
Vampire In Africa

War was waged when the hunters and the hellcast tore the veil between the human world and the supper natural realm.The hunters wanted to have the ultimate power by defeating the five regions and rule both the human and the supernatural world. But little did they know the ultimate power was the seed. The seed of an unholy and forbidden union between the Vampire Queen and the Alpha King. The seed that possessed the ultimate power was on a forsaken flight to Africa to escape the second war. If only he hadn't made that damn promise to his mother. He never thought the creator would pair him with a soulmate and never had he bargain to fall in love with an insufferable beauty who was a light to his darkness. Would their love bring peace and unity between their families?

mariskywhite · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 19 Any lead

Author's Note:

Dear readers, please note that although the story takes place in the 20th century, Trans-Atlantic Slavery still occurred in this story, even though in the actual world slave trade was abolished in the 19th century. For the sake of you not getting confused while reading, let's assume that was still ongoing in the 20th century.


20th Century

A book from nowhere hits Nikolai straight on the head, "ouch!" His hands went up to smoothen the pain.

"Get your head out of the clouds!" Samurai's rich and deep voice scoffed.

Watching him cross his arms over his chest, "what was that for!" Nikolai yelled at the smirking Guardian. 

"That is for you to concentrate!" He smirked.

Nikolai tilted his head to the side, "easy for you to say. I don't like this place." He began with a frown, "it has a weird aura and gives me the creeps." 

"Listen to yourself. You are partly a creature of magic and you are scared of a magical room!" Samurai let out an incredulous gasp.

"I'm also a creature of the dark. It is much more pleasurable attacking the Vampire Lord than to go through a stack of dusty books in this forsaken library."

Samurai pinched the bridge of his nose, it had been only five days and the half breed was already suffocating him with his rants. "That is the exact reason why you are confined in this place. I don't want the lord to be dead before Mira or Lillian's return from the human realm."

"So it was a deliberate attempt to keep me away from that slimming snake!" The half breed hissed. 

'Why did I even bother, he just admitted it!" Nikolai chided himself silently. 

"So, have you found any lead yet?" The King Alpha shook his head at the Guardian's question.

"You mean nothing?" He asked rhetorically, leaving his mouth agape when Nikolai nodded in response.

A heavy sigh escaped Samurai's lips, he wanted to berate the King for not getting any job done but then he had locked himself up in the same place for weeks and found nothing. 'Could it be that it was just a myth and we are only wasting their time?' He asked himself.

"Let's just forget this whole thing!" Nikolai said with a heavy sigh.

Samurai felt it deep within his core that what happened to him here weeks ago was real and that the journal exists. His dragon told him not to give up on the search and that all the answers were in this dusty ancient library.

"We can't Nikolai! We need solutions for Lillian's pregnancy. Or have you forgotten it's for her sake we are in here?" Samurai asked.

"No, I haven't forgotten. If only there was a lead on where to begin the search it would have made everything easier." The King Alpha complained.

"I'm tired!" Nikolai added whining and sat on the floor. 

"I was here for weeks and you have only been here for 5 days and you are already whining like a human dog." Samurai said in disbelief.

Nikolai's pupils dilated, he was furious at the Guardian for comparing him to a dog. "I'm leaving!" He stood up from the floor, ready to leave but Samurai's words stopped him.

"You can leave if you want. I'm not the one whose child and lover would be in danger once they returned to this realm." Samurai had an evil glint shining through his golden orbs.

"After all, I was only trying to help the one who created this mess in the first place." Samurai added with a fake smiled.

Nikolai wasn't surprised the Guardian was indirectly blackmailing him to stay, he was a dragon born after all. If there was one thing dragons and witches had in common, it was playing the dirtiest tricks to get what they want. "Keep rubbing it in my face at any chance you get!" He huffed.

Samurai watched the Alpha take out a book from the shelf and flipped through the pages only to put it back. "I have already gone through the left wing of the library. You've just wasted 5 days at the same section I have already cleared."

"Why didn't you tell me!" Nikolai yelled angrily. 

"You didn't ask!" Samurai yelled back with the same intensity.

Nikolai's fist clenched at his sides. He had lost his patience with the Guardian. 'Only if I had kept it in my pants,' he thought to himself. 

Samurai could smell the King's anger. It was payback for getting on his nerves the last time they were in his room, on the mountains. "Don't worry, I'm a generous Lord. I will help you search for it." He chortled with laughter. 

"You said you have already gone through the books at the left wing…" he paused.

"Yes!" Samurai nodded. 

"Impressive!" Nikolai stated.

"I'm not lazy like you when it comes to searching for things. At least you are good at one thing!" He chuckled. 

"What?" Nikolai didn't bother arguing with Samurai on him being lazy because it was a known fact about him. Nikolai hated searching for things, especially his underclothes; he had discarded it in a hurry in order to join Lillian in bed.

Samurai saw the stupid smile the Alpha had on and he knew perfectly, what half breed was thinking of. 'The naughty times he had spent in Lillian's arms.' He scoffed inwardly.

"Taking it out from your pants!" Samurai let out a throaty laughter. He couldn't help but burst in more laughter when he saw Nikolai had become red. He didn't know if it was due to anger or if for the first time he was able to embarrass the King Alpha.

Nikolai has swallowed his words, not because he had given up but because he had no comeback. Which was the best, before he's left at the mercy of the Lord's sharp and immoral tongue. The Guardian had left him speechless this time. Words that he could not gather the courage to say in years, the Guardian would in just a second. 'He had no decency!' He thought. 

