
Vampire King's Little Wolf

After rejected by her mate and an unfortunate incident Yanmei left her pack and lives among humans. No one knows about her true identity. She love everyone there except her boss who annoys her. Lu Lijun was Cold , ruthless and Yanmei's boss. No one knows that the cold and Ruthless boss was not a normal human being but a Vampire, Not only a vampire but a Vampire King. And he hates werewolves. He fell in love with a girl who annoys and irritated him the most. What will happen when he'll know about Yanmei's secret? ...................... There was a dead body lying on the floor. Not a human's body but a Werewolf's dead body. Lijun's black eyes hold hatred. "Filthy dogs" he murmured. "They think, they can outnumber us," he said without any expression. Yanmei was shocked to see her boss's this side. 'What was he?' she thought. She was alert. But before she called her wolf, Lijun said "You must be afraid of me now, miss. Yanmei." He smirked. 'Afraid? that was a debatable question ' she thought. Finally, she asked, "who are you?" He turned and look at her, his lips curve "wrong question miss Yanmei". After seeing her puzzled look he continued " you should ask 'What are you?' instead of 'who are you?'" She rolled her eyes 'is he serious? he killed a werewolf and he only cares to correct my question, now, at this moment? Wait, is he also a werewolf-like me? Then it's a crime to kill another werewolf.' she looked at the dead body and then looked at the person who stood there and watched her, wait for her reaction. "Are you a Werewolf too?" she asked. He looked at the dead body with despise gaze "Do I look like a filthy dog?" She gave him an irritating look and He grinned ear to ear. He loves to irritate her. He just hopes that after revealing the truth, She will not change. He liked her the way she is. "I am a vampire," he said. She was shocked and look at him unblinking. Vampires, she never met any of them but heard about them, they are werewolves's enemies. she looked at the dead body again, she doesn't know who was her enemy or who was her friend anymore. She holds her tears, her pack wanted to kill her. Maybe her Father ordered him to kill her that's why he attacked her. She looked at her boss again. she looked at her ring, maybe because of this ring he can't recognize her. Werewolves generally stay away from vampires because of war. Maybe she could take shelter from her vampire boss temporarily. She'll leave before her identity was revealed. "Are you still in shock?" his words bring back her from her thoughts. She blinked and look at him. "You are a vampire?" She asked again. "No" his words puzzled her. He chuckled after seeing her reaction. "I am not only a vampire, but I am also a Vampire king", he looked at the dead body again, after that, he looked at her " And you'r welcome", she realized that he saved her from her werewolf attacker. "I didn't know that Vampires are real," she said. "So, you knew about werewolves? " He asked. She immediately said "No, I don't know anything about Vampires and Werewolves". "Humans don't know about us and I prefer that way" he said with serious expression. "I'll never tell anyone" she tried to convince him. "I know" he said and she felt relief . But then he said "Werewolves don't attack humans. Then why did he attack you?" She looked away from him and shallow "I don't know, I don't know anything, he attacked me suddenly and I" she can't complete the sentence. Looked at her state he hugged her "shhh, it's okay. it's over now. Let's go from here" he kissed her forehead.' "I was right, you are a strong woman miss Yanmei" he murmured. She closed her eyes and thought 'Will he change after he knows about my true identity? Will he accept me if I tells him the truth?' And more importantly, he was a vampire king who despises werewolves. For some weird reason, she didn't want him to hate her. ............................ (please vote) (if you like, you can follow me on Instagram @lilt_hthecreator)

LilithTheCreator · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Friend Or Enemy

Yanmei searched about her ring in her office computer. She thought ' In internet we can know about everything. Maybe I can know about this ring too in internet '. But didn't find anything in there.

When Nixxi came close to her she close it. She didn't want anyone know what she look for.

Nixxi sat beside her "What do you think about my elder brother?"

Yanmei was shocked with Nixxi's question and didn't know how to answer it "Ummm Why are you suddenly asking this question?"

Nixxi raised one eyes brow "Just want to know what my BFF think about my elder brother".

Yanmei blinked several times and red color appeared on her cheek "I don't know. I didn't think about him that way" Anger appeared on her face and she continued " In fact I didn't think about him at all. I know he is your brother but he is a jerk".

For some moment Nixxi stared at her and then laughed.

Looking Yanmei's confusing face Nixxi stopped laughing and said "I know you have hots for brother Lu Lijun but I am talking about brother Lu Feng. He said he met you in brother Lu Lijun's office".

Yanmei's eyes were wide listening Nixxi's statement that Yanmei has hots for her brother.

She narrowed her eyes "I don't like your brother. And I don't have any hots for your arrogant brother" Looking at Nixxi she continued "And yes, I meet your another brother Lu Feng" she bit her tongue "Sorry. I called him Mr. Lu but he said that he doesn't like formality and insist I should call him by his name".

"Elder brother is always very friendly. Everyone loves him" Nixxi said proudly.

"Indeed, he is very friendly opposite from your another brother. That's why I am little confused. I mean don't get me wrong. Brother Lu Feng is friendly and you are friendly too then how is your another brother and my boss is so arrogant and rude"

Nixxi hesitate "Brother Lu feng is my half brother. My mother's first born child was from her lover. But that doesn't mean anything. He is our brother and we love him".

Yanmei didn't expect that. But before she can stop herself she said "You are lucky to have three brothers who loved you and do anything for you. And I have a stepsister who hate me". Then she curse herself in her heart.

