
Vampire Knight «Other Story» - [ BOOK I : The Awakening ]

On one snowy day, a little girl was found lying on a pool of blood which covered the white snow on the ground. She was later brought to an Academy by a mysterious young man who became her savior. Thanks to that incident, the nameless girl then gained a name of Scarlet and met with many people who she held dear.

Lunar_Scarlet · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

« I : At That White Night I Came Upon a Black Knight »

"Alright, alright. Day class students don't push!" A girl with short, and brown hair, with also a pair of brown eyes, wearing a black uniform was trying her best to not be pushed by a crowd of students. "Where is Zero now when he's needed?" She grumbled as she looked around for a certain boy with silver hair.

"Well, he's probably late as usual." Another girl answered for her even though the question was not directed to her. The brunette turned to look at her as she heard her answer. "I'm glad that you aren't late..." She began then sighed. "But at least, please help me, Scarlet!" She added as she was being pushed by the crowds again.

The girl called Scarlet who had a slighty longer than shoulder-length, dark reddish hair sighed. She looked at the crowds with her emotionless face. She was actually quite glaring at the crowds with her piercing and sharp, yet also emotionless, pair of silver eyes. The crowds shuddered as they felt her glare on them, and had stopped pushing the brunette girl. "Th-thank you, I guess, Scarlet." She said as she also felt the coldness of her stare even though she knew well that Scarlet did not mean to intimidate any of them. "You're welcome." She simply answered looking away again as she yawned slightly.

"Your sister is pretty scary, Cross-san." The brunette heard one of the girl from the crowds said. She just laughed nervously. She sure did not know why her adoptive sister, Scarlet Cross, did not really want to interact with others. Surely reminded her of a certain silver haired boy. She was just glad that she was not that cold as him, though. "She's pretty fun to be with once you get to know her, though." She replied to the female student smiling.

Scarlet could hear them spoke but did not really pay her mind to it. She never really cared about other people's thoughts of her, though. Not ever since that day. She sighed as she looked up at the sky that was painted in the color of the sun. "It's time." She mumbled, and as in cue, the big gates in front of the crowd of students opened slightly. She could hear all the scream from the students, mostly the girls.

"Day class students, please don't push!" She could hear her adoptive brunette sister shouted again. "Do you need help, Yuki?" She asked this time as she knew that it would get worse than before. "Ah, yes, please Scarlet!" She shouted back. "Ok then. Zero, please do it." Scarlet said turning to look at the silver haired boy who just came beside her.

The boy called Zero with silver hair and purple eyes frowned looking at the dark haired girl. "I thought you're the one who's going to help her?" He asked confused. "I've done my part." She just simply replied not looking back at him. After all, she knew that Zero would definitely do it even without her asking for it, and she was right. Even with Zero grumbling and all, he still made his way to the gate.

"Now everyone be quiet!" She could hear Zero yelled at the crowd and they immediately got silenced. "Zero?!" She heard Yuki called out his name, surprised, just as usual. "Where have you been? You are late again." She scolded the silver haired guy who just remained cool as he had always been. It was not that long before the gates were fully opened now, showing some other pack of students of the academy. The only difference was that their uniform was white instead of black, and those white uniform students were the Night Class students. The screams returned as soon as the students in white walked out of the gate, being led by one man who had shoulder-length dark brown hair with reddish brown eyes.

"Kyaa~!! Kuran-sama!" Some of the girls screamed their lungs out as the man was just one step out of the gate, followed by the other students. "Idol-senpai!" Another screams from other girls. "Kain-senpai!" And yet another pack of screams from another group of girls, followed by many other more screams, shouts, and yells. Scarlet just sighed as she really could never get used to this no matter how much she had been through it. She had stayed pretty far from the crowd of the students, though, knowing how well she would be if she had not. "Ok, don't push, don't push!" She heard Yuki yelled again as she acted as a line between the day class students and the night class students, and not after a minute, she had been pushed by the pack of the day class girls. "That's why I never want to get close to them at this time..." Scarlet muttered in her mind. She walked to the crowd, though, nevertheless. In the mean time, Yuki had been caught by the leader of the night class students before she could hit the ground after being pushed away by the girls.

"K-Kaname-senpai!? S-sorry!" Yuki said immediately as she realised she had yet once again being saved by the said Kaname. She abruptly stood up as her cheeks flushed red. "It's alright. Please be careful, Yuki." Kaname replied with a smile on his face, making Yuki blushed even more. The next thing she knew, she was being pulled and dragged by Zero, away from Kaname. "Come on, Yuki. We have work to do." Was the only thing she heard from him. Scarlet just watched the three as she thought yet again in her mind, "Not this pattern again..." She sighed again. She wondered why she liked to sigh very much lately. By now, she had been standing between the day class students and the night class students as well, replacing Yuki who was being dragged away by Zero. She though, did not do much, but just stood there. After all, she knew that no one dared to push her like they did to Yuki, or else they would face her raged self, and nobody wanted that, she knew it, and she was somewhat thankful about it, even that some part she felt regret, but she never wanted to admit it.

