
vampire high

Mercy_Richard · Teen
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8 Chs

Robin :her nightmare

The bell rang for lunch, Summer sat with her sister's when a girl came to them and said " hi heavenly demons, can I please have a picture with you? " she said with a smile.

" why not ?" Ivory answered .

the girl took the picture and was about to leave when Winter said " why don't you join us here ?" .

the girl turned with a wide eyes , " oh thanks ".

" you are welcome " Violet answered.

" I listen to almost all your songs it's the best " the girl said with a smile.

" thanks, what's your name ? " Summer asked

" Liliana "

" that a wonderful name " Dawn said.

" thanks, I love your dressing, those chains, and your fingers are all covered with rings " she said smiling at Summer.

" oh thanks dear "Summer answered

" you all are wonderful " they all flashed her a smile.

" we appreciate what you have said " Dawn said with the sweetest smile.

Summer stood up and left the school cafeteria , she opened her locker and carried her earpord ,she turned to find a guy walking towards her.

He stopped in front of her and said " hi am Williams " with his hand stretched out for a shake.

" oh am Summer " she said placing her her hand on his with a smile like she always do.

turning her head to the other side of the hall was Sky who was talking to some girls, when a girl walked closer to him and placed her fingers under his chin, she brought her face closer to his but he adjusted his face the other girls smiled.

A frown settled on Summer's face, " Summer are you okay? " Williams asked.

But she wasn't listening , so he tapped her then she turned back to him and smiled .

" sorry I wasn't listening, gosh so many thoughts, forgive me "

" no prob , see you later " he said with a charming smile and walked away

she stared at Sky as he walked towards her, " hey "

" hi "

" you have lot of boyfriends "

" let's say I am friendly, love making new friends "

" hmm "

" am a friend to all " she said.

" maybe you like that guy who just left "

" why did you say that? "

" you were smiling at him but now that he is gone you aren't smiling anymore "

" oh is that what you are thinking, well maybe I like him, he got his ears pierced "

" is that why you like him ?"

" yes I think so, well I would be leaving now see you in class " she said, he nodded.


Summer has only three sisters whose names are, Winter and Dawn, I the rest where her cousins who lived with them , the started there music career at a young age .

Summer was just 16 , Winter 18 and Dawn 14.

Ivory was same age with Summer and so was Violet with Dawn .


the cold air made Winter's room cold and comfortable, she sat on the bed with the lights off, like Summer would do, just then she felt someone presence inside her room.

Robin walked closer to her bed, she sat up and asked, " what are you doing here ?"

" Winter we can talk things out, just give me another chance "

" not after you used and dumped me , it will be a foolish thing to do "

" Winter I need you, please I know that I messed up a big time, but forgive "

" Robin I have already forgiven you am healed that's why I haven't done something funny "

" you haven't "

" I have "

" can you please leave "

Just then Summer walked in " Robin how dare you ?"

" Summer stay out of this "

" would you shut your thrash. she's my sister, maybe you have forgotten that , so sorry I won't stay out of what is my business „.

" I would come back, Winter it was us not anyone, think of it "

" Robin there's one thing you need to know before you go "

" what that ?"

" you are my worst nightmare "

the word pierced his heart, he left with tears threatening to fall.


Summer sat on her bed thinking of what happened at school, seeing Sky with other girls makes her jealous.

" no Summer you can't be jealous, you just knew him so stop being jealous, if you don't want to end up like Winter " she screamed at herself in anger.