

A young man grows up not knowing that he is a vampire. He falls in love with a demon vampire's sworn enemy. Tag along and witness the journey of their forbidden love

Tech_King · Fantasy
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8 Chs

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"Dad what do you mean"

lincoln asked curiously.

"you don't worry this weekend coming l will teach you on you ab...."

"powers!!" lincoln cut his father off

"I wouldn't call it powers but special abilities"

Lincoln sat down and thought for a while and his eyes lit up.

"Dad what pow.. special abilities do we have?"

"hmm, well we have super speed, night vision, super strength, and rapid healing"


"You have to be careful, because when you can't control your abilities you will do things that you never intended to do."

(On Saturday)

"Lincoln, harry up and let's go. We are runniñg late."

"Ok Dad"

Father and son went to the woods that was at the mountain rage.

Lincoln engaged his father in a talk about why he bit himself.

"The reason why you bit yourself is unknown for the moment, but the are three reason; when you're angry, when you are about to fight or when you are sexually excited. so have you figured out why your fung elongated? "

"Y...yes dad"

After thirty minutes the duo arrived at the woods. They went a little deeper. The duo arrived at the heart of the woods.

"Ok let's practice speed first"

"Ok Dad"

The duo tried lifting a rock.

Lincoln's father raised it with ease, but lincoln had a little trouble but he was able to.

"Ok now speed"

They practiced speed and night vision, after which they went home.

(At home)

"How was training?" Lincoln's mom asked with a smile

"Fine mom" Lincoln answered excitedly.

(The next day)

"Lincoln you're going to be late for school!"

"mom don't worry I won't be late"

As Lincoln said that he unhurriedly eat his breakfast.

"Lincoln it is 7:30, and you have to report to school at 7:45 you are going to be late!"Lincoln's mom yelled.

"Mom don't worry"

Lincoln looked at his mother and smiled, then a gentle breeze swept his mother's face ,and he was gone

(At school)

"phew! it is 7:31"

He went to class and sat by Henry.

Henry:Did you do your homework?

Lincoln:oh shit! I forgot wait.

lincoln disappeared and hurriedly did his homework and came back within seconds

Henry who was still in a daze looked at Lincoln in awe.

Henry: How did you do that?

lincoln quickly changed the topic remembering what his father said."Don't let any one know that you are a vampire it is dangerous"

please enjoy the book for now cause it is free but soon it will not be free any more, but for now enjoy it.

Cudjoe Desmond


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