
What The Hell Is A Karaoke?


The highly technological "futuristic" city of this spaceship was indeed quite entertaining to see. Big artificial lights everywhere, flying cars carrying people. Enormous buildings with holographic projections over them, and also a lot of people. Although because everyone was just a citizen, there weren't unruly thugs and the like, every citizen was moderated by the ship, even though that sounds really oppressive.

Though not as much, there were still street vendors screaming in the streets, large robots singing and advertising their shops, and also people selling things in the streets on small floating cars and with robots helping them. Citizens earned their credits in all sorts of ways I suppose…

"I'm glad you decided to come to the city for a change!" said Henriette. "Being stuck in the area where the robots are stored or the cafeteria all the time is not good for your health. You should entertain yourself from time to time."