
Flawed Prejudice

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"Now then, let's see if your taste in weapons is as weird, and esoteric as your taste in women... comrade."

Olga commented as she looked at Merciless, who was giving her a very amused expression at the time. As he grinned to himself and replied, of course, he returned a rather flirty comment with dark humor attached to it.

"Hehehe... my taste is my desire for a strong woman; if there is a weapon as alluring as you, but not as equally chaotic as your nature, I don't want it." But if there's a weapon that can satisfy my... (licks lips)... well, heheh... desire for violence and slaughter. Then all I have to say is that it had to be the work of a crazed homicidal madman, don't you think?"

"... Well, you know, my little Merciless young master... we insane folks, on the other hand, are on the same wavelength. Who knows, maybe you'll find the perfect weapon to satisfy your fuckup fetish, comrade."

Olga responded immediately in an equally flirtatious manner, and they both laughed at each other's responses by the end of it as if it were the most natural thing to do.

"Pffttt hahaha... I swear, Merciless, if you're this naturally chaotic, I can already see the Vadicans freaking out about how they'll deal with you in the future." Hehe... It'd be quite a spectacle to see them horribly repulsed and equally frustrated."

"Well, I believe that after my training with the elders, I will come into contact with them... eventually." But I honestly can't wait. Why? Well, I can't wait to torture them and slowly corrode them; the fact that they are believers is sufficient enough for me to send them to their so-called God."

Merciless spoke in a calm and casual tone, licking his lips in sadistic enjoyment, which was becoming more of a terrible habit for him at this point. Olga, on the other hand, observed him via her own distinct senses and responded accordingly.

"You know Merciless after you become an elder in the next 300 years, and if we are a couple by then given the fact you've finished the trials I've set for you." Let us spend our honeymoon murdering a slew of high-ranking slayers of the Khatolic church to celebrate our union. That is, if you are actually interested in me, and your way of courting this sadistic blind mommy isn't just a child's game."

Olga responded in a sensual but equally teasing tone, as if the prospect of slaying the Vatican satisfied her in more ways than one. An emotion he could wholeheartedly concur with was one that brought him enormous delight.

As a result, his response was as follows:

"I suppose we can agree on... that." After all, destroying, killing, or simply disregarding anything that smells holy or divine in the slightest is kind of my thing. And someone who understands it is even more appealing... thus, when I finish the mission assigned to me, we will cruise until every holy light is gone, plunging all religious faith into darkness. Man will be reduced to the status of our pets, entertainment, and, most crucially, our food. After all, we can't live without the sustenance we need."

"Me, oh my, you are just naturally evil, aint you comrade, reminds me of myself in my younger days when I used to treat all humans as nothing more than amusing pawns... well, they still are, but nevertheless, we do need humans to survive, and as such, it's not uncommon to make humans farms. And raise them to suit our taste; for instance, my acquired taste is the blood of those who are dead. As such, I can raise them in normal space without doing anything grand to season them to my liking; as such, I only have to kill them for them to be suitable to my taste."

"Hmmm... human farm ha... that would be a good idea to boost one of our fellow kin's power, myself included by great means, although for me to make my own farm, I first need to find out what my acquired taste is."

"Agh, don't be too concerned." It doesn't take us long to figure out what our acquired taste is. There will come a time when you will smell something so delectable that your inner hunger will overpower your logic. You see, when a vampire smells their acquired taste for the first time, it's like entering a plane of new existence that shows you a perspective unique only to you, and the power you get when you devour someone of your taste will increase your overall strength by two times, but this also means you'd have to eat twice as much as before in order to feel an increase in power."

Olga stated, passing on even more of her knowledge to Merciless, who was taking up every new piece of information about the vampire world he could get his hands on.

"I'll keep that in mind, Olga, and hopefully the day will come when I can truly experience that so-called plane of unique perspective that can overpower my logic and reasoning the first time I smell it." Was it the same feeling I had when I ate that human woman yesterday? Hmmhhh... I may not remember much, but I am confident when I say she didn't taste so wonderful that I felt like I transcended my sense of self to the point that only I could completely understand."

