
Midnight Snack

Emilia looked at her phone with her brows knitted as she saw Sel's straightforward and blunt response. She then texted:

Emilia: Really? 

Sel is typing…

Sel: Yes.

Emilia: Understandable :SadCatThumbsUp:

Sel: …

Sel: Madam, those emojis work on a different messaging app. We have changed from that to this long ago.

Emilia: :SadBear_CircleTheGround:

Sel: …

Sel: Anyway, anything else you'd like to ask?

Emilia: Yes. Please postpone everything from this month to next month. :Hehehe:

Sel is typing…

Sel: Madam, you shouldn't do this…

Emilia: Just do it Sel. I have some other work. :)))))

Sel is typing…

Sel: Is it more important than your current ones?

Emilia: I don't know :shruggie:

Sel: …

Sel is typing…

Sel: I'll do something about it. 

Sel: Anything else?

Emilia: That's nice.╰( ・ ᗜ ・ )➝