
My rescuer

I woke up on a couch with a man kneeling next to me. I tried to sit up but he said "please stay laying down, you almost died." I looked at him in shock and finally tried to talk. "Thank you. What's your name". "My name is Cyrus." He smiled. "I'm Annie, nice to meet you." I said as I touched his hand. His expression went blank for a few minutes before he snapped out of it. "Great to meet you too, Annie " As he stood up he asked me, "Are you hungr?" "Yes." I said with a smile. I sat up slowly with Cyrus's help. I sat there quietly while he went to the kitchen. About 10 minutes later he came back carrying freshly cooked pizza on a plate and handed it to me. "Hope this is ok, Annie." I smiled and said, "yes, thanks. My favorite food." Cyrus sat next to me and asked, "Where were you headed?" I took a deep breath and replied, "I was headed to England. My husband passed away a year ago. So I was going to start a new life in a place I've always wanted to go when all of a sudden a storm made the boat sink." Cyrus looked sad. "I'm so sorry for your loss." "Thanks, Cyrus." I thought a few seconds then asked, "Where am I?" He had worried looked and said, "People call this Vampire Island." I looked at him scared. "Why would they call it that?" He didn't respond right away then said, "Not sure, really." He felt bad for lying but soon I would find out why.