
Vampire Boyfriend (BL)

What's this a new neighbor has turned up asking for a place to sleep for the night? And he's a total cutie. How will he possibly know that he has just walked into the den of a shut-in Vampire who is looking for a way to entertain himself for the night.

Phibble · LGBT+
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73 Chs

Chp 7:Sleeping Lucas

Evans POV:

'I did it I told him.'

My heart still pounded from the confession, getting louder and louder as I waited for his response.

He furrowed his brows in confusion.

"You have... feelings for me?" Lucas questioned

I nod in response. The air was filled with silence. I grew restless and blurted "I know you probably can't return my feelings, considering all that's happened. But can you at least acknowledge them?"

His furrowed brow grew deeper. He parted his lips as if to say something but shrugged it off with a grumble.


I cleared my throat and began to speak again to break the awkward silence that had befallen us once more.

"Does your neck hurt? I have some medicine that can help the healing process and numb the pain if you'd like."


Lucas only responded with a grunt. 'I know he doesn't like me but why can't he just say a word?'

I reached into my emergency draw and poured two pills from a container onto my hand. Handing the pills over to Lucas, I quickly poured a glass of water and gave it to him also.

He didn't say a word, just took the pills.

"You should rest in my room some more. I can handle the moving stuff into your apartment if you'd like."


He mumbled as he made his way back to my room.

'At least I got a word out of him but I also got work too.'

~2 hours later~

"Huff, that should be the last of it." I cheered myself on.

I moved all of Lucas's belongings into his apartment, some of it was rather heavy. How he was going to move it would be impossible.

I returned home and went to check up on Lucas. He was asleep, small snores could be heard echoing down the hall.

'How cute' I thought to myself.

I peeked into the room to find the covers knocked off the bed and Lucas in a rather uncomfortable looking position. His legs crossed over each other and he slept on an arm whilst the other hung off the side of the bed where the covers fell off. Strands of hair were disheveled. His shirt had rolled up a bit and I caught a rare glimpse of his V line.

'Oh gawd hes hawt. How can someone be that hot and cute and the same time? it's impossible'

I quietly walked over to the bed and re-wraped him back up in the blanket, tucking him in all warm and snuggly again.

I glanced over at his injury and it had bled through the bandages again. I unwrapped it and decided to clean up the wound.

Using a wet cloth I wiped the injury. It had healed quite a bit, the medicine I gave him earlier worked better than expected.

I had finished cleaning and was about to rewrap it but Lucas's eyes fluttered open.

"What are you doing?" He questioned curtly.

"Cleaning and re-dressing your injury."

"Why? I could do that myself."

"True, but it's easier when someone else does it."

"What about my stuff, is everything inside?"

"All inside."

There was an awful silence again. He was definitely uncomfortable with me here.

"Can I continue with dressing your wound? It's dangerous to leave it uncared for, it could get infected."

"huh...uh...yea sure...whatever."

'His answer was full of hesitation, I could tell he was nervous. Probably of what I did before.'