

Prologue 200 Years Later 200 Years ago there was a kingdom called Vampires kingdom in this kingdom they worshipped an idol, they are all Vampires in this kingdom and that's the reason, why they call thier idol Vampires Idol . Later, one of the humans living on earth got to that there is a place called Vampires kingdom and since then he had it in mind that he is going to destroy every one of them. He (Smith Washington) contested for Presidential post, subsequently,he was the one with the highest votes, with that been said we all know that he is the president . Later he found a way of destroying the vampire kingdom and the only way is to steal their idol,he stole the idol and kept it in his house. The Vampires grew wild and started killing themselves, but admist of everything Freddie Greenwell managed to escape. He left his kingdom and went to earth with the mission of destroying those who destroyed them Authoress : I hope you all like it,am still learning not yet good at writing stories. Thank you

Mojoyinoluwa · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Hi guys can I join you Alice said holding a plate of rice yeah, you can Freddie replied with a smirk oh your voice is so sweet to hear Freddie, Alice said with a smile thanks for the complement Freddie said looking at Henry is that your twin sister Freddie asked looking at Amber who was busy eating her food alone yeah that my grumpy twin sister Alice said eating her food why aren't you using the same necklace she is using , I mean it will look good on you more than her Freddie muttered oh, that necklace actually it not for her it belongs to the Idol in our house, she fell yesterday and the idol fell on her chest and also the necklace around the idol's neck and since then she was unable to remove it Alice answered sorry to ask but idol , do you guys worship Idol Henry asked nope we do not worship an idol it just an idol that my dad calls Vampires idol Alice answered again smiling at Freddie who was busy looking at Henry ummmm Freddie can you come to our house tomorrow it my dad's birthday and we will be having a party so will you please come Alice said in a begging tone sure , but when Freddie asked 9:30am Alice said in an exciting tone okay be expecting us Henry said standing up

Closing Hour

Amber, Amber, Amber wait Matthew shouted are you okay Amber said looking at Matthew who is breathing heavily because of the run do you need some water , take have it she said giving him some water he gulped the water down and said thank you so tell me why are you calling me Amber asked ummm Amber won't you mind having a lunch with you this afternoon Matthew said looking at the floor am kinda busy this afternoon and I don't think I will be able to have a lunch with you but won't you mind coming to our house and help us in the preparation of my dad's birthday party Amber said raising her eyebrows umm sure why won't I okay, good see you later Matthew said leaving

Henry's House

Am tired already why don't you let me rest for some minutes before training Henry said sitting down on the chair hey dude you are not doing anything you are just reading some stupid ancient novels which can can not help us Henry said with a sigh do you think i will just be sitting here reading some ancient novels look here I have my reason for reading it Freddie said so tell what have you learnt Henry said with a smirk look here boy am not joking , you know this girl called Amber I found out something about her, I think she is an Heavenly Angel Freddie said flipping the book he is holding what do you just called her heavenly what Freddie you know some times you make me laugh with your sily trick, look here if you are just pulling my legs is better you stop now and when do you start pulling tricks Henry said playing with his fingers am not joking Henry according to what have seen and read, it clearly shows that she is an Heavenly Angel because she act exactly like them every heavenly angel has the key to the Vampires idol necklace and also has this star mark on their foreheads predict the future, direct people through their minds, they must not be angry or else you know what will happen and also get nose bleed on their birthdays Freddie said with a serious look on his face you're right the last time she got angry it was like she was controlling the wind which blew to the extent that it carryed the girl she was angry with if not that she faint that day that girl she was angry with would have died and I also remember that day that her twin sister invited me to birthday Amber's birthday she was bleeding badly that she finished a roll of tissue paper just because she was trying to clean the blood coming out of her nose Henry commented but the most surprising thing is that the both of them are not celebrating their birthdays on the same day Henry said collecting the book from Freddie maybe they are not real twin Freddie suggested why don't we change the topic because am already scared of Amber i don't even think i will be able to go to thier house their house tomorrow Henry said what do you mean by that, you are going with me because we will need to confirm that she is truly an heavenly Angel, okay Freddie said

Mr Smith's House


Thanks for helping us in the preparation of the birthday party Mrs Smith ( Felicia) said smiling it nothing I just honoured Amber's invitation Matthew said looking at Amber who was focused on the food she was eating Mum you won't believe this , I asked the new boy in my school to come to dad's birthday party and he said he is coming Alice said smiling immediately she said that Amber looked at Alice what Amber screamed what the hell is wrong with you Alice said giving her a look

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