
Chapter 1:where it all begins

Hi my name is Alexis and I'm going to tell u how I met my boyfriend's shall I be more specific,my vampire boyfriend's.I was on my way home from school and I felt like someone was following me so i started to walk faster and faster till I got to a forest I thought to my self there's no other way I turned around to see a a very tall young man standing right in front of me he smirked.I saw he was covered in blood I turned back around and started to run faster and faster I thought to myself i am gonna live,then I closed my eyes as I ran and bamm!!!! I bumped into a very tall man also covered in blood I screamed for help I started to slowly scoot myself backwards then I bumped into a tree the two young men walked closer.I said please don't hurt me as I started to beg,the they giggle . I started to get dizzy I tried to stand but fell back down the men came closer and it all when black.