

Chaos has fallen on the earth and the darkness has been given it's freedom to bring upon it's wrath on the living it considered unworthy. The Armageddon has come crashing down into the world at an unexpected time as the skies shook with the force of the shattered seals that hold together the gates of purgatory and the imbalance that has occurred through the planes that separated the world of the spiritual from the world of the physical. Terror rains down on the powerless living ones that have no idea of the wickedness that would follow with the shattering of these seals and now the land, air and seas have been plunged into a state of destruction, death and desolation. The sin of a child and the failure of an entity, the warnings that were not listened to, the hidden that which to come onto the light. Such many events brings the world to this unfortunate disaster and now the days of suffering continues. Now with their fates interconnected and their souls tied to become one, both physical and spiritual beings would now have to traverse the path that would lead them to the fulfillment of their destinies which would either bring redemption for the guilts of their sins and what it had caused the world or would lead to their exile and destruction. As they continue forward fighting against all odds to achieve their goals, they would slowly unravel the mysteries and truths behind these unfortunate events that would lead to a long road of suffering, regrets, deaths and sorrows and eventually carry them forward till they find the redemption they seek...... Or maybe not.

Uniqueverz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


It had been a week and two days since the day of the festival and everyone had gone back to doing their own thing. The streets were busy as people did one thing or the other. The streets were usually loud but today seemed a little more fierce. The reason no one knew. It just seemed that was how the day was.

Riding through the streets in a huge powerful horse, a figure clothed in light silver cloak with a hood covering part of his face sat on the horse as they traveled a path of which they had gone the week before and of which that an event had drove the figure into doing something that had caused a little change to him. As usual his face that his beneath the hood holded no sentiment nor expression.

His emerald color eyes shone yet lacked any feelings, his gaze like an sculpted image not changing a bit.

This man was Young and the horse he sat on was his own companion, Alpha.

After his overwhelming victory at the festival, he had become a little popular in the kingdom. Though his temperament and cold aura usually oppressed people around him, they had been a few exceptions that would pester him here and there. It was a relief he had not made a move in saying out his name if not he would not have been able to keep everyone away from him especially the women. Young was a fine looking man and carried a strong aura, which woman would not want a man like him.

Alpha moved in a steady speed on the road not running yet not walking slowly as well. However his speed was faster than any other one on the road being so quick to the extent that he had passed a running horse before the rider could open his mouth fully in awe. This action had caused a few people to look towards the horse wondering how it was that fast.

They were moving to the town Calis as this was the day the blacksmith Young had given materials and enchantments to make a sword for him had said to come to take his sword. The week before, Young had given a

Morning dew enchantment. This was a low class claw enchantment that was usually used in making weapons. Every enchantment was put into classes differing from low low class, middle low class, high low class to low middle class, middle middle class, high middle class to low high class, middle high class, high high class. The higher these classes went, the stronger they get but also the more scarce to find. It could be said that in the entire continent, the number of high high class enchantments could be counted with just two hands.

These enchantments had come to the mortals knowledge at the time when the demons had been released to the world. According to some stories, it was said that they fell from the sky in the middle of all the chaos scattering all around the world. When they landed, these things are usually as big as small islands and usually take a very solid form differing in colors. Just a small part from it could make a normal man strong enough to slaughter various monsters. The mortals after examing these things figured that they were able to use them in further strengthen their weapons and armors at times even giving them some special abilities, the sword Young had used in giving the vampires the last blow being an example of them.

The claw enchantment, Morning dew was one that could increase the durability of the weapon it was melted into. If the blacksmith was a very good one, then he might be able to refine the enchantment into the sword and solidify it to the point that it could have an ability, that would be very helpful to any warrior or fighter. Morning dew was a low middle class of the claw enchantment ranking among the top ones in this category make it possible that it could still be used against a middle middle class weapon if used well. In Young hands, almost all weapons were very used well.

