
Vampire night academy

I wish I could be normal but I am not. Isn't funny ? To want to be normal when you live in a world full of supernatural creatures.Here I am!Trying to be normal.I never really knew my parents, I was left at a strangers door steps they took me in and became my family. They are probaley the nicest werewolfs I met, yes you heard me werewolf my parents are werewolf. I am not complainig they love me they will do anything for me.

Back to the present

Today is my first day at a new school,I took my car keys and bag said my goodbyes I got in my car and drove to school. I drove into the driveway to school got out my car and went into the school building.Timed skipped as I am walking in the long hall way seeing nothing but lockers and students talking about what they did in the summer break before school started.

The bell rang everybody scatter like mice.I causally walked into my class, the teacher smiled and said,"You must be Zero." I just nodded and took a seat next the window far away from everybody els. I don't like talking to people they can be very annoying. Sundelly I felt a very powerfull present it felt like a vampires.

My insticnt was right just then two vampires boys walked into the class they looked like twins. My birthmark hurt like hell this happen everytime when someone powerfull comes close to me and it hurts. Thats not all they made eye contact with me looking straight into my eyes, but my birthmark hurt really bad so I ignored them and close my eyes to ease the pain it worked. When I opend my eyes both where sitting next to me. Great! I thougt now what? Before I could finish my thoughts one of them talked.

"Hey cutie mind telling us your name."I didnt answer him just kept my mouth shut. But that didn't stop them."Fiesty, I see but I don't mind it is more fun for us if you play hard to get."When he finish that sentect both their eyes turned a golden yellow colour.But I didn't like the way their talking to me.

My eyes turned red, that can only mean one thing blood wants to come out and kill them. I never runned so fast in my life the teacher yelled for me to came back but

I can't when blood is angry nothing can stop him.I runned to the bathroom I barely closed the door when blood came out looking nothing but angry but before he could do anything I huged him.He calmed down, my touch just has that effect on him.'Blood calm down please before you do something your gonna regret.'I said to him. Finally he calmed down but before I could tell him to go back inside my body the vampire brothers show up looking angry and worried.

Before I could anything he pinned blood againt the floor with his powers. He raised his hand to kill blood ."NOOOO!Stop dont kill blood if you kill him you kill me." Both turned to not believeing a word I say but the blood came rashing down my arm where one of the brothers hurt blood by pinnig him to the ground. Realizing what he is doing he let him go.

" You are going to explain everything to us kitten or you will be punish." One of them said in a very domined voice.I just nodded my head and told them my whole life story. "Wow kitten you are more intersting then we thought."he said.

"But we are going to punish you for running away without telling us." I nodded.

"But before we do that, what is your name kitten?".

"Zero blood" I said."MY name is Damian and my brother is Raven.

"Now strip kitten".He said and I just nodded I took of all my close and looked at my feet not making eye contact.They licked their lips and asked me to go to them so I did. When I came close enought one of the licked my neck and twist my nipple I then let out a very loud moan. Damian grinned and started to suck on my nippels which let me to moan even louder. Raven grapped me from behind and started to work my hard member I could tell my voice made them both hard.Damian:"We are going to fuck you so hard that you will only remmber our names and won't be able to walk for weeks". Raven pushed his fingers inside my mouth to suck which I did. Raven pulled his fingers out of my mouth and pushed them inside me.

"AAHAAAAAHH,Raven!" I moan he grinned

.He sundely pulled out Damian took out his member and pushed it inside me without warning.

"AAAAHAAAAHAA...Damian so big...mmmhmm."I moaned.

Damian:"We arent done kitten prepare yourself you are about to take us both"He said while licking my sweet spot on my neck.Just then raven pushed his member inside just to say they arent small either .

"AAAAAHAAAHH...mmm Damian...Raven so big feels so good" .I said in a daze

I couldn't even speak probaley.Both began to trusted inside me with great speed.


they grinned and said,"Yes beg us to let you cum kitten".Damain said with a groan.

"Daddys please let me cum please"They look at each other and said.

"We will let you cum if you say that you belong to us and nobody but us understand kitten."I nodded to them but they didn't like my answer.

"Use word kitten"said Diamin.

"Yes I understand daddy I only belong to you to my daddys and nobobdy but you".

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