the likes of the Kuei-jin to do so. Of course, Strauss thought this was suicide, and refused to support such efforts. It wasn't as if he was overly fond of the Anarchs himself, but he could at least tolerate them more than he could tolerate the likes of the Sabbat or the Kuei-jin.

LaCroix was focused on destroying the Anarchs at any cost. So focused, in fact, that he had lost sight of anything else. The man was irrational. He knew that he couldn't get the support of the Camarilla on these efforts alone. Strauss himself was more well-liked in the organization, and few had even expressed their desire for him to be Prince. If LaCroix could get Strauss to support his efforts in allying the Kuei-jin, it would definitely be easier to get the rest of the Camarilla to support this effort. So how does he get Strauss to support an effort he is so vehemently against? He somehow gains dirt on the Tremere, which he knows that Strauss is fiercely loyal to above all else. He uses it as a bargaining chip to gain the Regent's support.

"Of course he would." Strauss said, sighing. "The Prince is positively mad. But this begs the question: why hadn't he come to me with this yet?"

"From what I understand, the situation within LA is unstable." Godric said. "You have all but eradicated the Orientals from your steppe, and any wrong move on the Prince's part can ignite another war. With that happening, and Justine's childe stepping into this mess, it had likely pushed the timetable back quite a bit."

Strauss nodded. "So it would seem. We have a little bit of time."

"Which is all we need." Godric said. "What of Justine's childe? What do you seek to do with him?"

"I had hoped to see what you would have me do." Strauss said. "My first instinct is to kill him. He is too much of a liability, a variable in this matter. Though I would have to arrange his death in a way that would undermine the Prince without implicating myself or my Chantry."

"No. Don't kill him." Godric said.

Strauss tilted his head. "My Lord?"

"He is a potential pawn in this game. The piece we need, actually." He said. "If we can influence his actions, he can be quite the spanner in Prince LaCroix's works. Right now, LaCroix must see himself as responsible for the Progeny's actions, which means he will closely be directing them. If we can get him on our side, he will be able to offer valuable insight on the Prince's actions. If you manage to dispose of the Prince, he will be a valuable pawn in the end."

"My Lord, if I may…" Strauss said. "What if he cannot see reason?"

Godric's eyebrow raised. "He is of our blood, is he not?"

"Yes, Lord Godric."

"Then he will see reason, Regent."

"Very well, Lord Godric."

"One more thing: how would the Prince have found out about Justine being a traitor? Is there anyone but you or the Magisters that know?"

Strauss couldn't think of a way LaCroix had found out. Not unless-

He clenched his fist. Hard. So hard that the leather in his gloves began to strain. Once again, he was livid. He had to take a moment to calm his thoughts.

"Grout." He growled. "That raving madman...it must have been him. There's no one else it could have possibly been."

Godric raised a hard look at Strauss. "You told an outsider of a problem within the Tremere?"

Strauss chose his next words very carefully. "Grout is a recluse. He no longer leaves his mansion, and as of late, nobody has seen him in years. I had made a deal with him that I will feed him knowledge of things within the Camarilla or the Tremere, and he will offer me insights that will help me steer the Camarilla away from the Prince's madness. I do know the risk involved in taking this action, but Grout had a positive disposition towards me, and his insight had allowed me to gain knowledge of the Prince's other crimes."

Lord Godric's lips pressed into a thin line. "Very well. You know what must be done."

The Regent nodded. "I will have Grout dealt with, my Lord."

Godric's previously tensed shoulders visibly relaxed. "Well, that is that. Is there anything more you'd like to discuss?"

Strauss nodded. "I assume you'd have me alert the Pontife-"

"No." Godric said sternly. "We will not alert the Pontifex, lest we risk bringing down her wrath upon the domain, or worse: the wrath of the Council. This matter will stay between us, and will be dealt with by you. Privately."

"Understood, Lord Godric." Strauss said. "That is all I wish to discuss."

Godric nodded, and his projection began to shimmer and fade.

"Remember, Regent, pay attention to the long game." He said as he disappeared, his voice lingering behind. "From what I understand, the Camarilla is potentially facing a war on three fronts. Do not be surprised if the Sabbat have a play as well."

And with that, the Lord of the West Coast was gone.

Strauss didn't get time to think before a knock came to the door.

"Enter." The Regent called out.

An apprentice came in with a manila folder full of files. He walked up to Strauss, and Strauss took it.

"These are the files you had requested, Regent." He said. "My Sire apologizes that he couldn't give it to you personally. He has an engagement in Hollywood to tend to, so he sent me in his stead."

"Very well, Apprentice." Strauss said as he opened his folder. It was a complete record on Justine's child, Algernon Blake. He was a writer, had three of his books published but they hadn't achieved too much in terms of property. Former gymnastics star in high school, great academic record, several odd jobs served over the last three years.

"Interesting…" He said. "Apprentice?"

The apprentice lowered his head. "Your bidding, Regent?"

"Contact my ghoul, Wanda." Strauss said. "Tell her to come meet me. I have a very important mission for her. You will find her in the Crystalline Apartments on Hall Street."

"Yes, Regent." And with that, the Apprentice left.

Strauss was finally left there with his thoughts. He looked at his now empty fireplace, gazing at the embers that glowed beneath the ash. He crossed his arms and frowned.

Long game, indeed. Strauss thought. Just what were you thinking, Justine?