As she just stood there, the students were still screaming their lungs out and that sure made her annoyed pretty much, but she did not bother to even silence them, since she knew that it was useless, especially since the night class students were right in front of them. "Idol-senpai~! Please look here~!" One of the girls shouted, and she must be lucky that day, or not really, as the Idol-senpai guy, whose real name was Aido, turned to look at her and waved at her. "Hii~ Thanks for always waiting for us like this! I love you all, girls~" He winked to the girls as he was flirting with them. Scarlet just rolled her eyes nonchalantly, but that did not go by unnoticed by the blonde guy. "Don't worry, Scarlet-chan, I love you as well." He said winking at her specially. Scarlet just gave him her infamous emotionless face and stare. "Is that so?" She simply replied, despite all the shouts and yells she received from the girls. "Aww~ why so cold? But, worry not. I love cold things as much as I love you~" He blew a kiss to Scarlet whom she ignored completely, not to mention she even looked away from him with no emotion still on her face. He was just the type she really could not get along well, she thought.

"I guess that is enough, Aido. We have class to attend to." Scarlet turned to look at Kaname as she heard him spoke and walked to the blonde guy. "I'm sorry about that, Scarlet." He apologised in the blonde's stead. She shook her head and replied with "No, it is nothing to worry about." Kaname smiled to her before he walked back to the other night class students. She just watched him walked away before he and the other night students disappeared to the other gate to their classroom. She sighed as she finally had finished her job for now, and she was thankful that she did not have to order the day class students to return to their dorm now as Yuki and Zero had already done the job for her. So, she too just headed back to her dorm and she wasted no time to dive onto her bed and had her peaceful rest.


"Are you alright?" A pretty young boy asked a younger girl in front of him. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you." He spoke as he reached out his hand to her. The girl just looked at him for a while. She inspected him from the top to bottom. He was wearing a white scarf which now was covered in red. The same went to his coat, as well as his beautiful face, and his slender hand. Then, she looked down at the snow covered ground. There was a black, and bigger coat lying there. The owner had just turned into dusts by the hand that reached out to her. She returned her gaze to the boy. Her mind could not work very well right now. She did not really know what happened. She did not see it directly, but she could tell, that the man had saved her from someone... something. That was why she had reached out her own hand to take the boy's hand. But, just before she could even touch his hand, she felt darkness came upon her, and the last thing she remembered was that she fell into something warm, and soft, and that warm and soft feeling also was wrapped around her. That was the beginning of her memory.


Scarlet opened her eyes and realised that she was on her own bed and room despite the darkness around her. She found that it was night already as her room was very dark due to her not turning on the lamp beforehand. It took her some minutes before she got up from her bed and headed to the washroom to wash her sleepy face. After that, she headed out of her room, straight to the headmaster's building. As she expected, she had been waited by Yuki and Zero. "It is rare for you to be late, Scarlet." Yuki said as soon as she saw Scarlet walked into the room. "Yeah, sorry, I fell asleep." She simply said with no excuse. "Well, it's alright then. Let's go on a patrol now. I don't want any day class students to wonder around at this late of time." Yuki simply brushed her answer off, not really minding it as she pulled up her armband, showing the school emblem on it, before she handed Scarlet one of the same armband. Scarlet walked to her and took it. She wrapped it up around her left arm before she adjusted it correctly. She looked up as she had finished wearing it and saw that Zero had worn his too. The armband was the sign of being in the Disciplinary Committee of the Cross Academy, if not only it had other meaning.

The three had been assigned for the position, not only because the three of them had been living literally under the same roof with each other, plus the headmaster as their adoptive father, though Zero did not really want to, but also because the three of them had been the only ones with experience. "Let's go now." Yuki spoke again leading the three of them out, even though she was not really the leader, but the other two were just too ignorant to it, so it just ended up like that.

"Alright then, let's split up so it will be much faster." Yuki spoke again and the two did not have to say anything for the reply before they headed to their usual posts. Zero headed to the woods, Yuki headed to the night class dorm, and Scarlet headed to the night class' school building. They had never come to any kind of agreements in deciding their patrol posts, but just like how Yuki became the kind of leader to them, it just came like that as well for the posts. Zero had never come to an agreement with the night class students, while Scarlet, though not as much as Zero, she too did not really get along with them for some reason, or perhaps she just never one to get along with anyone that much. In the end, only Yuki who could get along well enough with the night class students, not just because of her being all the kind, and friendly girl she was, but also because of her feelings for a certain leader there, Scarlet thought. Though, she did not really care about that kind of thing.

