
Vampires Tale: Immortals

Hey, I know it's been a long *ss time and there has been no updates on this novel. If you actually cared, I am truly sorry for that and supremely grateful that words I wrote managed to reach you. I started this novel as a 15 year old kid who thought he could make a better book than most on this platform. I wasn't prepared for it and was unable to figure out how to continue the story in the way I wanted. So this is officially the end of vampires tale: immortals as short as it was. However, a year later I feel prepared to embark on a new adventure, a second chance. On June 1st I will be releasing a new book called 'DRAGONS DYNASTY'!!! I am truly excited for this book and have been planning it for the last 3 months and recently started writing it. However to make sure it's a high standard novel, I won't be publishing until June 1st. This book is guaranteed to be at least 10 times better than VTI, you have my word! Love you all, and see you there!!!

KIngii_ · Fantasy
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122 Chs

Lifeforce Energy!!

As Dante and Marcellus entered his cell, Marcellus felt claustrophobic all of the sudden.

The room was very small, having a twin sized bed, a small corner desk that looked to barely be able to fit a piece of paper, and a bathroom with a stone bottom that accompanied a showerhead.

The Bath room had nothing to separate the rest of the room besides a wooden sliding door. In truth, it was all that bad, just small.

Marcellus sat on the bed while Dante pulled out the small chair for the desk and looked Marcellus in the eyes.

"Since it is my responsibility to get you acquiesced, I'll start with the important stuff first" Dante sighed, as he really didn't want to be the one to do this.

'The kid is missing so much information, this is going to take forever' thought Dante as Marcellus nodded his head in acceptance.