
Killing Nishkavert

With Lith's provocation and having his pride being sullied before, King Nishkavert lost all his cool and screamed like a madman, running up to Lith to tear him to a million pieces.

Lith placed his dominant foot back and took on a martial stance, ready to erupt any moment when that blob of muscles reached him.

"AHHHHH!" Nishkavert screamed while running and placing his entire energy into his punch.

In his mad state, he really thought that he would be able to survive a head-on collision in front of Lith.

Nishkavert couldn't be more wrong and as he reached close, Lith slightly touched the guy's fist and directed him back to the straight path he was running at, avoiding his punch.

Well, even though Nishkavert couldn't be more wrong on surviving a head-on collision in front of Lith, this time he did due to Lith's mercy.

What was going on in Lith's mind, only he knew.


A chamber full of runes.