
Vampire king and his key

In the dimly lit chambers of the ancient vampire kingdom, a mysterious figure emerged. His dark eyes glowed with malevolence as he addressed the assembled vampires. "I need this child," he declared, his voice commanding attention. "Only the child with the key on her back can grant us immeasurable power, making us invulnerable to sunlight and unstoppable in our quest for dominion." A vampire dared to question the prophecy, cautioning the leader about a potential hindrance. But the king of vampires, driven by ambition, dismissed it with anger, refusing to let anything stand in his way. The prophecy spoke of a unique being—a boy existing between vampire, human, and zombie. The very existence of such a being threatened the king's plans, and he vowed to eliminate any potential obstacle. "Enough with the prophecy!" the king growled, his voice dripping with malice. "If this 'door' ever crosses our path, I'll destroy him before he becomes a threat to my key." According to the prophecy, a girl would be born with the key, destined to assist vampires in their quest for global supremacy. However, there was also a warning about an existence that should never come to be—a force that could bring ruin to the vampire kingdom. As the room fell into an eerie silence, the king's sinister plan to secure the key and conquer the world began to take shape. Little did he know that destiny had already set its course, intertwining the lives of two unsuspecting souls—Ambrose Ravencroft Sanguisaffron and Clara Mitchell Milson—who would hold the key to unforeseen consequences and a fate beyond the darkness that surrounded them. In 18th-century Europe, fate entangles Ambrose Ravencroft Sanguisaffron, a vampire outcast longing for acceptance, and Clara Mitchell Milson, a disguised princess in servitude. As they uncover palace secrets, their paths unite in an unlikely alliance. Amidst conspiracies and forbidden love, they rewrite their destinies, challenging societal norms in pursuit of freedom and redemption.

Prosperity_forms · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Cart and a silence charm

[Third point of view]

It was decided that the Head knife would go to the eternal fair along with Lady Sofia and her young son, Little Raven. Now, it's the day they've been waiting for. They will leave Crimson and will head to Manchester City in a cart, which will take about 2 days.

Little Raven is really excited because it's his very first time leaving the mansion and entering the outside world. As he steps out of the mansion, other kids follow him from behind. All of their eyes were set on the wheel cart. It's all black even its horse is too. These children gathered around the cart like bees around a flower. Among the kids was a girl who held a paper doll in her hands. She's amazed by the beauty of the cart and tells everyone that it's the master's favourite cartwheel. She's heard many stories about it from her mom.

Little Raven reaches out and touches the surface of the cart. He quietly whispers to the cart, hoping it will take care of him on this journey. Some of the other kids laugh at him, saying that he's still a kid and the cart can't understand him. This makes Raven feel sad. He looks at the cart and then back at the other children, who continue to tease him.

But suddenly, a deep voice interrupts them. Everyone becomes silent and backs away in surprise. To their astonishment, a mouth appears on the cart out of nowhere! The cart speaks, thanks Raven for choosing to ride with him and says he hopes you will enjoy the journey with me.

Suddenly the cart starts shaking vigorously as while shaking its eyes that appear out of nowhere.The kids are scared and move away, but Raven looks proud and nods his head in response.

The Head knife notices the commotion caused by the kids and quickly snaps his fingers. The mouth on the cart was zipped as the head knife silence charm on him. The cart gives the Head knife a disapproving look with its eyes, making it clear that he didn't like what he did. The other kids start clapping in response to the magic they just witnessed, but Raven doesn't like the idea of the cart's mouth being shut by the Head knife.

Other kids went inside the mansion as a lady rings the bell that indicates the lunch time. All the kids looked excited and headed inside and left Raven alone with head.

The head knife looked at the raven and then back somewhere around then both looked at each other simultaneously. Before it gets too awkward my head breaks the silence.

The Head Knife mentioned that the departure time hadn't arrived yet, and they would be leaving at dawn. He advised Raven to dress well and pack his formal clothes. Raven seemed lost in thought and stared at one spot.

A young child whispered, "He always leaves me speechless. Just like his mom, he never follows orders."

"What now? Why are you just standing there? Go and pack your bags!" yelled the Head Knife at the innocent child.

Instead of retreating, Little Raven stepped forward and grabbed the Head Knife's robe.

"Are you trying to play a trick on me?" the Head Knife asked suspiciously.

Raven shook his head and said, "I don't enjoy tricking others."

'This boy ... .sure knows how to talk,' said the head knife in his head.

"Fine, whatever. Do as you please, but let go of my robe," the Head Knife retorted, trying unsuccessfully to shake off Raven's grip.

Giving Raven an irritated look, the Head Knife asked, "What's wrong with you? Is there something you want to say?"

"What's the point? Should I speak up, or am I still going?" Raven asked just as the Head Knife was about to turn away. Little Raven then whispered, "Let this... "

"What did you say? Stop mumbling and act like a man," scolded the Head Knife.

"My mom said I don't have to pretend to be someone I'm not right now," Raven replied, not particularly fond of the Head Knife.

"Both he and his mom know how to get under my skin. Don't you remember what you said earlier? You should tell me what's on your mind, or I'll leave," the Head Knife challenged.

"Let him go!" Little Raven said with courage, albeit hesitantly.

"Let go?whom? Your mom? Forget it, that's not going to happen," the Head Knife replied, his irritation evident.

"Why my mom? What does she have to do with this?" asked Little Raven.

The Head Knife clenched his teeth, realising that he had messed up. Sofia's son was unaware that his mother was being held against her will in the mansion.

To change the subject, the Head Knife asked, "Whom are you asking to be freed?"

Little Raven pointed towards a cartwheel upon which the head knife had placed a silencing charm technique.

"Oh, you're asking about him!" Without another word, the Head knife left, and just as Raven was about to follow, he heard a voice coming from the cart.

"Ah, finally my mouth is free. How would I talk if that sick head didn't let my mouth free?" the cart feigned crying.

Little Raven wiped away the fake tears and said, "I won't allow this to happen. Mom says it's okay to cry, but not about things that have already occurred," after saying little raven said he was sorry for leaving him alone as he needed to make sure he packed everything before the departure.

I'll be back in a few minutes as Raven said to the cart to make sure he doesn't feel alone.

"Your mom is right," the cart mused, thinking, "How did this innocent soul end up in the Duke's mansion?"

"Never mind the matter; what's more important is that my mouth is back! Hey Cally, shall we go on a date?" And dump that rude master of yours ? Asked from the black horse.

All of a sudden, the horse turned her face away to avoid the cart, while the cart shifted its eyes and mouth to the other side, making an effort not to let her avoid him. While Cally, the black female horse again turned her head to the other side. Nevertheless, the cart's gaze and mouth still remained fixed in Cally's direction.