
Vampire In Africa

War was waged when the hunters and the hellcast tore the veil between the human world and the supper natural realm.The hunters wanted to have the ultimate power by defeating the five regions and rule both the human and the supernatural world. But little did they know the ultimate power was the seed. The seed of an unholy and forbidden union between the Vampire Queen and the Alpha King. The seed that possessed the ultimate power was on a forsaken flight to Africa to escape the second war. If only he hadn't made that damn promise to his mother. He never thought the creator would pair him with a soulmate and never had he bargain to fall in love with an insufferable beauty who was a light to his darkness. Would their love bring peace and unity between their families?

mariskywhite · Fantasy
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19 Chs

She's Pregnant

20th Century

Today mark the hundredth year and the awakening of the Vampire Queen. It was almost few minutes to mid-noon and the people have surrounded the castle anxious to see their Queen. The three council heads stood by the bed of the Queen, each have same thoughts. Would she forgive them? After all, they all did commit treason against her.

Even in death, shes still a ravishing beauty with her hot blooded temper. If only the world would accept their love. Is there hope for their reunion? All across the supernatural realm, lycans, werewolves and the vampires are the only species fated to have a soulmate. How he wished his Queen was his mate, and bore him a son. All these thoughts and questions running through the Alpha's mind was beginning to fuddle his brain.

During these hundred years, the Alpha had not once stopped coming to see his Queen. He had neglected his own kingdom and paid all his attention to the Queen's region. During his visits, he would sit on her bed telling her how much he'd missed her and give accounts of the administration of her kingdom. Although she was dead, he believed her soul was there in the room, listening to him speak.

"Would she forgive us?" Mira's voice broke through everyone's thoughts.

"She would understand we had no choice. Besides, you are the only closest thing she has to a sister whiles she has a soft spot for him." Samurai said, gesturing to the Alpha King.

"Samurai, your tongue spills the most nonsense any ears will be burden to hear!" The King scoffed at him.

Samurai could only but raise his brow questionable at the King. How silly the king's mind is. Everyone on the council was aware of the affection the Queen harbours in heart towards the King. Although, the stubborn Alpha tries to hide it sometimes, it was evident in his eyes that he feels the same. Once, he caught the Alpha and the Queen in a fierce tongue battle at the meeting hall after a council meeting.

At first, the guardian felt appalled at what he saw but soon the unpleasant feeling vanished when he saw the love they had for one another. Pity crept into his heart as he stood behind the door peeping from the pinhole. Would the creator bless him with a partner who would love him like the way the Queen loves the Alpha if not more?

Mira also had her share of thoughts. The silence was eating her up. All she was silently wishing for was that her friend would wake up and everything would be back to normal most especially their friendship. Sitting around table again gossiping about the men they admire. She envied her friend for being bold and brave to fight for her heart desires. Looking at the Alpha King now she felt jealous at the way he watched the Queen with so much love and admiration. Would Samurai ever see her in the same light?

"It is time!" The Lord of the Vampires who stood at the far end of the dark room announced.

The three council head's made way for the Lord. The lord approached the bed of the Queen, secretly thrilled to see the love of his life awake again. He had also been aware of his Queen's feelings for the Alpha. He had always despise the King for it. All his hope of trying to woo the Queen had all been flashed down the drain. The lord sat beside the dead Queen on her bed and bit down on his wrist, bringing his wrist which was oozing blood to the Queen's mouth.

The Lord remove his wrist and few drops of blood spilled on the bed, soon the wound begun to heal. They were all anxious to hear the Queen's heart beats and to see her open her eyes again. "Well?" Mira asked impatiently.

"I don't understand!" The Lord was confused himself.

"What do you mean you don't understand?" The Alpha King snapped.

"She's supposed to be awake now but I can't feel her pulse or her heart beat." The Lord retorted.

"But that's impossible. I think something is wrong." Samurai chimed in.

"What's if this is the punishment from the creator for what we did?" Mira panicked.

"What did you do?" The Lord asked suspiciously.

"That is none of your concern!" The Alpha King snapped again at the Lord.

"It is especially when my Queen is concerned!" The Lord snapped back.

"Enough! This isn't the time to argue. We need to do something." Samurai said with frustration.

"Lord please try again. May be the blood wasn't much..." He sighed, "and Mira, go summoned the Oracle. There must be an explanation." Samurai ordered.

Mira left the Queen's chamber to summon the Oracle and the lord bit his wrist again repeating the process again. The Alpha begun to lose his cool as he paced back and forth. His brain raged with anger at the thought of her not waking up. What would be the use of living if she never wakes up again? He felt as though he had been stabbed in the chest. She has to wake up if not he would never forgive himself. Both leaders looked at the Lord hoping to hear good news but the look on his face said otherwise. Mira burst through the doors with same look of disappointment the Lord had earlier.