Merciless said, and Olga responded in kind.

"If that is the case, then that woman is not a "Acquired" comrade; she is something a little rarer, and a hundred times more beneficial in terms of blood pleasure." That woman you ate is an unusual type that only appears in 1 among 10,000 humans. She is what we vampires term an "Esteemed," which is a bit of a waste as they can be very useful in the short and long run. Because we vampires could raise their chosen esteem as blood banks in the hopes they transcend their humanity to potentially become what is known as an Aposthe."

When Merciless heard this, he became even more perplexed, tilting his head sideways, his palm supporting his chin as he was completely bewildered. As a result, he began to question Olga about the terminology she used.

"Hmmm~~ Esteemed... Bloodbank... Aposthe... sorry I don't follow."

"*Sigh!*, Well, I can't blame you because you're new to this, comrade, but I'll keep it simple. So an esteemed human is a human being who has the potential to awaken a supernatural skill that vampires refer to as the liberty, witches refer to as the gifts, and demons refer to as the birthright. Each faction has its own name for it, but it all boils down to the same thing. Normally, these humans are superior to conventional humans, and as such, they taste better, fully awakened or not. The objective is that if they have the potential, they can one day become an Aposthe, which is essentially a vampire right hand. An Aposthe is dangerous in that their powers can be difficult, if not unfair, to deal with, as the majority of them are conditional in all ways, making them irregular by nature. If a vampire is accompanied by an Aposthe, the vampire is regarded as a unique threat to the church, and the Aposthe is viewed with the same hatred as their master. Overall, Aposthe blood smells so nice that it's difficult not to want to drink it as soon as a single drop is revealed. And that girl was either an Aposthe or had the potential to be one; as such, being a blood bank means someone from whom a vampire exclusively sucks from in order to satisfy their master's hunger or cravings in any way their master deems fit."

Olga mentioned; Merciless, on the other hand, nodded his head, indicating that he comprehended all Olga said. As a result, he responded with little care for his entire action, although he was clearly, if not a small bit regretful for his impetuous reaction at the moment, as he remarked.

"Oh, that human woman was truly that useful, that is just terribly sad. To think she could have been useful to me is just tragic. If I had known better, I would have fought my cravings and I could have ended up with a cute little pet that I would keep by my side at all times. Well, what's done is done, even if it's a bit of a waste when you think about it, *sigh*, note to self Merciless, the next time you see an Esteemed or an Aposthe female, show some patience in capturing her and taming her, and if she does not come voluntarily, heheh... I've always wanted a pet rabbit, so I'm going to dress her up in a charming and seductive bunny girl suit and make her dance on my pole inside my room for my entertainment."

Merciless said in a calm voice and with a regular smile on his face nevertheless as if it were the most normal thing to say. Olga, on the other hand, simply chuckled at his inner thoughts as she approached him, clapped him on the back, and muttered.

"I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to look for a beautiful one and experiment even. Though all we've been doing is talking about terminology for the past five minutes." Come on, comrade, let me show you our armory consisting of many one-of-a-kind formidable weapons; I'm sure you'll be impressed by the collection we've amassed over the years."

Olga said this as she walked inside the room, shining a dull red; and the instant she did, Merciless followed behind her, and when he entered the room, holding all the weapons, he was shocked to see what lay before his very eyes.

Sector-17 was, by default, a small little hamlet with an extremely long hall, but the minute Olga opened the door leading to the toy box housing supernatural weapons, he was astounded to see what was before him. The space was gigantic, and the dull light within made him feel weak; it was as if the light in this room entirely sealed off one's power without question. Merciless honestly felt like a human again, but looking at Olga, she was fine, and it did not appear that the light affected her at all.

Olga, as she indicated, began to describe what this light is.