He walked away from the laughing Lord toward the right wing, wishing Mira and Lillian were there to witness the So-called pious Lord they think highly of. Samurai had deluded himself to the entire realm as a kind and a scrupulous councilman. He only removes his mask around him. Nikolai wasn't the type who allows himself to be ridiculed. He would look for another day where all the odds would be in his favour to get back at the Lord.


Human realm

"Where did you go?" Lillian demanded immediately her eyes met the exhausted ones of Mira. The human was with her but she was unconscious on her bed with strange baggy clothes that covered her body than before. Her skin was dull but freed from dirt. 

"I should ask you what happened!" Mira said tiredly, as she laid her head on the pillow beside the human girl. 

"We don't know much!" The witcher appeared from the doorway watching Mira carefully.

Mira's eyes were closed as she spoke,"I woke up in a strange house with the human girl beside me. I quickly cast a spell on her. Whose house was it, I don't know but it smelled of a Male's presence."

"We woke up to find you and the human gone. I thought you had gained consciousness and had decided to listen and take her away but he said he doubted you had gained consciousness this quick." Lillian gestured towards the witcher but Mira's eyes were still closed.

She sighed and continued, "we concluded that the girl had escaped with you." Lillian said.

"Why would she?" Mira questioned with a hard tone. Lillian knew she was still upset with her because she thinks she had attacked her purposely.

"She saw me drinking from you but by then you had passed out. She thought I had killed you." The Vampire Queen mumbled.

"Oh but you had intended to when you attacked me!" Mira accused harshly. 

Lillian sighed heavily, "look it wasn't me. It was my child!"

Mira opened her eyes to be greeted with Lillian serious ones and she burst out laughing. "You think of me stupid?" She scoffed followed with an eerie laughter. 

"Of course not!" Lillian spat out.

"I speak the truth. The child did, he thought you were a threat and used me to attack y….." Lillian didn't finish her words because she got interrupted by Mira's witchy laughter.

"My Queen, she's not lying." The witcher defended Lillian. 

"Oh really, what did she threaten you with?" She asked the witcher with a straight face when she stopped laughing. 

"Nothing my Queen! I believed her because I was once attacked by her, sorry I meant the child." 

"What makes you think that it was her and not the child?" I also believe it was the child that attacked you until yesterday. It was a lie she had told to save her skin."

"Listen Mira, if you don't want to believe me that's fine but I won't have you call me names especially 'a liar'." Lillian yelled. 

"I didn't lay a finger on you as I stood there. I don't have the power to inflict harm without touching my victims, I'm not a witch." She hissed.

Mira used her free hand to support her face in other to be face to face with her. "What are you trying to insinuate, that I attacked myself? Why would I result in such stupidity?" She asked Lillian.

Lillian pinched the bridge of her nose, "I am not insinuating it. If you had allowed me to finish, you would have heard me say it was my Demon child that attacked you. I didn't even see it coming or feel anything. I only saw it when I drank your blood." She huffed.

"Assuming I believe your story…"

"It's not a story but the fact!" Lillian cut in.

She said sharply, "let me finish!" She paused and began again, "assuming I believe you, why didn't you stop him or take hold of your body? She arched her brows.

"I told you earlier, I hadn't seen it coming or felt him possessing my body until I drank your blood. I saw my eyes changed to black! Demons have black eyes and mine are red. That was when I knew he had taken over my body." Lillian explained. 

"I believe her!" The witcher chimed in. 

Mira looked from the Vampire Queen to the witcher with confusion etched on her face and rolledhereyes. "Fine! I believe you but don't let it happen again. It nearly drained all my energy. "

"I'm sorry Mira, you know I would never hurt you on purpose. We are sisters although we don't have the same blood flowing through our veins. How could you think lowly of me! For the creatorr sake, we grew uptogether." She went to hug Mira on the bed.

Miira was a stubborn witch who didn't forgive easily. Lillian could sense her easing up to her although she didn't hug her back.

"Just don't let him attack me gain!" She whispered in her ear.

Lillian freed Mira from her embrace, "I can't promise you that but I would try. If I'm able to control my emotions, he won't attack anyone. I'm sorry!" 

"So what are we going to do about the human girl?" Lillian asked the witch Queen whose eyes were failing to stay open. 

"What do we do about her?" She answered with a question.

"Mira, she saw me drink from you. We don't know who she told about me. You should have left her there!"

"You aren't certain if she told someone about you. No one would believe her even if she did. I don't know whose house it is and I didn't want any haram to befall on her. She's a slave and not safe outside this house." She said with her eyes still closed.

"I don't know how she got me to that man's house but she did anyway. She has a kind heart, she saved me without knowing who I am or that I don't need saving. She will be of great service to you mostly when I'm gone." She said with a strained voice.

"Mira, did you listen to a word I said?" The only response she got was a 'hmmmm' from Mira.

"She saw me drink from you. When she wakes up she would be scared more! She would struggle to comprehend how she got back here after she escaped with you." Lillian was greeted with emptiness. Mira was fast asleep, leaving her to talk to herself.

"My Queen," a familiar voice said from behind. 

"I think it's best to allow her to sleep. You can decide on what to do with the human girl when she wakes up." The witcher said from behind. 

Lillian sighed in defeat and walked past the witcher to the kitchen to get blood for her aching canines. She dreaded the faith of her ears once the girl woke up to see where she was.