Passing through the way Young had become a little familiar with, they had soon reached the shop. Young had slowly climbed down from Alpha and made his way inside the shop as he passed through some workers while looking for Mr Xander. He also took notice of every other thing in the shop, his sight staying a little on the shelf where a number of enchantments were laid line by line. These enchantments could be made in different shapes and as for all the ones all the shelves was all spherical in shape, their colors differing and a rich amount of energy dispersing all around them. From the look of them, the highest there were high middle class enchantments which were just three in number. Young was a little startled to see that they had high middle class enchantments. It was not that it was impossible but that enchantments the higher they went in class, the harder they were to find but to have three high middle class enchantments was certainly a huge number to have. One of these enchantments were even able to be used in making an amount of ten weapons that could just be as strong as middle middle class enchantments.

"Hello boy, I see you have already arrived."

Young took his gaze away from the enchantments to look at Mr Xander who had walked into the store. He wore a pair of gauntlets and was carrying a huge box using the power of the enchantment from the gauntlets.

"Let me drop off this equipments and I will go and bring your new sword." Xander was already dropping the box as he spoke. "You are one lucky man, boy."

Young hearing the man's last words already figured out what the man was hunting at but he still waited to see it first before making any judgement. Xander moved towards a room and walked back with a wooden box that was about five feets long dropping it on one of the tables in the room as Young had reached the place to see how the sword was.

"You had brought a really rare enchantment, I wonder where you could have gotten it from. The properties are really hard to melt and it was really stressful to pound into the sword. However surprisingly it's core was intact even through all that pounding still having 92% of it and was enough to form an ability."

All enchantments had cores, these core was what kept the properties forming the enchantments. As long as the cores were able to keep about 70% of the properties intact, there was a high chance for the enchantment to produce an ability. Most of the enchantments while pounding and melting them where only able to keep some percent of the core intact with a few having to produce an ability. Out of a hundred weapons made with enchantments, only about ten to thirty might be able to have an ability. Plus if the percent kept intact was high, it made the ability more powerful and stronger.

Xander knowing that the enchantment was able to keep a whole 92% of it's core intact thought of Young being a very lucky man.

Young opened the box which revealed the sword that was covered by a cloth wrapping it. As the box was opened, from it rushed out a cold and refreshing energy like the dew of the morning causing all the others in the shop to look towards them. They had been a few people who had also come to either purchase a weapon or give materials to make weapons to their own taste. All of them were well versed with weapons and enchantments so feeling the rich energy that flowed out from the sword caught their attention.

"Hmm, that feels like a low middle class weapon." A man who had a lot of understanding on enchantments was able to immediately tell what class it was.

His words caused some others to look at Young with interest. It was not hard to find a low middle class enchantment when one was wealthy or usually went out to adventure but to have one that was able to release this much energy was however rare. If one did not truly know how enchantments were, they could easily be misled to believe that it was at least a middle middle class enchantment.

Knowing this made them wonder how Young had come across such fine treasure.

Young who had become the center focus of the people inside the shop was indifferent to their stares as he took the sword which was sheathed out to have a good looking at it. The sword handle was blue in color and smooth in the edges making it good to swing around. It had square shapes designed in it. Drawing out the sword from the sheath to observe The blade, Young was able to see the plain silver blade. The blade was a one edged sword, thin and long with it's edges sharp to the extent it would slit the table into two if enough force was used.

As he gripped the handle, Young was able to feel the chill from the sword penetrate into his body rushing into his blood and give a refreshing feeling. He using this feeling connected with the core and passed this feeling into the sword making the blade release some smoke with a little water dripping down from the tip.

Seeing this, he was satisfied with the result and then cut away the feeling putting it back inside the box after wrapping it with the cloth. He paid the remaining money and walked out of the shop completely ignoring the stares and talk of the people behind him.

