

Chaos has fallen on the earth and the darkness has been given it's freedom to bring upon it's wrath on the living it considered unworthy. The Armageddon has come crashing down into the world at an unexpected time as the skies shook with the force of the shattered seals that hold together the gates of purgatory and the imbalance that has occurred through the planes that separated the world of the spiritual from the world of the physical. Terror rains down on the powerless living ones that have no idea of the wickedness that would follow with the shattering of these seals and now the land, air and seas have been plunged into a state of destruction, death and desolation. The sin of a child and the failure of an entity, the warnings that were not listened to, the hidden that which to come onto the light. Such many events brings the world to this unfortunate disaster and now the days of suffering continues. Now with their fates interconnected and their souls tied to become one, both physical and spiritual beings would now have to traverse the path that would lead them to the fulfillment of their destinies which would either bring redemption for the guilts of their sins and what it had caused the world or would lead to their exile and destruction. As they continue forward fighting against all odds to achieve their goals, they would slowly unravel the mysteries and truths behind these unfortunate events that would lead to a long road of suffering, regrets, deaths and sorrows and eventually carry them forward till they find the redemption they seek...... Or maybe not.

Uniqueverz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

CHAPTER TEN: Shocking News

In a maize farm in the eastern part of the kingdom Divini Divine, a fight between man and vampires went on.

Just as the masked man was aiming to finish of Mole with his attack, his sword was knocked away from his hand by the female vampire who had finally joined the fight.

He hadn't even seen her move and suddenly she was in front of him. Seeing this he made to strike her but she had raised her palm giving him a very strong push. The moment her palm connected to his chest, the power was much that he was sent flying back several feets away landing on the ground with a huge thud. Before he could fully stand up, she was already approaching him, walking majestically towards him.

As he stood up slowly holding onto his chest, his mask wet as blood dropped from the bottom to the coat. He finally had a good view of his attacker and it was a little surprising. To say she was beautiful would be an understatement, her V shaped face was complemented with small eyes with long lashes, small long nose and small red lips that would be if not all, most men would fight to kiss. Her red eyes shone like crystal having a compelling feeling to it. The fine red stitched gown which ended just after her knees was tight from waist upward showing of a perfect shape with medium sized breasts. The wind danced with her long black hair and that little smile on her lips lightened up her face increasing her beauty, it shocked the man a bit.

As she came closer, her tongue stuck out as she licked her lips, the red eyes shining more as her excitement increased.

A beauty who all men would love to die for looked like a crazy person who was about to put the masked man down that's if he allowed it.

He studied her as she drew nearer, waiting for what she will do next. He didn't have to wait for long as she moved again, her movements probably four times faster than he was. He had no way to escape quickly so before she had moved, he had stabbed his sword to the ground stepping on the handle's top with all the speed he could use and using it, he lifted himself from the ground jumping up in the air just missing her attack by less than a second however his slight miss was only for a second as the moment he landed, she was already in front of him and before he could react, a huge swipe of her fingers clashed his chest cutting through his coat only for it to stop at the fine armour he wore inside. Though it prevented him from getting cut, the force was still enough to knock him to the ground as his body weakened instantly, he might have already fainted.

"She's fast." Was the thought in the masked man's head as his body hit the floor. His mask had turned red from all the blood he spat out making it hard for him to see. He needed to get away from her fast or he could die from her next attack. However he didn't expect what she did next.

"Oh you are not fun, you are not even trying." She said pouting as she went one step back and waited. "Stand up, I need to have something exciting."

Ralmond seeing this did not know how to react, he had always known her to be like this. It was one of the reasons he had not wanted her to fight.

Maltida was a person who always loved to take everything to the extreme, always trying to fight and defeat those who were stronger than her and except for the vampires above her, he wasn't sure that there were a lot of people who can.

"Maltida finish this quickly, we don't have all day lady, we are still waiting for the princess to come, I would not want any of this seen by her. So play another time." Ralmond said as he walked close to her.

Speaking of the princess worked however as she readied to finish the man off. Ralmond never knew why but she always had a soft spot for the princess and could do anything as long as it was for her, she was the most devastated when the news of the princess running away reached their ears. He remembered seeing her crying at that time.

