
Vampire and Werewolve

He was a vampire prince and she was a princess a Werewolves... She was rejected by her mate and disowned by her family was broken. Determined her survived she keeps her identity a secret while pretending to be a human and attending high school! On the other hand, a vampire prince attending the same school in disguise notice her and fall in love with her! Will she take a leap of faith in love?! *Where is she..?! John asked. Adam got panic when he didn't find her. Bella...! He shouts. Seeing Adam worrying for Bella because he wasn't feeling well these days and now she is not here John also got worried and said to himself, *I should have to tell him before. *Adam I have something to say, John said to Adam. *Listen Diana please don't even try to lie. Please..! At least not this time. After trying a lot they search the place where Bella is and the place is "The World Of Fantasy". And they have "The King" also. * Where is my Bella..! Adam asked the king. On which king replied, *Your Bella is now my.........

Sumbal · Fantasy
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242 Chs


John said this and he was noticing all her reactions and yes hearing this she got shocked and reacted, what? how can she be in his home?

But why? why couldn't be she at his home? She is not well and Adam is taking care of her and we all know they both like each other. So there is nothing wrong with it. Do you! have any problems?

No, I didn't mean that I mean what happened to her? I'd she fine. She got afraid and asked did she say anything?

No, she is not in her conscious.

O Thank God!

What! did you just say Thank you to God?

No, I didn't say anything. No, I didn't.

Ok, then we'll go to see her after school. Ok, Diana! Who !? me! Yes, you. what is wrong with this and why are you behaving like this? You both are friends and your friend is not well. You should see her. I know you are worried about her. But don't worry Doctor said that she would be in her conscious anytime.

Diana then gave him a fake smile and then she said to herself, "How can be this possible? She was in Tin's house but how she goes to Adam? And the doctor said she would be in her consciousness anytime what if I go there to see her and what if she wakes up at the moment?

After school John said her to go to Adam's home with him but she excused him by saying you go first I am coming in my car.

But we can go in one car when we are going to the same place.

Yes, I know but I couldn't leave my car here.

John knows that she is making these excuses not to go to Adam's home. He then said, Ok then let's go in your car.

But your car! Diana said,

Ahh! Don't worry about that I will call my driver and he will take it from here. Now let's go.

Diana was like, oh no I have to go now. Then they left for Adam's Home in Diana's car.

When they reach Diana was standing near the car.

John then said, Diana what happened, let's go in.

Nothing I am just looking at his house. His new house is so beautiful. Yes, it is more beautiful from the inside. Now come with me.

Diana was not still not moving from there then John went to her and hold her hand and took her in. John then Said, Well this is so strange, your friend is not well and your focus is on Adam's house. John then knocked on the door of the room entered. Because he was holding Diana's hand and she froze at the door John on this, pulled her a bit and said, come on Diana. What happened?

She then entered and John took Diana to Bella. Diana then said, Hello Adam. I heard about her from John. I felt sorry for both of you. But don't worry everything will be fine soon. John then noticed Adam's messy hair. he went to him and said, Go and get fresh. But Adam was not leaving her. John then said,

Adam, look I am here with her. Ok. Come on now, go and get fresh. On this Adam nodded and went to the washroom. John then sat beside her. And then he looked at Diana's face and noticed the sweat on her face. He then called her and she looked at her. John asked her what happened? Why are you sweating? Are you fine?

Mm! no I am not sweating.

Ok then sat beside her and wish her to be well soon.

Diana then sat beside them and saw her finger moving she stood up quickly. Seeing this John asked her what happened?

I remember I have an important work, so I have to go now.

Important work?!

Yes, I have to go and say this she left from there quickly.