

DaoisteG5Sib · Fantasy
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9 Chs




The white pillow case that covered his pillow soaked his tears for a long time. It was evening already and soon it will be time for the general hunt and he made up his mind that he was not going for the hunt. More tears flowed out of his eyes when he thought about his predicament and the reason he was not going for the hunt.

He was still silently sobbing when he heard the door crack and opened. Loud footsteps came into his room and he quickly cleaned his tears with his hands because he knew who it was, he would never mistake those footsteps, they were his mother's.

He could hear the steps halt beside him and he felt his mother sink into the bed and before he knew it, her hand was placed on his shoulder and she slightly shook him.

"Ken?" She called out softly.

She thought he was sleeping. When she called out his name, he made a groaning noise to convince his mother that he was sleeping and he turned around to look at her. She had her green eyes on him intensely.

"Aren't you going to hunt today Ken?" She asked him softly.

He shook his head. Of course he was not going to the hunt with his mother, why else would he be in bed?

"May I know why? It's a general hunt honey and even the Alpha family will be there." His mother said.

He did not respond to his mother, he took a deep breath and sat upright on the bed. His action seemed to tell his mother alot because she too took a deep breath and took his large hands into hers.

"It's going to be alright. Don't be too hard on yourself honey." His mother's sad and comforting tone sounded.

That was all they all were telling him. Even Jessica, his old nanny had nothing to say but tell him that it was going to be alright. But he did not see a future with an alright in it, he was weak and like his father, he was going to die a terrible death someday. He expected Jessica to understand his fears because she too, like him was an omega, the weakest group of werewolves. But she was a positive woman and she believed that she was going to be alright.

But Ken was different. He, just like his father was a weak werewolf and feared to be devoured in the forest by wild animals like his father was devoured. He feared to die a weakling and hence his refusal to attend any hunt with his mother who was a Beta.

Omegas were not even supposed to hunt, they were the weakest specie of werewolves and their jobs were to be servants to Alphas and Betas. The Alphas and the Betas always did the hunting, coming back with their pry to feed the rest of the family and the omegas.

But Ken's case was different, he had to hunt because his parents were not entirely omegas. His mother was a Beta and though he was as weak as his father, his mother refused to term him weak, always taking him along to hunts and runs. He was not a servant either even though he was an omega because he had a Beta mother, he was the master in her house.

He nodded to his mother's words and laid back on the bed, covering himself with the thick duvet.

"I just want to be alone." He muttered.

"Alright sweetie." His mother said, kissed him and walked out of the room.

His name was Kendrick, Kendrick Real. He was a werewolf and unfortunately, he and his father were omegas, the weakest of werewolf kind. He had a skinny body, an athletic skinny body, not too attractive and not ugly either. His hair was blond and his eyes, green. He had quite the handsome features, a nice pair of pink lips, a pointy nose, green pair of eyes and a long sharp jaw and chin. He was eighty years old and he was yet to find his mate.

He tried to sleep but he could not, he could not help but remember the first time of his transformation, the day his wolf outed. He also remembered the day his father died and he remembered how he died.

The day of his first wolfing out was on his eighteenth birthday. It was in the night of his eighteenth birthday that he had wolfed out and he had done that in the confines of his room but when his wolf howled loudly, his parents came running into his room and that was when they saw his wolf. He would never forget the look on his mother's face when she saw his wolf, she looked disappointed. She was disappointed because she was hoping, both her and her husband were hoping that he would be a Beta, just like his mother. But he turned out to be an omega.

That night, his parents had taught him how to control his wolf and because the wolf was a weak one, it was not hard doing it. That night also, his parents had assure him of their unconditional love regardless of the fact that he was an omega. That night, he had never felt so blessed like he felt that night.

The night his father died, he had gone for hunting alone and never came back. His mother was not around and his father had to hunt for food and when he left, the man never came back. Two days later, the search team assigned to look for his father had found him, but he was dead. It was reported that he was attacked by a wild animal and because he was too weak, he could not survive. The night the news of his father's death came, he was a boy of nineteen years old and he buried his face in his pillows and wept, wetting the sheets with his tears. He remembered overhearing a man telling his mother to take care of him.

Tears rolled endlessly on his face and he did not realised that time had passed so fast until he heard the howl of a werewolf which indicated the beginning of the hunt. He was therefore left in the house with his nanny and some other omegas.

The tears seemed to do magic to his body because immediately after he cried, he felt his eyes weak and heavy and he did not resist the urge to sleep. He closed his eyes and allowed the darkness to take over.

When he woke up again, it was because the window was open and the rays of the sun were hitting his face. He opened his eyes, took a deep breath and got out of bed, walking into the bathroom. He got into the bathroom and took off his night robe, the bathtub was already filled with water, the handworks of the omegas in the house. When his night robe was off, he took a step into the bathtub and he could feel the water in it, cold and sensational. Naked, he slowly lowered himself into the bathtub and closed his eyes, enjoying the soothing sensation that the cold water was giving his body.

After enjoying the soothing sensation of the cold water for a little while, he grabbed the soap that sat at the edge of the bathtub and began rubbing his body with it. The slipperiness of the soap on his skin was making him horny and the moment the soap touched his shaft, it sprang to life, semi hard.

He was a single man and that was how he had been surviving all these years of singleness. He rubbed a generous amount of soap on his palm then, took the soapy palm down to his shaft and stroked gently. A surge of pleasure ran through his body and he gave a soft moan, with each stroke giving him premium pleasure, Ken continued to stroke his rock hard shaft gently with his soapy palm.

His strokes got intense after a while and it was not too long before felt the familiar heat coming up in his shaft, his orgasm was building up and his strokes got more intense and faster.

It was only a matter of time before his semen came splashing in the water he laid in. He was groaning loudly during his orgasm and when it was over, he threw his head back on the tub, panting heavily.

He drained the contaminated water in the tub and when he replaced it, he took a bath and came out of the bathroom. He went into his closet next and changed his clothes and when he was done he left the closet and just when he sat on his bed, a knock echoed on the door.

"Come in." He commanded.

The door opened and an omega girl walked in, she had her head bowed tightly.

"The mistress wants to know if you are still interested in having breakfast with her." The omega girl spoke. Her voice was timid.

"Tell her I'll be out in a minute." Ken replied.

The omega girl bowed and left.