
Episode 25: You are my Last

December, 2011

"You are my sister. You are my last family member. Please, you have to trust me. Your name is Sasha Nagma. You remember our ancestor, Asteal Nagma right, Sasha."

"Shut up!!!"

Kasha fires her arrow to Cloud but he successfully dodges all of her arrows. Cloud uses her fire fist and he covers his position with fire until Kasha can't even see anything.

"Kristen, are you alright?" Cloud while he still covers up his position with flames

"Yeah, I'm alright. Cloud, how in the world is she that strong? I gotta recover myself." Kristen as she uses her Kryogremn

"She uses some sort of power that was supposed to be given from a man. Kristen, can you use Red Dimension?"

"I can't right now. Wait, did you say that her power was given by some sort of man?"

"Yeah, I just said that. I think it was some sort of Anti-Kryogremn guild that was leaded by a powerful man.."

"Yes! His name is... I remember him now! This some sort of leader is the man I fought nearly three years ago. His name is Victor Vancillo. He's an unbeatable Vampire Master."

"Vampire Master? Oh, God. What did he do to Sasha?"

Kasha then approaches the fire and she punches Cloud. Cloud strikes back with using his Kryogremn to make a fire storm nearby their position including Kristen's. Kasha tries to get out but it's too hot and it's too painful for her to get out. She instead punches Cloud and the storm disappears.

"You're very stupid, Cloud Nagma. You can't defeat me with high hopes. You can only defeat me with real skills."

"Real skills, my ass. Kryogremn."

His body transforms into half fire devil and half human. Kasha shoots her arrows to Cloud but instead of dodging it, he just walks slowly right to her. The arrows that hit Cloud burn into ashes.

"He's activating his Kryogremn power. But yet lord never told me that his power were this sadistic. What is happening to him?"

Kasha just shoots more arrows on her bow but it just keeps burning to ashes. Kasha don't know what to do much. She tried to run as fast as she could but Cloud runs faster than her. She's in a dead end and Cloud found her. Cloud then tries to punch her and she then closes her eyes but Cloud punches the wall.

"I don't want to hurt you, Sasha. I just wanted you to know the truth. The truth of who you really are. Please, come with me and I'll show you what you've always been looking for?"

"You think you're really strong just because you activated your Kryogremn powers. You're not the only one who has an ultimate phase. Ultimatum Blood!!!"

Red clouds then appears on Kasha's body. She then just screams of pain and she is now immune to fire and Kryogremn.

"Oh my God. Are any human like you were ever this stubborn?"

Kasha punches Cloud but he teleports behind Kasha and he took her bow. Kasha chases Cloud and then Cloud hides to a wall and then Kasha looks on the wall but he's not there. He's now behind Kasha and he shoots fire arrows from Kasha's bow. She then just feels slight pain because she's now immune to fire and Kryogremn.

"You lost, Cloud. You already lost before this fight even began. I will make sure that you are dead. I will be the first girl who will erase this famous name of Nagma."

"You will still think that I don't exist as your sister, aren't you? Even if you kill me, the name of Nagma will still stand because of you. You're still alive and that makes the Nagma name still stand."

"You are naive. I will now kill you, Cloud Nagma. Goodbye."

Kasha then tries to kill Cloud using her ultimate punch and she does it but then someone blocked her attack. It was Kristen blocking her attack and she's using one hundred percent of her power.

"You're immune to Kryogremn powers? We'll see if that really is true, Mrs. Nagma. Kryogremn: Red Dimension."

Kris then activates her Red Dimension that she used to use when she fought Veil. Kris punches Kasha real hard and then she flings. She uses her Kryogremn Wings to fly and she then approaches her. Kasha then just dodges her attack. Kris then makes a portal on the ground for her to appear behind Kasha. She then came and kicks Kasha..

"She's overpowered. I can't really defeat her. But that doesn't mean I can't defeat Cloud! I gotta kill him now!"

Kasha then grabs her bow and she shoots her arrows to Cloud but then Cloud dodges. Kasha was surrounded by Cloud and Kristen and she gives up. Kasha then stands and then Cloud instantly hugs Kasha.

"Please remember me, Sasha. If our mom sees you, she would hug you right now like I did to you now. I want you to remember this:"

1997, Lenova Park

"Mommy, look. Sasha can finally stand and she can also walk. She's so cool!" Cloud as he's fully impressed to Sasha.

"That's incredible, isn't it? Now you don't have to take her to the dining room. But yet you still need to carry her whenever she wanted to pass upstairs."

"Of course I'll do that, Mom. Don't worry, Sasha. I will be your hero."

I will be your hero...

Hearing that one word makes Kasha cries and now she finally hugs Cloud back.

"He's my brother! I'm sorry if our mom died, Cloud. I'm sorry that I hurt you plenty of times. This is all my fault. I'm sorry I betrayed our own family. Next time, I swear that I will protect you guys."

Name: Sasha Cloud

Age: 17

Power: Arch Nemesis

Famous Ancestor: Asteal Nagma

"Kristen, looks like we had another member in our team. And Sasha, I wanted to introduce you to Kristen. She's currently the ex-leader of Team Destiny."

"Oh, hi. I'm sorry if I hurt you. Are you alright after all of that thing I did to you?"

"I'm alright. And I'm sorry if that also hurts you."

"Alright, little sis. We should take you to our new home now."

"Oh, and Cloud, will we ever going to take back the kingdom? It's been ruled by Mr. Victor Vancillo."

"We will.. Soon enough."

A mysterious man then sees three of them and then he goes away to their secret base.

Somewhere at Lenova...

"Lord Vancillo. I have a very bad news to tell you. Our greatest warrior, Kasha, has betrayed us. What will we do now, Lord Vancillo?"

"We will have to punish her as soon as we catch her. Yet, I know what they're planning. They're planning to take back their Kingdom. Be ready, Armstrong, for a fight of our lives."

To be continued...

Next Episode: Episode 26: Served Death

Written by: metal gear dingus