

Aishat_Abiodun_3890 · Fantasy
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M and D bakery


The cool winter breeze blew softly as tiny drops of snow danced around as they fell from the night sky.It already was 6.00 in the evening and businessmen and women filled the bright street of Hibiscus returning to their various homes,there was a slow traffic and the street of Hibiscus bustled with beautiful lights,the whole street was decorated with ornaments of All sorts of colours which were mostly red, yellow, green and white.

It was two days to Christmas and every family prepared for Christmas Eve which was the next day,as it is a tradition for every family to have a nice feast with their loved ones on Christmas Eve.Trees of all sorts of shapes and sizes were decorated around the street with beautiful stars and orbs with light necklaces.


At a far corner in Hibiscus,a particular bakery could be seen bustling with life,it's beautiful light rays shined brightly, beautifying the street even more, different people entered the bakery,and immediately someone leaves, another enters.

"wow! today really is busy"a beautiful brown eyed and thick brown haired young lady said while wiping the beads of sweat that formed on her forehead away.

"it is isn't it"a beautiful middle aged woman with thick wavy brown hair said with a weak smile plastered on her beautiful face,she was busy chopping oranges on her chopping block,her ocean blue eyes kept glancing at her daughter Daisy who was busy with mixing another batch of cake batter.

Daisy looked over the counter and used her eyes to access the remaining customers.few customers lined up in front of the counter placing their orders, while some were seated on their various table chatting happily with their family or friends over desert.

"mummy, mummy!I want some vanilla ice cream"a young girl ran into the bakery while dragging her mum by the hem of her dress."it's ok lily I'm gonna buy you as many ice cream as you want"here mum said patting her on the head gently,she made her way to the counter and ordered three scoops of vanilla ice cream for her daughter and a strawberry milkshake for herself."Awwwn! aren't you a cute little pumpkin", Daisy said after handing over the ice cream to the little girl,she cupped the girls cheeks and asked for her name,"my name is lily "the little girl answered, before stuffing her face with ice cream."that's a lovely name,so lily you get a lovely doll for being so adorable "Daisy handed a fine barbie doll to lily."thank you very much "lily's mum thanked as she payed for their orders before making their way out of the bakery.


The sky darkened even more,and beautiful stars filled the night sky,the half moon shinned brightly as the stars twinkled in the sky like bright diamonds.

"and that is the last customers for today ", Daisy sighed with a faint smile plastered on her beautiful face,she proceeded to take off her apron and hair net before turning to gaze at her mum who was also fixing her messy hair, Daisy ran to the door which had a bell attached to it letting them know if a customer walks ,she turned the sign over indicating that they are closed for the day . Another sigh left her lips before she turned around to gaze at her mum who was clad in a knee length blue stripy gown and a white sandal,her thick brown hair packed into a neat ponytail."shall we?"her mum asked while she walked towards the door with her car keys in hand, Daisy nodded with a faint smile,and they both made their way out of their bakery.The large sign on top of the bakery was the only light they left on,it had the letters M AND D imprinted on it signifying Daisy and her mum named Maya . They sauntered into a cream colored car ,and Maya zoomed off after reversing carefully.