
Vampire Club

What happens when a world class vampire beauty creates a school club?

TH3darkgem · Fantasy
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Vampire and explanations

After school ended the two girls rose upstairs onto the roof.

"So as I was saying." Charlotte started explaining what she left out in the morning "The most common type of vampire is just a "vampire". there is the downgraded version "lesser vampires" and the upgraded versions "high vampire", "noble", "knight", "viscount", "earl", "marquess", "duke", "king". It's basically a ranking system copied from humans since the old vampires were lazy and just stuck with this ranking. The "vampire" vampires are the most basic type with the most basic and at the same type strongest abilities, such as super strength, super agility, super senses, some vampire families have additional "elemental" powers. Our family has the strongest powers and the biggest potential They are the oldest vampires to exist, yadda yadda, but that doesn't matter right not. I have not tried using vampiric powers yet and I don't think I will for the next few months. At the same time "vampire" vampires grow the strongest, as there are really no bottlenecks to our power growth. Then there are the half human half vampire vampire types such as a "dhampir" which is a child born from a vampire and a human. They are a lot stronger and better than regular humans, but they can't grow in power beyond bigger muscles. The other half human half vampire type is a ghoul. Basically human turned vampire in either way unsuccessfully or with the intention to turn into one. Ghouls are beast-like vampires that still have a humanoid form but doesn't have any sentience. They're like zombies, but worse. Then there are the familiar type vampires. Familiar type vampires have a beast/animal form but they have full sentience. Of course most of them and/or the younger ones are dumb and can't think like vampires or humans. The familiar type vampires are actually how vampire bats were created. Some dumb bat familiar mated with a normal bat and got some dhampir bats. After some time the vampire blood got so diluted, most of their vampire features disappeared. The familiar type vampires come in the shape of many different animals. Most of them are chosen by a vampire and turned into familiars."

"That was a lot of information..." Emily smiled weirdly "I just thought, maybe we could get some familiars for the both of us"

"Hmmm. That's actually a pretty good idea. Maybe we could do it some time later" Charlotte thought "Well, anyways. I pretty much finished with the main types. Of course there are the super rare types, but since vampire - human ratio is 1 in a million their rarity makes them basically nonexistent"

**Dracula family mansion

**Dining room

"So we were thinking, we could get some familiars for the two if us" Charlotte explained

"That's a great idea actually" Lyrica said "We can spare some money for the girls, right honey?"

"Yes, why not" Vlad thought and gave the girls a one million yen note "That should be enough, right? Of course if you need more just ask sweetie"

"Thanks dad!" Charlotte said cheerfully

"W-wait... A million yen note, just like that?" Emily looked at the family as if they were all madmen "Where do you get money the from if you just hand out notes that big!?"

"Don't worry... It's no big deal. We have multiple million times more than that and such a small amount of money spent doesn't concern us" Smiled Lyrica

**Random forest

"Are we supposed to find some familiars for ourselves?" Emily shivered a little

The forest was very large, the trees were tall most of it was dark and it gave off a creepy aura

"Well according to my dad this is the best place to look for familiars" Charlotte looked at a map in her phone "Well, as long as we aren't the stupidest vampires in existence we shouldn't get lost"

"Anyways. Let's go!"

Several hours later Emily has found herself an owl, but Charlotte was still searching for her perfect match

"This is taking forever" Emily complained

"Who cares... Even if it takes a week there won't be any problem" Charlotte said "Besides even if it does take a week, dad will immediately find us"

**Somewhere deep in the forest

"Hehehe... Some fresh meat..." A chilling cackle sounded

**Charlotte and Emily's location

"Maybe we should just go deeper into the forest" Emily exclaimed after running out of patience "Not like some giant beast is going to attack us"

"Aaand... You just jinxed it" Charlotte said "I swear, in the next five minutes something will attack us"

"There's no way..." Emily's face suddenly switched to a concerned one "Why is the ground rumbling?"

"Because you jinxed it... I said this would happen, didn't I?" Charlotte chuckled "Now we either fight or run. But I will immediately end your hopes, since I am really close to ranking up, so I might as well take this opportunity"

Charlotte started stretching and Emily panicking

"Get ready to fight" Charlotte said "Target incoming in 3... 2... 1... NOW!"

The second Charlotte said now a giant fox jumped out of the bushes, it's eyes bloodshot. Few seconds later a very old woman that was so ugly and scrunched up you could easily mistake her for a man, riding a gorilla jumped out.

"You fight the gorilla, I'll take on the fox"

The old woman jumped off and walked to the side, to hide. Charlotte, who was eager to fight suddenly fell in an unconscious-like state and took a deep breath, and another, she breathed deeply until she felt her blood rushing. Her heart started beating so hard it started to be clearly hearable from a distance

Suddenly Charlotte jumped at the fox and unfurled her beautiful four wings. Continuing to fly towards the fox she got ready to hit a heavy blow when the fox opened her mouth and bit Charlotte. Her whole body suddenly got punctured by the fox's teeth and Charlotte screamed in pain


"A mere high vampire thinking it could go against me! How funny!" The old woman screamed

"Oi! Who do you thing you are to judge my strength from a single bite I received!?" Charlotte spat some blood on the old woman "I'll show you, how strong I am!" Charlotte screamed back