

Rael, a teenager killed due to excessive bullying wakes up as a vampire. In a world full of magic his life starts fresh. With looming evil in the distant horizon what will Rael face in his adventures? Join him in his action packed new life! . . . Will be updated atleast once a week. . Enjoy the story :^

frostfall · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Episode #3

My head is throbbing as I open my eyes only to find darkness. My arms are numb from a freezing cold, I try to move but my arms and legs are bound by chains. Even a heavy collar around my neck. The clinking of the chains echo around me.

I feel around the collar and feel a lock, the collar is heavy because all of the chains that are on my are also connected to it. One key could take all these chains off. The chains clink again and echoes surround me.

'Am I inside some kind of dungeon?'

A brief memory flashes through my mind.

A cold, wet darkness and throbbing pain. My arm feels broken and my eyes are swollen to the point where I can't see. It's hard to breathe because I'm choking in my own blood. I lose the ability to breathe and panic, I can only grunt as no sound can come out of my mouth due to the blood. I don't hear anyone around me because my ears are ringing.

A scream breaks me out of my memory.

My scream.

My scream echoes loudly around me, slowly fading away into nothingness.

I take a deep breathe to calm myself. 'Seriously...who am I and what happened to me?'

I hear footsteps coming towards me in the distance, and faint talking.

As the footsteps get closer I recognize one of the voices...Everich. As he and a man dressed in a mask come to view he smiles. "You know you're incredibly gullible you know that?" He snickers to himself.

I glare at him, "Fuck off."

He ignored my insult and glances towarss the man in the mask. "So how much? Any lower than 5,000 then there's no deal."

The man in the mask stares at me. "Hmm, since you're a returning seller and got him young I'll give you 6,000." The man raises his hand as a bright blue circle appears, a big bag comes out of the circle and clinks to the floor. "It's all there, now leave me be, I'll find myself a good buyer."

Everich nods his head a scurried off without another word.

The man with the mask is still staring at me. "Behave yourself or I'll fucking kill you."

A wave of terror comes over me, everything in my body is telling me to listen to this man or I'll die.

I slowly nod and he chuckles to himself as he walks away.



Days pass, I eat the bare minimum and my body is constantly numb, It hurts to breathe in the cold air, it almost feels like winter, like I'm laying in snow with no clothes on.

I'm stuck in a cell and am still chained so I can't get near the bars. The freezing cold is so excruciatingly painful that I occasionally scream out in pain just because my fingers twitch.

I start to learn that moving at all is a bad idea. The man starts coming into the cage to feed me himself. Knowing full well I won't try to do anything to him.

The man in the mask comes every now and again to toy with me. He splashes cold water on me eats food in front of me, and sets blankets just out of my reach.

I'm constantly stuck in my thoughts. Before I always wondered why I could eat regular food and why eating meat soothes my thirst for blood. Now though, I wonder when I'll get the chance to die.

Eventually though, after about two weeks of hell, he brings in someone. A middle aged couple with incredibly fancy clothes.

I barely acknowledge them, only seeing their pleased faces and hearing the masked mans eagerness to get money.

The masked man opens the cell door and puts a key in my collar and unlocks it. He grabs some of the chains and flings them off me. I...however, don't move at all.

He grabs my arm and yanks me up and I scream in pain. His fingers grip my arm tightly, I feel like ice. I feel like I could shatter any minute under the mans steel grip. He shoves a rag into my mouth but I continue to yell into it.

The pain is unbelievable, I feel like my body is being ripped in pieces.

He continues to drag me out of the building and outside into the...'sun?' and into a cage that's being held behind a carriage. The couples carriage, I was being sold as a slave.

They give him a bag that was two times as big as the one he gave Everich. He laughs to himself as he walks back inside the building.

People stare at me, not saying a thing. Not even trying to help me.

The couple got into the carriage and the carriage starts to move.

As I look around I recognize the street I'm on as one we went through when I was 'meeting' Everich's father.

I try to look up to see the castle but I don't want to move. A sudden wave of sleepiness washes over me and I fall unconscious.