
Vampire's Curse: Bound By Immortality

Foster Rosario has been designed to drive any woman beyond seven sensations of pleasure. He is powerful and elegant. He is drawn to danger and will dangle his fingers in everything that is forbidden. This billionaire bad boy might have you on his speed dial, but you will never capture his heart. Zoe Torres is mysterious and the type of girl that every man desires. With secrets lying in her past, she is determined not to let a man by her side. Immune to Fosters’s advances, she presents something he wishes to conquer. But Foster is not prepared for what he is to learn, the true side of Zoe; her curse will scare him beyond compare, soon though it opens up a door of possibilities for him, and he becomes the man that he truly is. Ruthless and only with a determination to conquer. As he continues to play with fire, he soon gets burned, leaving Zoe and Foster with the tables turned. Will they be able to fight this curse? And when the tables get turned, can they make the right decisions?

Tatum_Whispers · Fantasy
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97 Chs

Fighting For It

…Zoe POV…

Faith is about believing. You don't know how it will happen, but it will happen.

Foster is sitting next to me, holding my hand so tight that it is becoming numb. He has dozed off and looks so peaceful as he is sleeping. I do not want to wake him up; he has not had a decent night's rest in what seems to be ages. He stays up every night, every day; he is awake almost every waking moment looking after me. He needs these few moments.

I am writing this letter as a token of my love to him, as a keepsake for him to treasure, and as a reminder of my commitment to us and to our life together.

"To my dear love,

I want you to know that I love you, ALL OF YOU, and I always will. I am committed to our marriage until death does us part. At times, in moments of deep frustration, I may have questioned otherwise, but that was my immature way of seeking love from you when I should have been looking for you to fill the void in my temporarily wandering heart.