Maltida looked at the man who was struggling to get up, her expression becoming bored. "Well, since it does not seem that you will be able to do anything anymore that means you are no fun."

Saying that, she moved throwing a punch that would finish of the man instantly but as her punch approached the person who seemed to have no strength at all, he surprised them once more as he raised his hand holding her punch as he was pushed back. As he stopped, the man threw back at her a punch, his fist moving fast it connected to her stomach before she could even react.

The punch was surprisingly strong that it pushed her backwards with her trying to stop the momentum. When she stopped however, her hands immediately holded her stomach as her legs shook a little at the strength of the punch.

Every other person watching was shocked at the turn of events, the man who seemed to be in the verge of dieing had suddenly turned out to still have some fighting power.

"Who the hell is this." Ralmond thought his expression becoming more serious.

The masked man was back on his feet, his mask now red from the amount of blood he had spat out. He raised his hand and pulled it of his face revealing the man underneath.

"Wait, I saw that man in the restaurant." Mole exclaimed as he recognized the person immediately. For it was the beautiful man that Hakira had been looking a since he had entered the restaurant.

Gathering the blood in his mouth, he spat the remain blood out cleaning it afterwards as he reached for the daggers in his waist holding two of them in his hands, the boots he wore shinning as sped towards Maltida throwing out strike after strike faster than before.

Maltida smiled as she dodged the attacks giving out attacks of her own. Both moving so fast that to Sarah and Mole, they were a blur. Ralmond watched in awe as he could see clearly how both of them fought, their attacks like a dance as each dodged and attacked.

Slowly both speed increased as their attacks started to connect. Though it was a little hard, Ralmond was able to see the small cuts they both gave each other only to realize that Maltida cuts got worse. He knew it was time to step into the battle if not she might really result to using that which he had no intention of seeing again. The pearl in his hands shone and immediately he swallowed it and his aura changed.

The air around shook and then went on a frenzy as his body seemed to get redder. His hair grew almost touching his back, his nails grew larger and his face started to loose his shape as he almost looked like a skeleton face, his fangs grew larger and he let out a huge growl which made the two people fighting stop to witness the monster.

"He really took it." Sarah exclaimed.

Right now Ralmond using the red pearl which was called a blood pearl had amplified his strength and abilities making them three times stronger than before and deadlier in nature.

Maltida knew he was going to try ending the fight and she was in no way pleased. She had not even brought out the last resort and she knew he feared her using it but she was receiving a thrill fighting the gorgeous man. He was good and she was sure he had not brought out his best yet. Hissing at the fact that she could not stop Ralmond with how she was in the moment, she reluctantly threw a punch at the man who blocked crossing his hands, the strength surprisingly pushing him back. Though all the wounds she attained was already healed, she was a bit sloppy because of the constant showers of attack and she still planned to use that which Ralmond feared her to use just to piss him off.

However, Ralmond had already appeared in front of the man, a swipe of his fingers clashing the man's belly before he could even react. It immediately tore that place and for the first time in the whole fight, the man was heavily injured. Four wide slash showed and blood gushed out furiously to which Ralmond had bent his head taking some in his mouth while some poured over his face and body, his eyes becoming darker as the sweetness of the blood overflowed in his mouth.

The man who's face still had not a single bit of expression even with the pain that he felt at the moment slowly slumped and fell to the ground. The dust beneath spreading as he landed like a statue.

It seemed his time to die had come and though it was unexpected, he didn't have any complains however instead of the rushing feeling of death he expected to come, it was instead a small torch of flames that sparked inside him as the eye of someone looked back at him, the stern gaze woke him from his delusion. Death was still far from him, he still had to pay for all he had done and death would not let him have it easily.

He had no idea how where the strange strength came from, the blood that gushed out of his body dried back and his wounds though not fully healed brought out no further blood. It was time he used the sword at his back which was still placed in it's sheath hiding it's true power. Placing his both hands in the ground, he pushed himself up, his feet planted well in the ground as all his body raised from the ground to the shock of all the other vampires especially Ralmond and Maltida who had been closet to them.

