
Vampire Prince

Lucius Whitethorne, the son of the legendary vampire king and and a human mother, is left behind on Earth after his parents are summoned back to the realm of the gods. Eager for a sense of belonging and normalcy, Lucius enrolls in a public high school in the United States, seeking a fresh start and the chance to experience the ups and downs of teenage life. In this heartwarming coming-of-age tale, Lucius navigates the trials and tribulations of high school, forming bonds with an unlikely group of friends, each with their own secrets and challenges. Together, they experience the joys and heartaches of adolescence, as well as the excitement of school dances, the thrill of sports, and the camaraderie of late-night parties. As Lucius becomes more deeply involved in the lives of his friends, he slowly comes to terms with his own extraordinary heritage. While the mystery of his parents' whereabouts and the fate of the vampire community lingers in the background, Lucius is determined to embrace the slice-of-life moments that make high school unforgettable. With each new adventure, Lucius learns valuable lessons about friendship, love, and self-acceptance, ultimately discovering that sometimes, the greatest power lies in the connections we forge with others. ======================================= Hey guys! I am the Author! Just a little bit about me here. I am a new author you could say and am still experimenting with styles which I think would fit me. I usually have decent grammer I think but as I do not anyone to edit my work I do sometimes miss things. Anyway! Welcome to my newest Novel, Vampire King! ======================================= Update Schedule: 14 Times a week. If we reach top 200: 3 Chapters Top 150: 5 Chapters Top 100: 7 Chapters Top 50: 12 Top 10: Well, I doubt I will ever get this far so if I do I will let you readers help me decide.

L3wks · Urban
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17 Chs

The Shopping Adventure Begins

The trio arrived at the bustling mall, instantly hit by the smell of various foods from the food court and the chatter of shoppers milling about. The mall was a lively place, with a mix of different stores lining the walkways, tempting customers to come inside and spend their money.

"Alright, let's meet up with the girls," Mark suggested as they walked towards the agreed meeting spot, a large, ornate fountain at the center of the mall.

Upon reaching the fountain, they spotted Kate and Emily chatting animatedly, each holding a cup of coffee. Kate waved at them, her face lighting up with a warm smile. "Hey, guys! You made it!"

Lucius grinned, walking over to greet them. "Of course, we wouldn't miss it."

Alex chimed in, "So, what's the plan for today?"

Emily took a sip of her coffee, "Well, Kate and I want to check out a few stores, and we thought you guys could tag along and help us pick out some stuff. Maybe you could even find something you like too."

Mark nodded, "Sounds good to me. Let's get started!"

The group started exploring the mall together, casually chatting as they browsed through various stores. The first store they entered was a trendy clothing store that Kate and Emily were particularly excited about. As they walked in, the vibrant colors and upbeat music created an energetic atmosphere.

Lucius raised an eyebrow, "This place is...bright."

Kate giggled, "It's one of our favorite stores. They have a great selection and always keep up with the latest trends."

Emily enthusiastically added, "And their sales are amazing!"

As the girls started to explore the store, Mark, Alex, and Lucius exchanged amused glances and followed suit. Each person's unique taste became apparent as they picked up and examined different items.

Kate held up a simple yet stylish blouse and showed it to Emily. "What do you think of this one?"

Emily nodded approvingly, "I love the color, and it would look great on you. You should try it on."

While the girls were discussing fashion, Mark nudged Lucius, pointing at a mannequin wearing a stylish, black leather jacket. "Hey, that looks like something you'd wear, Lucius."

Lucius examined the jacket and nodded, "You're right. I might actually get it."

Meanwhile, Alex wandered off to explore the accessories section, his eyes scanning the shelves for anything interesting. He picked up a quirky pair of socks with a video game controller pattern, chuckling to himself.

"Hey, Mark! Check these out!" he called out, showing Mark his find.

Mark laughed, "You'd totally wear those, wouldn't you?"

"Absolutely," Alex replied, adding the socks to his growing collection of purchases.

As they continued to browse the store, the group engaged in lighthearted banter and occasionally asked each other's opinions on various items. After trying on a few outfits and making their final decisions, they paid for their purchases and headed out of the store.

The next store on their list was a popular electronics store, which immediately caught Alex's attention. The moment they entered, his eyes lit up at the sight of the rows upon rows of gadgets, games, and devices.

"Guys, we have to check out the gaming section," Alex said excitedly, practically dragging Mark and Lucius towards the back of the store.

As they explored the gaming section, Mark and Alex engaged in a passionate debate about the merits of different gaming consoles and the latest releases.

"Come on, you have to admit that the graphics on this one are way better than the previous version," Mark argued, pointing at a new console on display.

Alex shook his head, "I don't know, man. The gameplay is more important to me, and I've heard the new controls aren't as smooth."

Lucius, who wasn't as invested in the gaming discussion, wandered off to look at the other electronics. He found himself intrigued by a sleek, high-end camera.

"Wow, this looks impressive," he muttered to himself, examining the camera's features.

Kate, who had been browsing nearby with Emily, overheard him and walked over. "Are you into photography, Lucius?"

Lucius looked up, a little surprised. "Not really, but I've always been interested in it. This camera just caught my eye."

Kate nodded, "Photography can be a lot of fun. You should give it a try sometime."

Lucius smiled, "Maybe I will."

After spending a considerable amount of time in the electronics store, the group decided it was time for a break. They headed to the food court, where the various stalls offered a wide array of options to suit everyone's tastes.

As they sat down with their meals, they discussed their purchases and shared their experiences from the stores they had visited so far. The conversation flowed effortlessly between the group, with laughter and teasing filling the air.

"So, what's next on our shopping agenda?" Mark asked, taking a bite of his burger.

Emily checked her phone, "There's a bookstore nearby that Kate and I have been wanting to check out. And after that, maybe we could go to the sports store? I've been meaning to get some new workout gear."

The group agreed, and after finishing their meals, they continued their shopping adventure. As they strolled through the mall, the atmosphere remained light and friendly, with each store offering new opportunities for conversation and bonding. Little did they know that their day at the mall had only just begun, and many more memorable moments awaited them.


Hey guys! Most of you probably don't know but this book was created when I was a lot younger and this is me going back to it.

However I have a slight problem. I don't have much memories from when I was developing it, I did find a document about it with possible routes but none of them are really defined.

So I would like to ask for you opinions and suggestions! Currently volume one will most defenitly focus on slice-of-life, however, eventually as we all know it will begin focusing more on the super natural aspect of the novel.

So! If you have any suggestions, they can be broad or very to the point on what you want to see let me know. (This can be something like, "I want dragons to appear later on(just an example), or something as specfic as "I do not want Lucius and Kate to get together!"

I will try my best to work with those of you they leave a comment to make it work.

L3wkscreators' thoughts