
Vampire Prince

Lucius Whitethorne, the son of the legendary vampire king and and a human mother, is left behind on Earth after his parents are summoned back to the realm of the gods. Eager for a sense of belonging and normalcy, Lucius enrolls in a public high school in the United States, seeking a fresh start and the chance to experience the ups and downs of teenage life. In this heartwarming coming-of-age tale, Lucius navigates the trials and tribulations of high school, forming bonds with an unlikely group of friends, each with their own secrets and challenges. Together, they experience the joys and heartaches of adolescence, as well as the excitement of school dances, the thrill of sports, and the camaraderie of late-night parties. As Lucius becomes more deeply involved in the lives of his friends, he slowly comes to terms with his own extraordinary heritage. While the mystery of his parents' whereabouts and the fate of the vampire community lingers in the background, Lucius is determined to embrace the slice-of-life moments that make high school unforgettable. With each new adventure, Lucius learns valuable lessons about friendship, love, and self-acceptance, ultimately discovering that sometimes, the greatest power lies in the connections we forge with others. ======================================= Hey guys! I am the Author! Just a little bit about me here. I am a new author you could say and am still experimenting with styles which I think would fit me. I usually have decent grammer I think but as I do not anyone to edit my work I do sometimes miss things. Anyway! Welcome to my newest Novel, Vampire King! ======================================= Update Schedule: 14 Times a week. If we reach top 200: 3 Chapters Top 150: 5 Chapters Top 100: 7 Chapters Top 50: 12 Top 10: Well, I doubt I will ever get this far so if I do I will let you readers help me decide.

L3wks · Urban
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17 Chs

Alex Gets a Hint

Kate's parents had been out for the evening, enjoying a dinner party with some friends. As the night wore on, the front door opened, and Kate's parents finally returned home. The sound of their arrival caught the attention of the group, who paused their game of truth or dare to greet them.

Kate's mother, a warm and friendly woman with light brown hair and a kind smile, entered the living room first. She was followed by her husband, a tall man with a strong build, graying hair, and a warm, welcoming expression. Both were dressed in elegant attire, clearly having enjoyed a fancy night out.

"Hi, everyone," Kate's mother greeted the group with a friendly wave. "I'm Susan, and this is my husband, Robert. It's nice to meet all of you."

The friends took turns introducing themselves, each receiving a warm smile from Kate's parents. It was evident that the family shared a strong bond, as Kate's parents seemed genuinely interested in getting to know their daughter's new friends.

As the introductions concluded, Robert checked his watch and raised an eyebrow. "It's getting quite late, isn't it? How are you all getting home?"

The friends exchanged glances, realizing that they hadn't thought about the time. They quickly started discussing their plans to head home, with some considering walking, while others mentioned catching a bus or calling for a ride.

It was then that Emily mentioned she would like to stay over at Kate's place for the night, if it was alright with Kate's parents. Susan smiled warmly and agreed, telling Emily it was no problem at all. "I'll call your mom and let her know you're staying with us, dear," she offered.

Before they left, Kate's mother insisted on taking a group photo to commemorate the evening. She gathered everyone together, snapping a picture with her phone. The friends couldn't help but smile, grateful for the wonderful memories they had made together that night.

With that, the friends began to say their goodbyes, preparing to head home after a long and enjoyable evening. As they gathered their things and made their way to the door, Kate's parents waved them off, reminding them to stay safe and offering warm goodbyes.

After saying their goodbyes to Kate's parents and Emily, who was staying over at Kate's place, the three boys—Mark, Lucius, and Alex—headed out into the night. The air was cool, and the streets were quiet as they walked together towards Lucius's apartment.

As they strolled, Mark pulled out his phone and checked the group photo that Kate's mother had taken. He smiled, admiring the happy faces of his friends, and sent the photo to Alex and Lucius.

"Man, tonight was really fun," Alex commented, his hands in his pockets as they walked. "We should do this more often."

Mark and Lucius nodded in agreement, both feeling content after the enjoyable evening with their friends.

As the three boys walked toward Lucius's apartment, Mark turned to Lucius and started discussing their plans for the museum trip. "So, I was thinking we could check out that new exhibit first, then grab lunch at the café inside the museum," Mark suggested.

Overhearing the conversation, Alex assumed he was invited and interjected. "A museum trip, huh? Sounds boring, but I guess we could make it fun."

Mark hesitated for a moment, realizing Alex had misunderstood the situation. "Well, Alex, it's not that you can't go. It's just that... Emily and I wanted to spend some time together, you know, to get to know each other better."

Alex's face fell, and he looked genuinely hurt. "Oh, I see. So, it's like that, huh? And I thought we were friends."

Seeing his friend upset, Mark hurried to reassure him. "Hey, don't be like that, man. We're still friends, but sometimes you just need some alone time with someone, you know?"

Alex frowned, still not entirely convinced. "But why does Lucius get to go, then?"

Mark glanced at Lucius, who was trying to keep a low profile in the conversation. "Well, you see... Lucius is coming along because he wants to get closer to Kate."

Lucius's eyes widened in surprise, and he immediately shook his head. "No, no, that's not true! Mark asked me to be his wingman, that's all!"

Mark smirked at Lucius's reaction and playfully nudged him. "Sure, buddy. Keep telling yourself that."

Now understanding the situation, Alex couldn't help but chuckle at his friends' predicament. "Alright, you lovebirds. Have fun on your double date. Just remember: bros before hoes!"

Mark and Lucius exchanged exasperated glances, but couldn't help but laugh along with Alex. As they neared the entrance to Lucius's apartment building, the conversation shifted to more lighthearted topics, the teasing and laughter continuing throughout the night.

As they neared the entrance to Lucius's apartment building, the conversation shifted to more lighthearted topics. The teasing and laughter continued as they walked into the lobby, the bright lights overhead casting a warm glow on the marble floors.

They took the elevator up to Lucius's floor, discussing their favorite moments from the evening with Kate and Emily. When the elevator doors opened, they stepped out into the carpeted hallway, and Lucius led the way to his apartment.

Upon entering the apartment, Mark and Alex settled onto the comfortable couch, while Lucius headed to the kitchen to grab some drinks and snacks for them. As they waited, Mark and Alex took a moment to call their parents, letting them know where they'd be spending the night.

"Hey, Mom, it's me," Mark spoke into his phone. "Yeah, I'm at Lucius's place. We're just hanging out for a bit. I'll be staying here tonight. Don't worry, I'll be careful."

Alex echoed a similar conversation with his own parents, assuring them that he was safe and would be staying with Lucius and Mark for the night.