
Vampire In Africa

War was waged when the hunters and the hellcast tore the veil between the human world and the supper natural realm.The hunters wanted to have the ultimate power by defeating the five regions and rule both the human and the supernatural world. But little did they know the ultimate power was the seed. The seed of an unholy and forbidden union between the Vampire Queen and the Alpha King. The seed that possessed the ultimate power was on a forsaken flight to Africa to escape the second war. If only he hadn't made that damn promise to his mother. He never thought the creator would pair him with a soulmate and never had he bargain to fall in love with an insufferable beauty who was a light to his darkness. Would their love bring peace and unity between their families?

mariskywhite · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Hundred Years of Sleep

20th Century

The Oracle premonition of war came to pass. The war lasted for thousands of years, what they had not anticipated was for the hunters to retreat and the hellcast who are known to be the spell casters to surrender. The hellcast were stripped away of their powers after closing the veil. The second ultimate rule of the supernatural realm was against the abuse of magic.

With the veil closed, the hunters were trapped in the human world with no hellcast to help them break the veil and return. Over the years, Samurai had searched across all the regions for the seed, with hopes of saving them as the Oracle had perceived three thousand years ago. But when the hunters retreated and the veil was sealed, he gave up on his search. 

"During those painful years of war, we had fought and lost many of our kind. I'm surprised all was not lost as you predicted!" Samurai grumbled when the Oracle appeared uninvited at their council meeting as always.

"Exactly! The creator wished for our realm to be destroyed. He didn't send his Angelis to save us! What sort of creator sits by and watch his creation perish!" The Alpha chimes in.

"Be mindful of your tongue king! For the creator doesn't forgive blasphemy!" The Oracle warned the king coldly.

Sighing, "Let's look on the brighter side, at least the war is over for now. The hellcast ha..."

"What do you mean the war is over for now? Is there another war coming that we have no knowledge of?" Samurai cuts off the Oracle's speech.

"My visions are li.."

"To hell with your visions which are limited and tell us the truth for once you old hag!" The king Alpha snapped at her. 

The Oracle wasn't pleased with being called 'old hag', "Fine! Another war is coming soon!" She snapped back at the king Alpha.

"How soon? Wounded men and women are still recuperating, they can't fight another war. And yet that unholy seed you spoke of, won't he appear to save us?" Mira bombarded the Oracle with questions, with fear etched on her face.

"It hasn't shown itself because it refuses to accept its destiny. Only when the seed accepts its destiny and the time is right would it be able to come into this world." The Oracle retorted.

"Half of what she says, most at times is total nonsense! Are we going to listen to her, she's not a reliable source of information." The king Alpha grunts.

The King Alpha's constant bickering was beginning to grate on the Oracle. "If not for the purpose you are yet to fulfil I would have made the skies struck you with lightning for your blasphemous and snide remarks against our creator and I!"

With that said the King Alpha tenses up but keeps quiet and gnaws at his finger claws. The Oracle was glad, with her threat she was able to shut him up, though she wasn't certain for how long.

"Queen Lilian, you look so glum." Queen Mira tried to cheer her fellow Queen up but it seems her attention was somewhere else.

"What is wrong? You look pale! Is that sweat on your forehead?" The king Alpha asked worriedly as he closely examined Lilian's face with his hands. The warmth of his hands brought the Queen's mind back to the meeting.

"I haven't been myself ever, not since this bloody war started. It has made me nauseous." Lilian said with frustration.

"You haven't rested ever since the war started. Why don't you retire to a century's rest? You would arise feeling much better." The Guardian leader reasoned with the Queen.

"You suggest I retire when there's a war coming? Sorry council elder but I refuse what you ask of me. A sleep means hundred years of being dead. What if there's another attack while I'm lifeless?" Queen Lilian questioned Samurai.

"I pledge to you that I would protect your subjects if a war arises exactly as you have since creation, till your return." The King Pledges unconditionally.

"Sorry, king Alpha but you are not their Queen. I swear to protect my people and that is what I shall do!"

"I apologize to my Queen but you leave us no choice." Samurai said and looked at the king Alpha and Mira as they all nod in agreement. 

"I, Samurai leader of the guardians sentence the Queen of Vampires to hundred years of sleep. I bind her with my powers."

"I, Mira Queen of witches and hellcast sentence the Queen of Vampires to hundred years of sleep. I bind her with my powers."

Before Queen Lilian realizes what the three elders had planned it was too late to stop them. She pleaded silently with her eyes hoping the Alpha won't say those words but she was wrong, "I, Nikolai, King Alpha of the lycans and werewolves sentence the Queen of Vampires to hundred years of sleep. I bind her with the Alpha's command." With his final words, she felt the strong pull of her soul being ripped out of her body slowly.

"Agreed!" The three said in unison. 

She couldn't breathe, the force was too strong for her to resist. 

"If she was truly with a child she should have been able to break their spell but she couldn't. Maybe she was wrong and they were right she was growing weak and it wasn't any pregnancy's doing." The Oracle said inwardly.

"No my ...." the rest of the Queen's words died on her lips as she collapsed lifelessly back into her chair. The rest of her soul had drifted away from her body.

"What we did was treason against the Vampire region." Mira stated, clearly dissatisfied with their actions. She had connived with them against her friend.

"It was for the best! Vampires don't sweat, especially not their Queen. It was a sign of weakness, imagine a commoner seeing this, there would be an uproar! We did what was best for her and her region." The king Alpha spoke vehemently.

"Queen Mira is right! Without Lilian's consent, it is treason!" The Oracle sighed.

"Yet you didn't stop us!" Samurai accused.

"I couldn't even if I wanted to. Because I can't stop a compulsion spell, she should have been able to resist it." The Oracle frowned.

"She can't resist, she's not strong enough against all three." Mira corrects the old woman.

"I mind blocked Queen Lilian, mind linked Mira and the king Alpha. She could have stopped me at first hand if she had seen it coming. Despite that, it was three against one she wouldn't have gotten far with it," the Guardian finished off saying. 

The Oracle was lost in thought, in all her nine decades of life, her visions from the Angelis have never been wrong before. If she was indeed pregnant as her vision predicted then she should have been able resist the three of them but she couldn't. The seed's existence is present in her womb despite it resisting to accept its destiny. What then went wrong? The seed isn't dead if it was she would have felt it or was she wrong from the beginning? Did she get mixed messages from the Angelis? She questioned herself. She has to pray and make a sacrifice, maybe then would the truth be finally revealed to her.

"I advised you to send a word to the lord of the Vampire region. Before the Vampires begin to panic when they stop sensing their Queen's life essence." With those words spoken the Oracle vanished without trace.

The Guardian sent his guard to deliver the message to the lord of the Queen. The lord was the Vampire Queen's right hand, though the elders could have made the lord to step in for his Queen after swearing 'the Oath of temporal reign', they felt impelled to take her place since they felt guilty. At least Mira and Samurai do but with the outburst of the king, Samurai can't say the same for the Alpha.

The king Alpha stared at the Queen's lifeless body for hours before he carried her out of the council chamber. He was hopeful when she woke, she would forgive him. "For you are far too handsome to be stayed mad at for a long time," those were the words she'd always whisper to his ears when they laid naked in their love nest.