
A new friend

I was still deep asleep when the sunlight found its way through the heavy lined curtains and started kissing my skin which was as smooth as silk, almost like a porcelain doll.The loud obnoxious alarm woke me up.

"Sausage" I murmured softly.Love waking up to the smell of sausages in the morning.I squinted my eyes as I got up, feeling all groggy and tired, then combed my hair with my fingers.My hair was so rough.I packed my hair casually and pulled my slim body up and got off the bed.I suddenly tripped over the empty bottle of pepsi which have been on the floor for weeks.Oops....I was on the floor.

"Ouch!!" I screamed in pain.My butts hurt badly.I placed my hands on the floor and looked around the room with an embryonic frown on my face.

Gosh! the room was extravagantly messy and I was too lazy to tidy it.I got up, massaging my butts.I turned my gaze to the wall clock which indicated 7 O'clock.My eyes widened with my mouth opened to see that time has gone and I have to get ready on time to catch the school bus and believe me you're so lucky you're not me because if you were, you would have a dozen of math assignment that is undone which literarily means 'Dentention'

I attend Madison college and believe me that's not a place you'd want to be on a monday morning when all teachers are so angry about the fact that they would have to be with annoying kids for the week.

College alone is the hardest part of any teenager's life.I began college thinking that it was exactly like I had learned about through Hollywood movies, there was the nerd who was always mad fun of for his brain, the bully who would push the 'nerds' around and steal their lunch money, the jock who was good at every sport which the girls drooled over, and lastly the genius girl whom every other girl wished to be but it was more than that.School was absolute hell, it couldn't have been any worse! waking up early in the morning and going to a place I don't like half of the people, just doesn't get me excited.I would rather stay at home and take a nap but that doesn't seem like an option.

Like my plate wasn't overflowing already with a chemistry teacher who called me 'Crash' a name I acquired after dropping a beaker during our first lab or a sassy History teacher who said I didn't have the aptitude for the subject, or French teacher who flirted with the class and laughed at her own jokes.Ridiculous right?.

I wasn't the brainy type but one thing I could brag about was my beauty which got miss popularity's eyes on me.Becky was miss genius in school and would spend quality time making other students life miserable as hell with the help of her two other friends.They were called the '3 mean' She's got the beauty, brain and was rich which made her very sassy.Having enormous salivating dogs begging,whimpering, pawing for her attention added to the sassy behavior because everybody bowed down to her desires.

Having the beauty made me Becky's prey.She tried her possible best to make school hours miserable for me.Maybe she was scared to loose miss popularity crown to me as if I cared.I hate attention in school because it might become a weapon for other kids to use against you and you would be forced to be the perfect person they want you to be.All I wanted was to get my grades up like I promised my Mom and graduate from college.

"I'll love to see my cutie pie in graduation gown one day" She had said and I have been trying to avoid trouble in school but Becky was really itching on my nerves, plus tedious school works that changed my lunchtime routine from eating sandwiches all day on the couch after school to lunch at Katy's, chocolate frosty in my right hand and my left hand a pen doing home work.I spent more time playing snake on my graphing calculator than reviewing integrals.

Every teenage girl in school would spend the weekend painting their nails, going for shopping and most importantly gossiping about their sweaty pant boyfriends but I was single like number one although I had some secretly crushing and some obviously flirting with me anytime they get a chance but I was waiting for that alien, you can say am following 'Daya's rule' ( That guy who is down for the chase).

***Back to the present***

I rushed into the toilet and did a 5 minutes bathing unlike a normal day when I spend almost an hour in the shower.

I came out with towel around my curvy body and water dripping on the floor as I stood in front of the mirror, admiring myself.I had blonde wavy hair which rained upon the field of my silky smooth skin on my neck.My cheeks were rosy pink and had light freckles on my nose and eyes.My lips were pink and under my incredible lashes came hazel eyes.

I transformed into school uniform which was a black short skirt that revealed my attractive slender legs and blue long sleeve shirt.I got my long hair off my face with a pair of beautiful French braids.I love this hairstyle because it let me get things done easily and makes me look like a blonde Kardashian.I twirled in perfume and grabbed my backpack, ready to leave then came back and stared at myself in the mirror one more time.I noticed my lips were dry then I dug into the drawers but I couldn't find any lipgloss.

"Jade you're not going to a fashion show!" I scolded myself when the frame of Dad on the wall suddenly caught my attention as I smiled.

"Don't scold me today  because I woke up early today Dad" I said, getting emotional as few drops of tears fell on my cheeks and slides down my lips.

"I miss you Dad" I murmured sadly.

"Don't you wanna give me ice cream and cheese money today?" I continued.

"JADE!!!" My Mom shouted from downstairs, interrupting my sober thoughts.

"Hope you're getting ready?" She added knowing how lazy I could be.I breathed in deeply, cleared my throat and answered with a loud voice.

"Am ready Mom."

I went downstairs and walked straight to the kitchen, hugging my Mom from behind and glueing a kiss on her cheeks as she smiled.

"Good morning Mom" I greeted.

"How was your night Honey?" She turned to look at me.

"Fantastic!" I bursted out, picking one of the sausages she made.

___Joon-Woo's place___

Joon-Woo stood in front of the mirror for a long time, staring at his pale skin and golden eyes.He wasn't sure if he was staring at himself or the other version of him who seemed to be a monster after the incident that happened yesterday.


The street was empty as I walked with my hands dipped into my sweater pocket when I suddenly heard an eerie sound from the dark corner which made my heart to skip in fear as the sound also scared the birds away but I was still there because hmmmm...I didn't have feathers to fly away like the birds.

"Who's there?" I asked, I on the flashlight on my phone and walked into the dark corner curiously.I looked around but I didn't see anyone when my phone suddenly shutdown, leaving me in total darkness that made me shiver in fear.I suddenly heard foot steps behind me and quickly turned but I only saw a shadow, a figure.I couldn't see his face and before I knew it, his sharp teeth sank into my neck.I screamed in pain as he sucked my blood and incredible identity away.I thought I was going to die as the vampire drained all the blood in me.