
vampire high

Mercy_Richard · Teen
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8 Chs

can you please leave

After the incident they all went back to class , he quietly sat on his chair and she stared at his face " are you OK " she asked .

" yes I am okay " he replied as he stared at the door praying that the teacher will walk in.

" you sure ?"

" I am " she nodded just then the teacher walked in .

" Sky I hope you are fine ? "

" I am Mrs Sim " he was tired of that question, it was like the whole world was asking him same question.

when lessons were over he followed Summer like an obedient child to the school cafeteria.

The whole school was talk about what happened earlier. He could hear them say that he was already falling for Summer which made him smile.

They took their lunch to an empty seat . they've been quiet for a while .

Summer was thinking cause she could hear some girls saying that Sky fought Williams because of her .

Someone walked up to their table stopping their train of thought,looking up she saw Williams standing at their table, " Summer "

She smiled at him but turned to a see the look on Sky face and a frown already settled on his face so she turned back to William " can we talk later ? "she asked .

" sure , so can I join you ?"

she stared at Sky and then at him " mm..hmm..mm mm no"

„ why ?"

" nothing "

" then I will stay "

" no can you please leave " she said .

" am sorry but please leave "

" son it's true "

" what's true ?"

" that you both are already dating "

" wait who told you that ? "

" who ?, are you serious ? , you are asking who , well it all over the school " she stared at him in confusion.

" is there a problem if we are dating ? " Skye asked irritated by him.

" no it isn't but know your boundaries " he said that and left .

Summer stood up and left the cafeteria . Skye followed Her.

" Summer " he called as they both entered into the empty class she sat on the chair and sighed .

" Skye can you believe this they said we are both dating and you almost killed William because of me ? "

" do you take people words serious ? "

" I do " she raised her head up and stared up at him.

" the question you should ask yourself is are we dating ? "

" no we aren't "

" and then that all so stop worrying "

" I will " she said .


Winter closed her eyes as she laid on her bed , Robin stared at her peaceful face , he continued looking at her face but kept quiet.

She inhaled deeply and frowned that scent was familiar then she slowly opened her eyes.

She jumped off the bed bit he caught her before she fell and made her stand steadily .

He stared at her with affection visible in his eyes but she stared at him with a frown.

" why are you here Robin ? "

" I came to see your peaceful and innocent face " he said , she could still remember when they met newly he always tried to get her attention and when they started dating he will sneak into her room and when she asked why he did so. he would say he couldn't sleep until he sees her face those days she would smile but today tears rolled down her cheeks

He brought his hand to her face and wiped the tears.

She adjusted backward, " gone are those days when those words made me smile, Robin stay away from me please " she pleaded

" I can't "

" no you can you've tried it before "

" but I didn't feel alive like when I was with you , it isn't easy and it will never be easy "

" you think so ? " she scoffed

" yes am here to rewrite my wrongs trust me again please " she walked to her desk and picked up a paper and gave it to him.

" tear this paper into pieces " after he tore it.

" now can you fix the piece you tore " he did as she asked .

" stare at the paper does it look like what it was when you tore it " he slowly shook his head.

" that's how my trust was torn by you and can't be fixed " he stared at the pieces in his hand .

" now please leave " he folded his hand and quietly left .