
Vampire Everlasting Love The Series

A continuation mystery of werewolves and creators. In the future, there is a virus that has mutated, targeting people with a certain genetic sequence for unknown reasons and causing them to turn into half vampire half werewolves. However, there are creators around who have taken it upon themselves to create a vaccine to give to these people before they turn. It is their job to find and administer the vaccine. These creators was killed while trying to give a cure to a group of people infected and the killer is targeting more creators. Kenneth is one such creator who starts his day (before being hunted down by this killer) by giving his son an injection in order to protect him from becoming infected as well. This story portrays a complex relationship between friends and lovers discovering the true meaning of love, loss, and redemption. Zen a pure-blood vampire; in his mansion by accident brings them to underground ancient history and behind the truth of Nic. Will they find happiness and truth in the end? Stay tuned for exciting chapters that will be revealed. Characters: Zen a 3,000 years Pure Blood Vampire Zen has 2 brothers, named Zac & Zack; both are also Vampires Doc. Leon, 33, Zen's best friend, is a doctor at "TT Hospital" and helps to treat Zen, Ken, Nic, Shaun, Sam, and others in their conditions and injuries Joe, 25, Zen's Right Hand-Man & highly skilled bodyguard Ken, 19, is a student and he is Zen's beloved Nic, 16, Ken's younger brother is a student. Entangled with Shaun and Sam Kyrin, 22, is a highly-skilled bodyguard given by Ben to protect Ken. They met in Japan. Remy seems to love Mike and follows him wherever he goes.

Jess Boone · Fantasy
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156 Chs

Glamorous Car & Hearty Event (Chapter 4)

This happens in Chapter 4; Zen the next day sent Ken to K- University when the Mercedes-Maybach luxury car appears at the K- University, everyone was surprised by the polished glitter. (Everyone talking to one another, asking who the car is this? Who is inside a girl or a boy? We have never seen this car before.) Some of the teachers standing at the gate, staring at the Mercedes-Maybach luxury car…

Gossips... “Whose car is that?”

Zen walks out of the car and opens the car door for Ken to come out. Ken says, “Thank you.” (There is a personal chauffeur who drives Zen around.) Everyone is shocked, “It's not a girl but a boy and a handsome man, tall and having fair skin.” (Ken can see everyone staring at him and hear people chatting with each other about the handsome man and Ken.)

Someone from far running towards Ken…

“Hey Ken, Good morning, you are early today. Who's this?”

Ken shocked because Zen was just a person he met yesterday. Ken says, “This is Zen.”

Tom says, “Nice to meet you Zen, I am Tom.”

Zen extends his hand and says, “Nice to meet you, I am Zen.”

Ken tells “Zen that he will finish school at 2 pm today.”

Zen says, “Okay, I will be here at the same spot.”

Ken says, “Okay.”

Ken and Tom walk together to the classroom.

Zen sees them, walking further and further away than Zen walks in his car. Zen drove off to the office. Zen owns a company; he usually stays in office for 3 hours only; that's why he owns such a Mercedes-Maybach luxury car.

Back to Ken in school.

Tom is a person who not picks on people's affairs or interested in his friends whom they go out with, but he is still shocked to see Ken is with such a high-class man. Since Tom knows Ken doesn't have an older brother but a younger brother.

Tom is silent, walking through the walkway with Ken and not mentioning anything, even though he is eager to know who this Zen is. (Curiosity really makes a person eager to know; let's see if Tom can wait how long before he the Ken asks about Zen.)

Ken sits in class as always, but this is not usually like any other day.

Everyone flocks to Ken's seat and asks him, “Who is that man in the Mercedes-Maybach luxury car?”

Ken was so stressed suddenly as he isn't a person to entertain such crowds.

Tom quickly says to everyone, “Let's sit on your seats since the class is starting.” (By the way, Tom is a class Monitor and he is also in Discipline Section at school, everyone knows how frightening Tom can be.) So everyone sits in their seats.

The teacher comes in shortly. Class is starting now.

Ken listens to the teacher talking and he looks at his textbook.

While a sudden thought comes into Ken's mind that who are those 2 guys in the valley?

Suddenly the bell rings, it's the school bell; “it's over, class ends now,” the teacher says as he closes the textbook. Have a good weekend next week; we will have a short test of what we learned today. (Note that this is Monday morning class, but since classes are not an everyday thing for University students, they have odd timing of classes, sometimes in the morning or the afternoon and even in the evening. Evening classes are not always conducted. Most of the classes are in the morning and afternoon.)

Tom quickly asks Ken, “Are you going anywhere after this?”

Ken replied, “Yes, I need to go back to study.”

Tom says, “Okay, I will go for shopping after this, see you tomorrow.”

Ken says, “Okay.”

Ken walkout while Tom is still keeping his pencil case. Ken sees Zen car parking at the same place.

Zen quickly comes out of the car as he sees Ken walk towards his car. Zen opens the car door and Ken says, “Thank you.”

Ken sits beside Zen.

Zen asks Ken, “Have you eaten?”

Ken says, “No, not yet.”

Zen asks Ken, “What would you like to eat or where do you want to go?”

Ken says, “I want to eat Sushi.”

Zen says, “Okay.”

Zen tells his chauffeur to "Dime Hotel".

After 2 hours, they reach the hotel lobby. This time the bell boy opens the car doors for both Zen and Ken to come out of the car. (As it's a hotel Zen doesn't open car doors this means status).

Ken looks outside, it's a posh hotel. Zen says to Ken, “Sit here, first I will go counter.” Ken sat in the lobby.

After 5 minutes, Zen walks to Ken, “Let's go up.” Ken walks with him to lift. Upon the lift opening the door, they arrive 35 stories high. Ken looks down, “Wow, it's so beautiful.” Zen tells Ken, “Now it is only 4:30 pm, later when the sun is down you can see a better view. We can sit here for an unlimited time. The hotel restaurant open 24 hours as they don't close. Let's sit and order.”

Zen and Ken sat in a full view area but now the sun is very hot as its 4:35 pm, Zen requested this table to be reserved after the sun is down. They sit near the shaded area for now.

Zen asks Ken, “What do you want to order? The sushi here is served upon ordering, or we can have a light high-tea now, later we can come down and eat dinner.”

Ken asks “Zen to come down?”

Zen says, “Oh, I forgot to tell you I just booked a room here for tonight, there is a surprise here, later tonight you will know.”

Ken says, “Okay high-tea for now.”

Zen says, “Premium high-tea set for 2.”

They sat for 10 minutes with tea, coffee with macarons, cakes; some small loaves of bread are served.

Ken looks at the yummy food and starts eating.

Zen looks at Ken's delighted face and smile.

After they ate, Zen says, “Let's return here later. We will go to the room now.”

Ken says, “Okay.”

Zen took the highest floor 40, which has the best view and it needs to be VIP to get into this floor and the only floor which has the whole 365°C views.

When the lift opens the door, Ken gets a shocking look on his face and says, “This is a stunning view, even better than the restaurant just now.”

Zen smiles…

This room should be called a whole floor room; it has a built-in swimming pool, kitchen, washroom, theatre space, and wine lounge.

Ken is as excited as he has never tasted this type of environment in his life.

Zen says, “We should watch a movie first.”

Ken asks in curiosity, “If the sushi can be served here, it would be better; since this view is better than the restaurant. The windows are special, it blocks the sun and is not hot; people from inside can see outside but outside is unable to see inside.”

Zen says, “Of course, even you want the chef to prepare the sushi here it can be done, since there is a kitchen here.” Zen picks up the phone cancels the reservation table and orders for a chef to make the sushi in the room, for dinner at 7 pm.