
Vampire king and his key

In the dimly lit chambers of the ancient vampire kingdom, a mysterious figure emerged. His dark eyes glowed with malevolence as he addressed the assembled vampires. "I need this child," he declared, his voice commanding attention. "Only the child with the key on her back can grant us immeasurable power, making us invulnerable to sunlight and unstoppable in our quest for dominion." A vampire dared to question the prophecy, cautioning the leader about a potential hindrance. But the king of vampires, driven by ambition, dismissed it with anger, refusing to let anything stand in his way. The prophecy spoke of a unique being—a boy existing between vampire, human, and zombie. The very existence of such a being threatened the king's plans, and he vowed to eliminate any potential obstacle. "Enough with the prophecy!" the king growled, his voice dripping with malice. "If this 'door' ever crosses our path, I'll destroy him before he becomes a threat to my key." According to the prophecy, a girl would be born with the key, destined to assist vampires in their quest for global supremacy. However, there was also a warning about an existence that should never come to be—a force that could bring ruin to the vampire kingdom. As the room fell into an eerie silence, the king's sinister plan to secure the key and conquer the world began to take shape. Little did he know that destiny had already set its course, intertwining the lives of two unsuspecting souls—Ambrose Ravencroft Sanguisaffron and Clara Mitchell Milson—who would hold the key to unforeseen consequences and a fate beyond the darkness that surrounded them. In 18th-century Europe, fate entangles Ambrose Ravencroft Sanguisaffron, a vampire outcast longing for acceptance, and Clara Mitchell Milson, a disguised princess in servitude. As they uncover palace secrets, their paths unite in an unlikely alliance. Amidst conspiracies and forbidden love, they rewrite their destinies, challenging societal norms in pursuit of freedom and redemption.

Prosperity_forms · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 10

[Third point of view]

It was nearly midnight, and the cart moved steadily. Sofia and Raven were both in a deep slumber. Suddenly, Knife's eyes snapped open. He swiftly extended his hand out of the cart's window and grabbed a crow by its neck. Knife's gaze bore the darkest aura, and the crow visibly trembled.

Knife was fully Aware that they were not alone and the slightest noise could alert Sofia and Raven, so he initiated telepathy to communicate with the crow without drawing any attention. This silent mode of communication allowed them to exchange thoughts without disrupting the peaceful slumber of the others.

They commenced communicating through telepathy.

The crow begged for mercy, explaining the urgency that compelled it to disturb Knife.

"What's the reason for your sudden visit?" questioned Knife, his voice heavy with suspicion. The knife and crow lapsed into silence.

"Provide me with a valid reason, or I'll end your life," threatened Knife, his tone cold and unforgiving.

"Very well, my lord. I understand your anger, but hear me out. The king sent me here," pleaded the crow.

Knife's gaze remained fixed on the crow, his glare unyielding. "You belong to me, crow. Explain your presence in the king's palace," demanded Knife.

"Forgive me, master. I departed without informing you. The truth is, the king summoned me using magic. I was unaware of his intentions," the crow confessed.

Knife dropped death glare towards the crow which was piercing his soul so he just blurted out.

Truthfully, the king employed magic to summon you. The outcome was unforeseen," the crow confessed.

"He required urgent aid. His intention was to summon you, but a magical glitch led to my appearance instead," the crow elaborated, its voice tinged with urgency.

The crow's urgency was palpable, evident in the tightening grip around its neck. The weight of the situation hung heavy as Knife's fingers exerted pressure.

"Consider yourself fortunate, Keith. Another time, I might not be so forgiving," Knife's voice carried a warning as his grip relaxed around the crow's neck.

Knife muttered under his breath what's that man scheming this time,Andrew Charles vygotski you better not to mess with eternal fest.

"Master, I am sincerely grateful," Keith, the crow, responded with a deep breath, his voice laced with relief.

Meanwhile, Keith proceeded to share the compelling reason behind the vampire king's undeniable urgency. "The vampire king's impatience had a cause," he explained.

