
Capture the live ones

Helen gently narrowed her eyes, a faint silver cold light flickering in the dimness. Her gaze was deep and icy as she said, "Just based on you?"

"Of course not. There is also the future of all vampires and vampire clans." Brandon stepped aside to make way.

Behind Brandon, on the shady path leading to the chicken farm, a grand shower of tree leaves suddenly began. Three teenagers hid under black cloaks and descended from the sky onto the lush green leaves, making a rustling sound. The road was covered with leaves, soft and yielding when stepped upon.

Helen furrowed her brows slightly and recited the names of the three boys: "Richard, Mark, Jeffrey?"

In Helen's memory, a thousand years ago, these three individuals had once followed Carlos and presented her with a generous gift. The three were Carlos' personal servants bound by blood oath, and their master-servant relationship had long existed.

But at this time, shouldn't they be guarding Carlos? Have they perhaps betrayed and secretly terminated the master-servant contract?

Brandon lowered his head, his lips wrinkled and turned upwards, with a gentle and humble attitude. He said, "Queen Helen, besides these three attendants, many people familiar to you have also come to welcome your return to the vampire family."

As soon as his words fell, the forest stirred with a mottled and vibrant play of light and shadow. Countless rays of light shone through the gaps in the leaves, forming irregular beams. Above those beams, dark shadows trod on branches, whistling past with a chilling gust of wind, instantly causing a commotion.

The members of the vampire family smelled Helen's scent and rushed over crazily, disregarding the intense sunlight as they draped themselves in black cloaks.

" Sasha, Laura, Katie?" Camila looked at the three black-clad girls who appeared first, her expression clearly showing surprise and disbelief. "You actually followed Brand?"

The three girls in black clothes had cold expressions and unfamiliar gazes. They didn't respond at all and walked up to Brandon. Respectfully, they said, "Lord Brandon, we have arrived."

"My dear children, you have worked hard." Brandon tried his best to display his kindness in front of the three girls.

Helen's cold eyes glanced lightly, a slight chill appearing between her eyebrows, and a deep resentment filled her eyes as she said, "Brandon, did you drug them?"

Thousand years ago, these servants formed contracts with Carlos and Helen respectively, becoming their loyal attendants. If the contracts are forcibly broken, the servants may suffer minor injuries or even lose their lives instantly. And their masters will definitely sense it.

However, Helen currently does not feel any discomfort.

Therefore, the only reason why these servants would ignore Helen is that Brandon has somehow controlled them using some means.

Brendan smiled and did not answer, waving his hand to let the girls stand behind him. When all the vampires arrived one after another, surrounding the entire chicken farm and leaving no way out. He slowly spoke, seemingly with a serious tone, "My esteemed vampire queen, for your safety's sake, I hope you will stop being stubborn and come back home with us."

Camilla protected Helen and retreated into the yard of the chicken farm, saying, "Going back with you or being caught by you, is there any difference? It's all the same thing."

"Camilla, you're wrong to say that. Come back with us, at least you can avoid physical suffering and suffer less, right?" Brandon raised his hand, signaling all the vampires to gather inside the courtyard.

Helen spoke softly and with a low tone, saying, "It seems that there is nothing more to discuss."

"If you'd like, how about I treat you to a drink?" Brandon's smile on his face is always respectful and polite.

Camilla coldly snorted and decisively refused, "Forget it. It is said that people's hearts are inscrutable, and you perfectly embody the description of having a human face but a beastly heart!"

"You..." Brandon's face showed several muscles twitching. It was a clear sign of anger, like the calm before a storm.

Brandon pretended to be calm and maintained a polite demeanor, saying, "Camilla the warrior, I advise you not to resist. Otherwise, it would not be good for the esteemed Queen."

The vampires outside the chicken farm are getting closer, and several of them have already climbed into the yard along the wall, blocking the escape route at the back of the courtyard.

Helen and Camilla were forced to hide in the chicken coop. They looked at each other and turned around simultaneously, instinctively crawling inside.

Brandon no longer had patience, and he ordered, "Attack and capture them alive."

The vampires received the command and immediately revealed a fierce face, showing sharp teeth. The thin figures hidden under black cloaks swiftly swooped towards the chicken coop and disappeared in an instant.

In the chicken coop, the chicks were startled and immediately became agitated. Some lower-level vampires, extremely hungry, caught hold of a chick and bit its neck in one gulp, greedily feasting on it.

The little chicken flapped its wings and struggled for a moment, but soon turned into a lifeless puppet corpse, motionless. Other lower-level vampires saw this bloody scene and one by one crawled into the chicken coop to drink blood.

The chicken farm is very chaotic, with vampires running around everywhere and small chickens desperately trying to escape. The air is filled with a strong smell of blood.

Outside the chicken coop, Brandon's face looked unpleasant and his hands hidden in his sleeves were trembling constantly. These fools actually went to catch chickens.


Camilla hid behind a half-height feed barrel, cautiously peering out and said, "Helen, they are about to lose control. Shouldn't we leave?"

Helen emerged from the straw with a head full of grass leaves, reached out and grabbed a vampire that was rushing towards her, ruthlessly snapped his neck, and said, "Wait a little longer."

"What are you waiting for? Are you thinking...?" Camilla suddenly understood Helen's idea. She actually wanted to use the vampire hunter's hand to kill off this group of vampire traitors.

Helen's eyes flashed with a hint of ruthlessness as she calmly said, "Those who have betrayed me in the past, I will not let them easily survive in this world. Even if it means resorting to an unscrupulous method."

Camilla looked at Helen's indifferent profile, her expression slightly complex. In her sleeve, she concealed a silver knife, but after some consideration, she decided not to use it.

"Helen, I'm here!"

In the chicken coop, behind the two people, a chubby ball suddenly pounced and rolled to Helen's feet, covered in feathers, happily shouting.

Camilla recognized the chubby ball at a glance, ran over with joy on her face, and said, "Sam? Is that really you?"