Nixxi was stunned "You know about Lu Han?"

Yanmei hesitate "Lu Lijun told me about your late brother. I am so sorry Nixxi". But she knew sorry can't fill the hollow in anyone's life.

Nixxi nodded "We don't talk about it because it's hurt. But I am surprised brother Lu Lijun talk about brother Lu Han to you".

"Maybe he just wanted to share his pain" Though they didn't share anything other than argument and hatred but Lijun shared something so important to Yanmei and she respect that.

"Brother Lu Lijun never shared his pain to anyone. But I am happy that after so many years he trust you enough to share his pain" sad smile appeared on Nixxi's face.

Yanmei changed the topic "I need to go to the library. I need new books to read."

"Brother Lu Lijun said you guys went to the library and you took lots of books" Nixxi teased.

Red color appeared on Yanmei's face "I took only five books. And I already read them. That's why I need new books".

Nixxi's eyes were wide and she chuckled "You are a bookworm Yanmei". She hopped in her chair, excited all over again "We can plan a trip and go book shopping."

"I want to check out that book. The one with the kids with superpowers." Nixxi said and Yanmei's little heart did a happy dance. She loved that book.

"That would be fun, but I was thinking about going to the library tonight. I can't beat it when it's free. Do you want to come with me?"

"Tonight?"Nixxi's questioned, eyes widening "I can't tonight, but I can go tomorrow night."

"It's no big deal if you can't go. I've been thinking about going for a couple of days, but I keep putting it off "

Dark hair swung around her impish face as Nixxi shook her head. "Oh, it's no big deal. I don't mind going with you. I can't go tonight. I have plans already. If I didn't, I'd go."

"It's ok, Nixxi. I can go to the library alone, and then we can go shopping later. I pretty much know my way around town now. Not as if I can get lost or anything. It's only like...five blocks." Yanmei paused, and then quickly asked about her plans for the evening, trying to change the subject.

Nixxi's lips were firm. "Nothing, just friends are back in town."

Yanmei's innocent question obviously put Nixxi on the spot, and she seem-ed reluctant to say what she was actually doing. She shifted on the chair, focused on her nails. Yanmei felt like she'd pried, but she didn't understand how that question could have made Nixxi uncomfortable. There was also a part of her hurt and disappointed she wasn't included.

"I hope you guys have fun tonight," Yanmei lied.

Well, not a real lie. But at least half of a lie. She's not proud of it, but there you have it. Right or wrong, she felt left out.

Nixxi said calmly "I think you should wait until I can go with you. There have been a couple of girls who've gone missing recently." The same thing her brother told Yanmei but she didn't want to discussed about it, so she shrugged "Okay, I'll think about."

Nixxi said again "Really, if you can wait until tomorrow night, I'll go to the library with you." Yanmei agreed once more and gave Nixxi a quick hug. Yanmei missed her the moment she left.


After office hour Yanmei didn't go with Lu Lijun and Nixxi was busy. She headed out. It didn't take very long to find the library again. The streets, which during the few times she had been in town had always been populated, were now pretty much deserted. On the ride down, the skies had started to cloud over, too, giving the entire downtown an eerie ghost town feeling.

In spite of the weirdness that was her life at the moment and the lingering icky feeling she felt over Nixxi not inviting her out with her friends, she smiled as she walked into the library. Thoughts of the twins and everything else vanished as she rounded the corner of the quiet library and saw stacks of books lining the walls, she felt at peace.

Stopping by one of the empty tables, she let out a little breath of happiness. she was always able to lose herself in reading. Books were a necessary escape she always gladly jumped into headfirst.

Time passed faster than she realized, and the library took on a gloomy aura. Libraries were always shadowy as daylight ended, but the unnatural darkening of the sky outside added to the creepy feeling. She didn't know how late it was until the librarian turned off most of the lights, and she was having trouble making her way back to the front desk. By then, she couldn't wait to be out of the drafty and creaky place.

A flash of lightning lit up the bookshelves and thunder rolled outside the windows. She hoped she could make to her flat before it started pouring. Clutching the books she wanted to check out to her chest, she hurried to the front desk. She was done in record time, barely having the time to say thank you before the librarian turned her back and dashed off to lock up.

"Well then," She muttered under her breath.

The impending storm had turned dusk to night, making it seem much later than it was.

Outside, the streets were still barren. She looked behind her, thinking about staying until the rain passed, but the final light in the library snicked off.

She gritted her teeth and shoved her books into her backpack before heading out. She stepped out onto the pavement, and the sky opened in a torrential downpour, soaking her within seconds.

She tried her best to keep her backpack from getting wet and hopped back and forth. The rain was freaking freezing!

"I am not shocked to see our little pariah is a traitor too" Someone said behind her and she stopped and turned. She was shocked to see who was him.

She never thought that she would meet anyone from her pack again.

Her eyes were wide and mouth hang opened "Li Xian?"

"I didn't know you are a traitor too. So tell me did you enjoy our enemies bed?"

She didn't understand what was he talking about. And did her father send him to kill her? He was one of Han Joon's friend. Did they know she killed Han Joon. But how? And how did he find her? And who was the enemy? In here she felt more safe than in the pack with her family.

Looking at her confused face he smirked "I know you are a whore who tried to seduced Ming Rusheng but he choose his mate over a whore like you".

She gritted her teeth and fisted her hand if he wanted to die, she will make his wish come true.

She gave him her sweet fake smile "oh! Li Xian, I'll send you where I send your best friend".

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