
Vampire love with secret girl

Nitya_kalariya · Action
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CH 2 parks are shifting

Parks are leaving that city where jeons are leaving

At night

Other side at park apartment

.. Hnh Hendry what happen

.. Our deal is finall with jeons

.. Oh wow Hendry bro congratulations

Sanaya said

.. Ohh congratulations Hendry

.. Hmmm soo we are shifting to other city

.. Huh why Hendry bro

.. Hendry said, because I get the post in jeons company soo we are shifting

.. Sanaya is soo happy because she will meet jeons, that jeons who popular with there work in the whole world

.. Soo bro when will we are shifting

.. May be tomorrow ,Hendry answered

.. But I am newyen will not come ( sanaya said in angry voice)

.. Why sanaya why you both didn't want to come ( Hendry asked in Confuseion express)

.. Because , when you will give permission to newyen to went to college at that city soo we both are coming another we both are not coming

.. Sanaya please ( newyen request)

.. No newyen also want to go to college na but you always do online class at home, but now enough said to newyen

Hendry bro if you alow newyen to went college at that city , soo we both are coming another wise you go along

.. Ok find newyen you can goo college at that city

.. Huh really Hendry ( newyen excited and asked)

.. Thank you soo much brotherrrr

Other side at jeon mansation

.. Taewoon parks and there family is shifting so we are giving our mansation beside apartment.

.. Hmm ok dad

After saying this taewoon left

.. Hmm, now what happen to him, anyways

Other side at taewoons room

.. What happening to me ? Why I am thinking about that park hendrys wife? But her eyesss

Then taewoon is thinking about newyen eyes

Taewoon hasn't seen newyen face because her face is cover by mask

Time skip next morning

.. Where are you alllll .. Said by zeyi

.. What happen zeyi why are you screaming

.. First of all tell you ready that apartment

.. Ohhhh that apartment, let me think

Zeyi punch on minjoons nose

.. Aaaaa why you puch my nose.. Grab his nose and said

.. If you ready that apartment then tell nee, but if not.. Then goi and ready that apartment naa

.. Ok ok zeyu baby I am going

.. What happened mom ? Why are yoh screaming like cat jwoon come and seat on sofa

.. What? I am screaming like cat youuu

.. Mom momm i am going college and yes taewoon is already left for college and i am going

Other side parks are on that city where joens are leaving and city name is noward city

.. Finally we are reached .. Sanaya said

.. Hmm now let's goo

After some time parks jeons mensation

.. Woww jeon mensation is looking from outside is soo beautiful sanaya express her feeling

.. You are right .. Newyen said

Then minjoon and zeyi come outside

.. Hello Mr park

.. Hello Mr jeon I am happy to see you again

.. Hello Mr park said by zeyi

.. Hello mrs jeon she is my sister sanaya and she is my wife wife newyen

.. Ohh hello

.. Hello aunty sanaya and newyen said

.. You both are soo beautiful

.. Yes aunty but special my newyen.. Said by sanaya

.. Ple come to the mensation

.. Noo mrs jeon after some time

.. Ok Mr park that is your apartment and you all are leaving at that apartment

.. Ok ok Mr jeon thank you so much

And parks entered at they apartment

.. Wowwww this apartment is soo beautiful

.. Yes sanaya this apartment is sooo beautiful

.. Hmm soo bro you know your promise na said by sanaya

Hint for the next chapter

Ok now this chapter is end soo next chapter is sooo interesting becauseee newyen and taewoon meeting is there soo be ready