"You must be feeling extremely weak all of a sudden, right? Don't worry it's not harmful, this light affects only those that are not its creator and me, the administrator of Sector-17." To explain the sudden weakness and loss of vampiric power, or any power at all. This light is coming from a gemstone known as the Scarlet glare, which was produced by Lord 7th himself using his Ichormancy to preserve the toybox's most sacred weapons. It will also notify him or me if an intruder is detected once under the light and if any intruders are detected at all. The entire area will be sealed off, and I will be forcibly transferred here with the intruder locked inside with me, who will have no powers once exposed to the Scarlet glare due to its reality anchoring, and normality inducement effects that it naturally implies upon those under its light. Of course, this is Sector-17's final line of defense, and anyone dumb enough to enter here faces death."

The moment Merciless heard this his response was as follows:

"Ha... men, this place is beyond safe at this point; first, the gods cannot enter due to the twelve hands, and even if someone does manage to enter the toy box, their power will be erased once under this light." Sincerely, I'm beginning to wonder how Dulce managed to steal The Sword of Darwin right under Lord's seventh nose."

"... Oh, the phantom thief in the night, or whatever the fuck she calls herself. To be honest with you, Merciless, nobody would be crazy enough to steal from the seventh progenitor in the first place. Of course, the Scarlet glare resulted from Dulce's shenanigans. You see, The Sword of Darwin was kept within Lord Seventh Shadow at all times. A shadow is basically someone's own object, thus each person's shadow is their territory, and even a shadow nymph shouldn't be able to enter someone else's shadow. But Dulce is different; for some reason, she has the ability to move inside forbidden shadows; to Dulce, a shadow is a door she may enter as long as she walks over it. To be honest, a shadow nymph is already difficult to capture, let alone confine, but that woman has one flaw. And that flaw is the fact that she can't move around via her shadow if you're looking at her. Normally, this is not a vulnerability of the shadow nymph race, but Dulce is an outlier."

Olga said to Merciless, prompting him to respond.

"And how do you know all of this, just curious?"

However, Olga's response made Merciless realize exactly how powerful this woman is.

"Oh... heheh... I never told you what my Ichor was, did I? Well, it's not a secret to the elders, but my Ichor is a power I call Flawed Prejudice, it's a condition type Ichor, but this one-of-a-kind power of mine has helped me in many ways in the past and in the present. You see, if I simply dislike your scent, or if I dislike you outright, Flawed Prejudice will activate, and with it, I will be able to see all of your powers, as well as the weaknesses that come with them. As a result, my body will adapt to a decent degree of alteration in order for me to defeat you. For example, that mongrel mutt of yours can cut through boundaries, but it lacks weakness to take advantage of.... so from the minute I noticed his power, my body adapted to detect three seconds into the future when I am fighting him so I can dodge his attack before it even happens."

"Tha~~thats fricking busted as hell, so did you adapt me as well?"

"Well, comrade, you are fortunate." I liked your aroma the moment I smelled it, and your free-spirited demeanor made me enjoy your way of thinking even more, so no! I didn't adapt to you, and I'm not familiar with your powers outside of the standard vampiric abilities that everyone has. That is why I despise traitors; most of the time, when I am caught off guard, it is someone I trust who betrays me and makes use of this gift of mine to essentially fuck me over. Because once I like you the first time I meet you, I can't adapt to you the second time I see you. It was a one-time thing, essentially I lost my sight because of a traitor, and these scars and burn marks are the result of a traitor as such the moment I accepted you as someone I like, the moment you became someone with the means to go head to head with me, rendering my power useless, and allowing me to fight you on equal footing through different methods if possible."

This was Olga Ichor, and it was a tremendously powerful ability to have, but it was also a cursed ability to wield because every scar or unhealable wound she received was caused by someone she previously trusted, and it must have hurt a lot to be deceived more than once.

It was certainly surprising, but before Merciless could say anything else, Olga simply replied as such.

"But anyways comrade, don't worry about it; after all, every scar I've received is proof of how many traitors I've personally killed in the most heinous way imaginable." In any case, let me tour you around and give you a detailed description of the weaponry we have on hand; I'll even propose some of my own favorites."

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