"No, no, no!" The Alpha growled angrily, trying to calm his beast from surfacing.

"I couldn't get in contact with her. Can't sense her presence in our realm. I think she has disappeared again." Mira said calmly.

"Why now? She disappears when we need her the most!" Samurai said with frustration.

"I will summoned the Vampire witcher maybe he can give us some answers." The Lord stood up and left. The closest thing they had to the oracle was the witcher. The witcher was known to be a healer while the oracle sees past and future events.

"I don't trust him!" The King announced to the departed door.

"You need to calm the beast. That is the only way you can think clearly. Right now you are not yourself." Mira advised.

"Why don't you go out to breathe a little? I promise to....."

"No! I don't want to leave her side. I want to be here when she wakes up." The king barked, cutting the Guardian off.

"You being intense won't do her any good when she wakes up and sees you like this with so much worry, sadness mixed with anger all etched on your face." Mira tried to reason with the stubborn Lycan.

"She's right my friend. Go out and clear your head. I will call you when there's any news." Samurai add, tapping the king on his shoulder.

"Okay but only for a short while. I will be back soon." The king said when leaving.

Soon as the King left, the Lord and the Vampire witcher came in. "Your Highness and my Queen" the witcher addressed with a bowed on one knee.

"Please rise!" Mira give him a courteous smile.

"You called for me?" He question skeptically.

"Yes we did" Samurai retorted.

"As you know, the Queen went to sleep and today is her awakening but there seems to be a problem," he paused looking at the soldier who just burst in uninvited.

"Speak!" The lord demand the soldier.

Breathing heavily," my Queen, your Highness, my lor.."

"Oh for heavens sake speak and cut the formalities!" Mira snapped at the Commander.

"The people are creating chaos outside the castle. They are anxious and wants to hear news about their Queen. They are fighting the guards in other to break into the castle!" He finished off, still trying to catch his breath.

"Its understandable, for years they haven't seen their Queen and today was supposed to be the day yet.."

"Have you heard that people are causing an uproar outsi....." The Alpha bursting in cutting Mira off. The rest of the news died on his tongue with an 'oh' when he his eyes fell on the commander.

"Yes, we just heard. Lord Nicolai please accompany Queen to speak to the people, that they should calm them." Samurai announced and Mira and the Lord nodded and left.

"You may leave Commander!" As soon as he left, the Alpha ask the question which has been on his mind for the past 30minutes."Is she awake?"

"No she's not." He replied. the Lord has given her his blood multiple times but she's still dead. The Oracle cannot be summoned, therefore your Queen's life is in your hands." Samurai said sternly to the witcher after answering the Alpha.

"I will do my best your highness." The witcher said. He sat by the Queen and touched her forehead and begun to chant.

The incantations went on for 10minutes then he stopped and opened his eyes."I can feel her soul is around but for certain reason she can't open her eyes or wake up.

"Why?" Both leaders asked with concern.

The witcher ignored them and checked her pulse but couldn't feel it and went on to place his head on her chest to listen to her heartbeats but nothing. He took out a bowl from his bag, bit the Queen's wrist and poured her blood into the bowl. He mixed the bowl of blood with strange herbs and chant more spells and fed it to the Queen. Both council heads could only watch with silence.

The witcher wasn't done with his rituals and weird potions. He took a strand of her hair, dipped it in a blood and later burned it with a candle which later burst into flames. He then felt for her heart beat again and whispered, "impossible!"

"What!" Both men snapped.

"She's alive but weak therefore it would take days before she wakes up." The witcher said with bewilderment.

"Why days?" The Alpha's outburst frighten the vampire. Seeing this Samurai place his hand on the Alpha's shoulder to calm him down.

"There's more!" Samurai asked rhetorically and the witcher nodded.

"She must be fed three jars of blood each day till she wakes up." He said with fright. The Alpha's stone cold face gave him the creeps.

"Why?" Samurai asked.

"Be- becau- because..," the witcher stammered feared to speak.

"Speak before I rip your head off!" The king roared.

"She's pregnant!" The witcher cried out.

"Impossible!" Both men said in awe.

"It's treason to lie on your Queen. I could rip your heart out this instant!" The king threatened the poor man dangerously.

"I swear by the creator. She's with a child!" The man shouted.

"It's a lie!" Samurai shouted, "kill him!" He said to the King.

"No! No!" The witcher said vigorously, his vampire speed wasn't able to reach past the door when the king caught up with him.

His claws were strangling the witcher, the Alpha opened his mouth with a beastly growl erupting from his throat, revealing his fangs as bigger than any vampire or lycan he had even seen. The witcher tried to break free from the terror with both hands trying to loosen the Alpha's grip but he had the strength of 10 angelis. That moment, he knew his fate was doomed when he walked through that door and opened his big mouth and spoke the hard truth.