
Vampire President's Young and Beautiful Wife

Betrayed by her loved ones, Susie was sold to the richest family in town and became the blood slave of a powerful and dangerous vampire man. Imprisoned in the dark castle, she began to fight back. People lined up to bully her, and she beat them to their knees and apologized to her! Her father sold her to pay off debts, and she kicked him out of the family! Her sister rob her boyfriend, and she threw away the scumbag to her sister! As for the man who liked to bite her neck, Susie narrows her eyes dangerously . . . The man immediately hugged her and begged for mercy, "My dear, it's my fault. You smell so good . . . " **Persona: Susie Taylor: beautiful, optimistic, smart, brave Kain Jackson: strong, reserved, righteous, tough

MariosNikoleou · Teen
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40 Chs

Slap Ex Boyfriend

Susie didn't respond because she already knew it. That's why Dora broke up with Evan and chose Peter. Only now Dora used Peter's connections to find herself a richer boyfriend.

Evan's nose red in cold, he sniffled, "Susie, I can't get as much money as I used to."

Susie was inwardly annoyed because she didn't want to hear his complaint at all.

"Evan, you don't deserve my sympathy, I'm sorry I can't help you with that."

"Susie, didn't we break up peacefully? I always thought we were still friends!"

Susie didn't want to waste time with him and turned on her heel. Evan took her by the arm and wouldn't let her go.

During the standoff, Evan's stomach growled.

Evan mumbled awkwardly, "Susie, I'm hungry."

Susie said indifferently, "Then go home to your mother!"

She now felt like the monster Kain was better than Evan.

Kain? Susie immediately shook her head and emptied her mind of the thoughts.