
Vampire's Curse: Bound By Immortality

Foster Rosario has been designed to drive any woman beyond seven sensations of pleasure. He is powerful and elegant. He is drawn to danger and will dangle his fingers in everything that is forbidden. This billionaire bad boy might have you on his speed dial, but you will never capture his heart. Zoe Torres is mysterious and the type of girl that every man desires. With secrets lying in her past, she is determined not to let a man by her side. Immune to Fosters’s advances, she presents something he wishes to conquer. But Foster is not prepared for what he is to learn, the true side of Zoe; her curse will scare him beyond compare, soon though it opens up a door of possibilities for him, and he becomes the man that he truly is. Ruthless and only with a determination to conquer. As he continues to play with fire, he soon gets burned, leaving Zoe and Foster with the tables turned. Will they be able to fight this curse? And when the tables get turned, can they make the right decisions?

Tatum_Whispers · Fantasy
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97 Chs

Love Bites

As I slowly make my way to the club, my mind cannot help but drift back to the amazing moment I shared with Zoe only a few hours ago. It breaks me to the bottom of my heart that I might never see her again. If my presence was not required at this meeting, I shall be searching every corner of every alley until I find her. I have never longed for anyone as much as I long for her.

Suddenly I am ripped from my thoughts as my phone comes abuzz in my pocket. As I check to see who it is, I am somewhat disappointed that it is only Ethan. There is a slight drizzle of rain that has now started to come down. I move to the side of a building to find a dry spot, and press to receive the call.

"Hey Ethan, what is the matter?"

"Hey, Foster. Do you have the Stephenson file? I can't find it here in your office."

Then it hits me, I took the file home on Friday to have a look over it. I have entirely forgotten to take it now. "Yes Ethan, I will go grab it quick. See you just now."

I drop the call and immediately start turning around. Lucky I have ten minutes to spare and I am still fairly close to my home. As I make my way down the deserted streets back home, I cannot help but think that only a few hours ago, this was the very same road I was walking on with her. She should be in bed waiting for me and not down some alley. I truly hope with everything in me that she is safe in her own home. I will find where it is even if it takes me forever, but with my connections, I am assured I will find it even sooner.

As I get to my building, Mike is once again not at his post, this time I am firing him for being so negligent on the job. Even though there is no way that somebody can get into my penthouse, I do still prefer the security that his services provide me.

I push the thought to the back of my head and casually make my way to the elevator to the top floor. My penthouse is on the top floor but the rest of the building is empty. As the building belongs to me, I have always opted to be the only one that lives here. That is especially why nobody could hear my screams early this morning.

But as the elevator opens at the top, I can see my front door is open. Did I really forget to lock it up or is it Mike that for some reason opened it? I slip my hand to the back of my pants and retrieve my gun from it. Slowly I make my entry through the door into the kitchen. There is no sign of an intruder in either here or the lounge, they must have gone to my room to where the safe is.

My heart feels like it is about to jump from my chest, the adrenaline has got me racing in every direction. As I sneak the corner I make my way down the hallway to my bedroom. In the distance, I can hear the voices of two people, but what shocks me the most is that they are a woman. Am I really willing to shoot women, but what are they doing in my home in the first place? When I enter the doorway, I see them standing by my bed.


She swings around but the look on her face soon turns to fear. "Please don't shoot me, Foster."

"Shit, no, sorry. I thought you guys are intruders. What are you doing here? I am glad you are but why are you two standing holding that bloody towel?"

"I came back to see if I hurt you but then we found this."

I point over to my cheek to the cut that I made when I nipped myself from shaving. "Just a shaving accident. You did not hurt me, well just maybe my ego."

"I am so glad to see you are okay Foster. We will leave now."

"No", my words thunder through the room and echo through the rest of the house. "You are not running away from me again."

I place the gun down on the dressing table and move closer to her. "Please I beg you, do not run away from me again."

"But", she hesitantly says as she steps a few steps back. "I almost killed you."

"I must admit you had me scared shitless there for a moment, but we can talk about it later. Please don't leave me. I have a few meetings this morning, please wait for me here until I get back?"

"But Foster, I am...."

"I don't care what you are, please wait for me."