As Knife gradually eased his hold, Keith seized the opportunity and soared upward, only to miscalculate his height and collide with the cart's roof, resulting in a resounding thud.

The noise startled Sofia awake, her eyes wide with confusion and curiosity.

Not wanting to reveal his knowledge, Knife feigned slumber, aware that Sofia's curiosity would prompt her to act upon discovering Keith's presence.

In the aftermath of the ill-fated collision, Keith found himself in discomfort. Sofia's compassionate nature took over as she delicately scooped the injured crow into both her hands, her eyes fixed on him with a mix of concern and curiosity.

"Keith, what brings you here?" Sofia's question was direct, her voice carrying a blend of inquiry and genuine care.

Inside his mind, Knife's telepathic message was swift and severe. *"Under no circumstances reveal the truth to her! You've already blundered. One more wrong move, and it's the end for you,"* the message conveyed, its tone harsh and unforgiving.

"I wasn't aware of the master's departure. When I went to his room, he was nowhere to be found. I went out in search of him, and my anxiety took over. Upon spotting the familiar carriage, I grew concerned," the crow explained, carefully choosing his words.

"How did this happen to you?" Sofia's voice held genuine concern as she inquired about Keith's condition, noticing that he appeared to be hurt, possibly from landing improperly.

"I became overly eager and landed poorly," Keith explained, his tone carrying a sense of regret as he elaborated on the mishap.

"In the midst of this interaction, Sofia noticed the crow's distress and suggested, 'Should I wake your master?'

The crow's anxious state hadn't gone unnoticed, and Sofia was well aware of the unique connection between Knife and the crow. She considered waking Knife, partly to address the crow's concerns but also to gauge the gravity of the situation. However, the crow's conflicted emotions were transparent to Knife, and both knew the crow's apprehension was not entirely genuine.

Not wanting to escalate the situation, the crow quickly responded, 'No, Lady Sofia, that won't be necessary. I'm just about to depart.' The crow's words were a mix of relief and unease, intended to deflect any further action."

In the midst of this interaction, Knife's clenched fist and tightly sealed lips conveyed his discontent, his silence speaking volumes.

"Already leaving?" Lady sofia's question was tinged with surprise, prompting Keith's heart to race.

Gulping nervously, Keith managed to utter, "My master is safe, so I must return."

Sofia's soft muttering, barely audible to human ears but clear to the keen senses of a vampire like Knife, reached his consciousness. *"It's enough for a crow to worry about its master. Even if your master roams anywhere, destruction follows. You needn't fret so much over him."*

As the events unfolded, the little raven stirred from his slumber and caught sight of Keith. In a heartwarming display, the raven, still half-asleep, reached out and clung to Keith, holding him close like a cherished teddy bear before drifting back into sleep.

"Raven, dear, you shouldn't hold Keith like that," Sofia remarked with surprise, her eyes widening as she observed the unexpected embrace.

"Relax in his grasp, Keith. It seems you've found yourself a new companion," Sofia suggested, amusement in her tone, as she continued, "I believe you can join us. It appears that Raven is quite adamant about not letting you go."

"But, Lady Sofia..." the crow started, unsure of his place in this newfound dynamic.

"You know, Keith, Raven has taken a liking to you," Sofia interjected with a smile, assuring him of the raven's fondness.

The crow's expression grew increasingly peculiar, resembling someone being constantly yelled at in their ear. Unbeknownst to everyone, the real source of this mental uproar was Knife, who was using telepathy to direct his frustration at the crow.

"I placed you near Raven to keep a watchful eye on him, and now you've managed to become his favourite?" Knife's mental shout resonated in Keith's mind, each word laced with exasperation.

"We'll discuss this later, just be prepared," Knife concluded, withdrawing from the telepathic connection as the crow turned his attention towards Raven. Meeting the little raven's eyes, Keith couldn't help but chuckle softly. "How could anyone resist you, little one?" he mused aloud before playfully ruffling the raven's head, a gesture that prompted the bird to snuggle into his touch and eventually drift off to sleep.