Ralmond made to attack but before he could even complete thinking of it, the man's hand which had hold the sword as he lifted up pulled it out of his sheath and delivered a powerful swing that tore the air open and from it a mighty blast erupted out which struck at both Ralmond and Maltida before they could even blink. The power was so strong it sent them flying so far and landing forming a small crater around them. In a blur he was in front of them where they laid, with Maltida completely knocked out, a wound across her hand as she laid on her side. Ralmond beside her, his entire body bleeding but was surprisingly still conscious. He trembled at the man who looked down at him knowing well he wouldn't be able to escape his wrath.

Mole and Sarah who had just been watching were literally shaking at the frightening aura the sword emitted. The man who had it in his hand was even more frightening and their heads racked at a thousand ways to escape death which would visit them the moment he decided it. However for the first time the man finally spoke.

"Released them from what you did to them." He was referring to the humans who had miraculously not sustained any injuries through out the battle before him and the vampires.

Ralmond smiled thinking it was time he used his last resort against the man. "Haha, do...do you think...ink I wo....would do th..that easily."

The man's eyes immediately became deadly and scary and Ralmond shivered more as he remembered someone else who gave that type of look which sent an incredible chill through out his bones.

The man said nothing more instead putting his hands inside a part that still remained of his torn clothes, he brought out a dark blue orb and the moment he did, the aura exploded around everyone and then Ralmond knew that he had better do what he was told to do if he truly was to die peacefully.

"Do it." He commanded shouting loud to Sarah's and Mole's hearing who in turn immediately turned to do what they were told. After doing that, Sarah remembered something that was with Eidan at the time.

How could she forget that, it was a small box which inside contained a something they could use in vanishing back to where they came for. Stylishly, she walked over to Eidan's remains and managed to find the box.

Not saying a word, she went towards Mole holding him and dragging him to where her the others were thankful that the man only focused on the the two he stood in front of.

Even though he protested, with her having more strength than him, Sarah successfully dragged Mole to where the others were plumping down as if to beg the man to spare them. However before she had reached the place, she had recited the spell to open the box and as soon as she was beside the others, the box opened and before the man could move to finish them off completely, the box sucked them all in and disappeared.

The man stood a little shocked at how they had escaped wondering how he had not realized what the person was doing before. However, they were gone and he had no idea where they will be vanished to so he looked back at the people to see that they were all okay. At that instant, he immediately moved away from the people not caring about the strain and pain his body had gone through after his sudden boost had ended.

When he was away from them and in somewhere he was sure no one will see him he stopped near a tree and hid behind it slumping to the ground breathing heavily. His eyes went to the huge injuries in his belly as he fished out a small bottle which inside was an healing powder which were made from rare plants.

Reading himself for the amount of pain that was about to come, he let out a breath and then poured the powder in the injuries as he gritted his teeth to not scream at the pain until he could hold on no more and let out a heavy growl, his eyes shut tight as he fought the pain. After sometime he calmed down, his entire body drenched with sweat and his breathing trying to become stable.

His mouth opened as he whistled hoping that what he called for would find him.

Finally he could see a horse running towards him as his eyes blurred threatening to loose their consciousness. At last the man was scooped from the ground as he felt his body landing on a hard skin.

At that moment Young could not be more glad to have Alpha.

Later on in the kingdom, the palace was in chaos as some guards came out to see two bodies layed on the ground only to find out that this dead people were vampires and with the way they were, it seemed that they had been killed by something or someone stronger than them and that was about another problem as they had no idea if what or who so ever killed the vampires was an ally or an enemy.

One thing was for sure how ever, the vampires had been able to get into the kingdom and they had no clue how it was possible. That night the security in the entire kingdom was on full alert as they expected anything to happen. That was how dangerous the vampires were.

Right there in the palace, a certain person was shaking at the news and the bodies he saw. It was clear what had happened to them.

"They failed, they failed." The figure mumbled trembling. "That means that they would come."

The person's eyes widened as he realized something and prayed that it did not come to past as he shaking spat the words which increased his fear.

"Oh no that means he would come."