Scarlet took her time as she walked towards the building across the night class dorm. She was just hoping that all of the students had returned to their own dorms, both for the day class and night class students. She would prefer not to have to interact with anyone, since she was never the type to talk much after all. Just her luck that there were no one in sight as she got to the building. She spent some times to look around the building, the inside and the outside. There was no one. So, once she had finished her duty there, she walked to the building across it, the night class dorm. She did not really want to go there, but since she had finished earlier than expected, she had thought of helping Yuki so they could get back sooner. However, upon arriving at the night class dorm, what she found was not what she had expected at all, well, maybe kind of expected a little, but did not know that it would actually happened right there and right then.


Yuki was on her patrol duty as she walked around the night class dorm. She sure took her time on doing it as she had taken a peek at where the leader of the night class was. She admitted that she had always admired him, and perhaps even had a crush on the said leader. However, she was not sure whether he felt the same. She did not even think that she would fit with him, being in a different world and all. She sighed before she walked away from her spot and continued her patrol. It was then that she found two day class students sneaking around the night class dorm. "You girls!" She called as she ran to them and jumped down from the balcony. "It's already past the curfew. You're not supposed to be here at this time! Please, hurry up and return to your dorm!" She quickly ushered the two girls sitting down on the ground. "But we just want to take photo of them." One of them admitted honestly. "That's not a reason for you to be here now and it's not even a good thing to be done." She countered and told them to leave again, before the other girl seemed to be in pain. "Oh no... Are you hurt somewhere? Did you bleed?" She asked panicked looking at the girl. "Bring her to the infirmary now! Hurry!" She quickly ushered them more, pushing them to go away, looking more panic than before and as she felt someone coming, she took out her weapon on her thigh. "Who's there?!" She asked as she turned to look at the intruder holding her weapon now that had retracted to become a long rod.

"Oh scary... As expected of the one who had been trained by the headmaster." An orange haired man with an even darker orange pair of eyes, wearing a white uniform of the academy spoke as he grabbed on the rod, sending some electricity at the touch. "Kyaaa! Night Class'! Hanabusa Aido-senpai and even Akatsuki Kain-senpai! No way!" The girls squealed in delight even with the pain one of them had. Yuki frowned to see the two guys in front of her. "Geez... We just came because we smell bloods." The blonde haired guy with blue eyes spoke as he removed the rod from his friend's hand which was licked by the owner. "You're so mean, Yuki-chan... Really, we just came to see..." He spoke as his blue eyes glowed in red. "Ah, you smell nice..." He added as he sniffed the air around him. "Oh! What'll we do?!" One of the girls squealed again. "He said we smell nice!" The other responded, as excited as well.

Yuki who stood in front of the girls still holding her weapon threatened the blonde guy, "Aido-senpai, if you dare touch on the girls... You'll pay-..." She did not finish her sentence as she was too surprised to see the Aido guy touched his weapon and moved to take her hand. "Did you fall?" Aido asked grabbing her wrist. "Eh?" She replied confused. "What smell nice..." He began as he tighten his hold and pulled her hand to him. "Is your blood, Yuki-chan." He smirked slightly before he pulled her even more. "Oh no... It must be when I got down here..." She cursed in her mind, trying hard to pull away from him.

"Really... It's so tempting." Aido said as his eyes glowered red once again. "Aido-senpai...!" She protested trying to pull her hand away from him but it did not work as it was already in front of his mouth. He opened his mouth and there was a pair of fangs showed up from his teeth. "F-fangs?!" One of the girl asked, surprised. "No way! A vampire?!" The girl behind Yuki gasped surprised as she saw Aido bit Yuki's hand. Yuki frowned deeply as she felt the pain from it. "Oh no..." She thought in her mind before she dropped her weapon and tried to stop Aido. "Senpai! Don't...! Stop it!" She tried to push him away, but he just pulled her hand closer as he drank her blood.

"Aido-senpai!" She shouted to him and he pulled his fangs out. "I want more..." He smirked as he looked at Yuki. Behind them, the two girls had fainted. "Can I take some from your neck?" He asked as he suddenly pulled down her uniform's collar. Yuki gasped before she protested, "N-no! You can't have any!" Akatsuki who had turned to look away from the two, turned back to look at them to warn his friend. "Hanabusa..." He could not finish his words as suddenly something, no, someone came behind the blonde guy. "Sucking blood in the school ground is strictly forbidden." The voice calmly said as the owner showed no emotion whatsoever as she pointed her long sword to Aido's back. "Get away from her now." She warned. "Scarlet...!"


Disclaimer: I own nothing of Vampire Knight (even if I want to XD) I only own the new OC and story.

I thank you once again for spending your time on reading my fanfiction! I hope you guys enjoy it! :D

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