As Andrew Charles Vygotski was taking a stroll in the palace he saw a little girl running past him, she seemed to be in a hurry. She was wearing old clothes, it looked like she was the daughter of a worker here. She had short hair which was a bit unseen in this time as everyone considered long hair as a standard of beauty. The girl had bangs. But what caught his attention was the way the little girl spoke. Her speech was clear and fast and she did not make any mistakes while speaking. She was talking to another maid. Andrew Charles Vygotski went there and stood between the two.

Your highness, do you want anything? Asked the maid.

Who is this little watermelon? Andrew Charles Vygotski inquired as he pointed towards Clara.

Hey I have a name, I am not Watermelon. Are you calling me fat? Clara retorted.

"Ok then tell me your name, little one, " said Andrew Charles Vygotski.

"Let me tell you a tale,

Clara is my name, "

Said Clara proudly. She came up with this introduction on her own. So she felt she did something great.

"Nice choice of words to introduce yourself. You look like an intelligent lad. Do you want to come to my kingdom? As a bride? You will have everything there. I will give you new clothes to wear, new shiny jewelry and anything you want, " Andrew Charles Vygotski made the offer.


Yes, anything said Andrew Charles Vygotski.

But my mom will not be there so i won't go with you. And you are old. I don't want you as my groom. Clara said as she pouted.

"Waah?? Do you even know what you are saying kid? I am not old and I was not talking about myself. I have a lot of beauties chasing after me. I don't want a kid to raise as my wife, " Vampire king Andrew Charles Vygotski said.

Bye I am busy, said Clara as she ran away.

She is a bright and cute kid, I will definitely take her with after the fest ends. Anyway there is nothing good in this human realm.

Andrew Charles Vygotski thought, as he left and he made the maid fall in the water as he teleported her in the middle of the pool in the palace.

Aah what, how am I here I was there just now said the maid as she came out of the pond she was wet from head to toe.

Ah this must be the doing of the vampire king. He had been pranking us since he came. He takes pleasure in the pain of others. Does he not get bored by the same trick over and over again? Then she went to the servants' quarters and changed into another cloth. It was the third time he had done this same trick on her. S

he sneezed rapidly. She caught a cold due to the chilling water of the pond. She hated the vampire king to the core.

Elliott was playing outside his house when he saw an old man walking while shouting. It looked like he was narrating a tale. Elliott went to him and stared at him. He tried to hear what he was saying.

Oh hey little gentleman, are you here to listen to the different interesting tales I have? Sebastian fifth Garland said.

Do you know about the fest happening in the human realm? There will be people coming from everywhere. Do you wanna go? By chance? Well we can go together as I am heading there only and many of your Villagers are going there too, said Sebastian fifth Garland.

The idea of a fest made Elliott curious. He ran back to his mom and insisted on going there. As her mother thought that her son might want to go there she prepared in advance a few new sets of clothes for him and her. Though they were cheap, they were not torn or had any patches on them. She even managed to save some money she received from a Mysterious man. But the money did not come at all times, it came abruptly so she could not rely on the mysterious man and worked herself to support her son and herself. She hated this man to the core. If it were for Elliott she would have tried to kill him already.

A carriage was leaving for the human realm in the evening so they packed their things and went to the local stop and boarded the carriage. As they were living at the border of the vampire kingdom they reached the human realm till midnight and then reached the capital till early morning. There was a mysterious young man in the carriage who used teleportation magic a few times and made their travel quicker and faster and more comfortable.

As they reached the capital that man disappeared. But Elliott did not care about him. He was just excited about the fest. He was giggling throughout the journey. It was his first time going somewhere far from home. All the women in the caravan were their neighbors so they took one room as the rent was too high and they split the cost of the room. After all they needed the room to change, and sleep so they thought it was a good option and they would be safe from thugs as they were so many together.