She looks over to Teagen as to get approval and Teagen just nods her head. Teagen looks at me with a somewhat dangerous look in her eyes, I swear for just a moment I see them turn red. "Just so you know, I can turn into a real Vampire, if you go hurt Zoe, I will have your head."

To say I am not scared beyond my belief is a lie, never has a woman frightened me as much as she just did. "I promise." I grab the file off the bed and quickly give Zoe a kiss. "Please don't leave, I am coming right back after my meeting."

This time when I dash out the door I am happy, as I walk out of the building I see Mike finally back on his post. "Mike you came very close to being fired."

"Apologies Mr. Rosario, I did not hear what you said there."

All I do is wave him off and make it back to the club. God, I am so happy that she is there, I just pray she does not leave again. To think she came back for me, must mean she feels the same feeling that I do for her. This is very much new for me and probably for her too and let us not forget about scary. They say that all new things are scary, well this one truly is.

As I finally step into my office at the club, Ethan just smiles at me. "What has got you so happy so early in the morning?"

"Do I need to have a reason to be happy?"

"You damn right. Foster Rosario never as much as utter a smile, least of all so early in the morning. Am I guessing it has something to do with Zoe?"

"Perhaps, now stop grilling my ass and show for that asshole he can come through."

He pats me on the back and leaves to go get our early morning appointment. Our so-called client today is Stephenson Richards and we are looking to take over his Real Estate Firm and every single prime property he owns. To say that I am not power hungry would be a lie.

It only takes half an hour for Foster Rosario to get what it wants. There is nothing I do not get and that includes the woman in my bed.

An hour later I am eagerly rushing the streets to get back home, so many parts of me are scared that she shall not be there as I want. Every step I take is one too much and too long, I really should try and get her number this time.

Mike is at least at his post this time and says nothing of a woman leaving the building. Then again they did sneak in here the first time, what stops them from sneaking out again. But as I enter through the door and head to the bedroom, I find her laying snug there under the blankets.

I softly kick off my shoes and with one flick of my buckle, I drop my pants. I unbutton my damp shirt and throw it aside. I slide my cold semi-naked body next to hers.

"Aaahhh", she whimpers as the cold touches her warm skin. She turns around until her beautiful eyes are piercing mine.

"Hey." I nuzzled her nose and give her a small peck on her soft rosy lips.

"Hey yourself."

"I am glad you stayed."

She wiggles herself deep into my body and nestles her head in my chest. "I am so sorry."

I lift her face to meet my eyes. "Don't ever be sorry for who you are."

"Even if it is scary?"

"Yes. Something tells me I am going to get scared a lot more often, but I would rather be scared than without you."

"But Foster I could kill you."

"But you didn't."

"It is only because you stopped me."

My mind goes back racing to what happened this morning. We were at the height of passion just ready to explode and shatter in each other's arms when she turned. If I did not stop her, I would have had four fangs dug deep into my neck, and from the way I understand the fairytale goes, I would be sucked dry.

"So what if you turned into a Vampire. I thought that was kind of awesome. Well, not at the time, only a few hours later."

She slaps me on my arm as she chuckles. "It is not funny Foster."

"Do you turn every time, I mean every time when you have sex?"

"Yes, but even with kissing. Every time I feel ecstasy consume me, the beast inside of me takes over."

"Does it mean you never get to climax?"

"It means that my partner does not get to climax too?"

There is a cheeky smile that forms at the corners of my mouth as only one single thought sets in my mind. "Do you want to try that theory again?"

"Foster!" She hesitantly looks up at me. The swirls of emotion I see in her eyes make me gasp. However, before I can ponder about it further, she yanks me to her and covers my mouth with a hungry kiss. As our lips crush together, it feels like I am walking on air. It is magic, the way her lips connect with mine.

I pin her hands to the bed and start to roam her body, taking my lips to every untouched part of her. I watch her legs move and body writhe as I slide my fingers in beneath. Then I slowly start to edge my entry, she is so soft and tight and completely soaked for me. She arches her back as I pound in deep. Our bodies rock into a perfect motion.

We push each closer and closer until the pressure can no longer be controlled.

Soon our breaths become moans, then cries, then as we experience the most exhilarating release, my moan echoes to every corner, "Aaahhh Zoe!"

Next, I feel her fangs sink deep into my skin.

And everything disappears.