
Chapter 14

"Newsflash, mixed blood, we both made it to apprenticeship and because of your moronic mind and loser of a boyfriend, I'm gonna lose my chance to be one." Ricco snarled.

"Don't involve Jason in this. My boyfriend only thinks what's best for me."

Ricco let a sarcastic snort, "Really? I can see his phony words got you good in the head. Is that a hybrid thing? Being more than gormless, half-witted person?"

"Well, I'm sorry that your precious apprenticeship got severely canceled. But it doesn't mean you can have the right to downgrade me like that. I'm done with your bullying, Kwon."

"There's really nothing left to decline you more than the fact you're filthy blood of a boyfriend is massive sad ass sham."

Annah's eyes squinted in suppressed anger while she curled her fists. "Don't you ever..."she stepped closer to him. "...degrade Jason with your lips."

Silence embraced both of them except for the harsh breathing they both have in their outburst.

Annah turned away from him, shaking in too much anger but he grabbed her wrist tightly this time.

"He's cheating on you, damn it!" Ricco finally said while Annah couldn't resist the slap she gave to his face.

"This tirade is long overdue, Kwon. It's about time we stop." Annah said in silent tone with fury on her eyes.

Ricco saw it with his own icy gray ones before he nodded in tight jaw. "Have fun with loser, Park."

Both Annah and Ricco stormed in rage away from there in opposite directions.

Luna stepped out of the way when Ricco was obviously furious over someone. She had no need to guess to made the prince so angry like that at all. She flinched a bit when the prince threw a fit on the poor chair around their private sitting area.

"The talk didn't go well, I presume." Basik said in low voice.

"He needs to cage that temper of his sometimes." Gideon added.

"Master has been holding back for long. So, I don't blame his rage." Luna remarked.


"You've been so silent for a week, dear one."

Annah looked up to her mom from reading her book.

"School stuff?" Crixa asked and sat with Annah in the couch.

"It's nothing mom." Annah just said.

"Tell me if something's bothering you, 'kay?" Crixa caressed Annah's shoulder tenderly.

"Dad's still at work?" Annah deviated the topic while Crixa just nodded.

"Still solving the cases about lost hybrids in the woodlands. You know Night Society is in contest of words against the Crawlers." Crixa said.

"The wolves? I thought we've formed an alliance with them?" Annah asked.

"Yes. But there are these new generation wolves which are suspected not honoring the Code set between two races."

"That's awful."

"Yeah. Gid still firmly believe that you'll be safer in England where vampire race dominates." Crixa raised.

"KIA's not that bad, mom."

"Yeah. But you're dad would love it if you also finish your education in prestigious academy where he graduated."Crixa said.

"But you both have been working hard-"

"It makes us very happy, dear. Your dad's still upset over your transfer."Crixa confessed.

"Is that why he wont listen to my stories anymore?" Annah laughed.

"Quite a bit. Maybe let's get you back in EIA next month, hmm?" Crixa batted her eyelashes to her which increased her laughter even more.

"If I didn't know about it, I would suspect that dad talked you about it."

"Oh, always. He complained like a child." Crixa chuckled. "And Gid didn't like Jason since his decision for you. Just who the heck he think he is, your dad said."

"Oh gosh. I can picture dad saying that, really." Annah said.

"Oh, dear. My ears are about to burst." Crixa added.

"I'll think about it, mom." Annah only said while Crixa only nodded and kissed her forehead.

"Your dad will be happy."


Letting her long hair down her waist, Annah stared at her reflection in the mirror. It was silent inside her room after the fun dinner she shared with her family a moment ago. True to her mom's words, her dad seemed very thrilled to know that she would rethink into going back to EIA.

It had been a week since the scene in that silent hallway in KIA. Just that morning, she saw all of EIA's exchange students which only composed of five pureblood vampires including Ricco, gave their encouraging speech among the interbreeds students about the future growth of KIA in the program arranged by the academy for them.

Annah didn't really ingest all of the EIA's purebloods words but surprisingly, Ricco's almost filled all of her fibers while she looked at his frigid conduct in delivering his speech.

In the afternoon, the EIA's purebloods left KIA back to England.

There were many moments where she felt like the visit of EIA pureblood had got something to do with her. However, thinking of Ricco's arrogance and his concern over his apprenticeship to Professor Toc, she thought that it was all about the coadjutor of Ricco into Toc's Manipulation specialty.

Annah can't deny that she was indeed happy to be one of the coadjutors of the professor Toc. If she told her father about it, he wont wait for a day to have her in a plane in a heart beat. It'd been her dad's greatest dream to be Toc's assisting student but he never had the chance since Toc's was very selective and haven't taken any apprentice for many years already.

Now, she regretted having to transfer from EIA.., and Jason...he started getting busy with something again. It wasn't prefect matters but other he can't tell her. It started one night she told her about her argument with Ricco and his accusation of cheating.

Jason dismissed it for sure and began kissing her in torrid way. They were hanging out on his bedroom while his parents were away to somewhere. And he'd been trying to bed her countless times but she always refused which always frustrated him to core. After that moment, he grew cold to her and getting busy with his studies and so called part time job in one fast food joint in the city.