He walked out of the shop back to where he had left Alpha to see that he had walked over to group of young lads and lass who had carrots and was trying to get some for himself. Young just looked at the horse not knowing what to do. Carrots were Alpha's weakness, the stallion just seemed to love it too much.

Young had to walk over to the children who were feeding Alpha while caressing his hair. One of the lad was even trying to climb on his back while he was distracted but he was actually finding it hard to. This being because Alpha was actually bigger than a normal horse a little and his body being too strong. The lad was actually getting successful in his task when Young had arrived among them.

Looking at them, they were four boys with two girls and except from the one trying to climb onto the horse, they had all looked at Young the exact time he had arrived among them.

Alpha had raised his head to look at Young, a carrot in between his teeth and his eyes going to the box Young hanged over the bag. With the look Young was giving him, he could only give small sound hunting his displeasure at Young disturbing his hustle before turning to walk over causing the boy trying to climb on falling with his butt hitting the ground hard making him hiss at the stinging pain.

"Oh, you could not even give me a little warning." The boy lamented while turning to stare at Young.

He watched in awe as Young climbed on without any bit of effort as if he was just walking and almost cried at Young's action. He could only watch as the horse sprinted away from them at an awesome speed that left all the children opened mouthed and jaw dropped.

"That is fast."

"I want to ride on him."

"I can't even see the horse no more, is that a normal horse?"

"Oh he is so wicked, he could have at least let me climb on."

The children all spoke at once excited at what they saw.

Where as Young was thinking of what to do for the now. His days had seemed to become a little boring to him and he thought to maybe go out from the kingdom and do somethings before returning. However he certainly had not planned neither had prepared for what was coming to him in the nearest future while he rode on Alpha while going back towards the inn.

At the palace.

In the throne room, the king sat on his throne while waiting for the governors of the states to arrive to discuss some issues.

Sitting one of the chairs at the side a few distance in front of him was Azezul the Enchanter who was relating to him some matters of which he was supposed to attend to. The both of them spoke and pondered amongst themselves relatively fishing out options for what they were trying to do while patiently waiting for the governors who he had summoned over to arrive.

"Hmm, we should be able to purchase this new craft that Skyline kingdom has created. It would be useful for reinforcing some of our mechanisms and strengthen our warfront well."

"Hmm, truly you have spoken well Splinter but I would have to look through it and see if there could be some changes to make it better because though it has a steady supply of energy, I feel it would still be a little unsteady. That would not be good."

"Indeed do as you must Azezul."

What they were actually talking about was a mechanism that had been created by a forger in Skyline kingdom that shot out huge beams of fire when equipped with some special kind of enchantments.

Just in the middle of their discussion, their attention was drawn to the sounds of hurried feets that made their way towards the throne room. The door forcefully opened and a man wearing a fez on his head with golden robes and glasses rushed in while panting from the long run. His face was sweating all over and his eyes told that he had seen horrors that frightened him.

"What is the problem Samson? What have you seen that make your eyes burn in terror and make soak yourself in sweat?" Azezul immediately asked seeing the man's expression.

"Haborn havern is no more, it has been completely annihilated." The man spat out hurriedly, his voice almost failing him.

His words immediately made the two men stand up from their seats, their face laced with confusion.

"What do you mean, Haborn havern is completely annihilated? I had sent you just four days ago after King Martin had sent me a message for somethings."

"Your Majesty, what I say is true. I had arrived with the others only to come to face with the entire image of death in the entire kingdom. Bodies were littered, warriors slain mercilessly, the city set ablaze. The stench of death and suffering filled the entire kingdom sir."

"Hmm could have probably been a demons doing but Haborn havern is also equipped with the spell we use so that is not possible."

"Indeed you are right Azezul but if so then what could have been able to do such earth quaking atrocity."

"Your Majesty, Enchanter, it was not a demon. From what I had witnessed, the men had been slained, they bodies cut or stabbed, hammered and crushed. It was a complete massacre with them having up to no resistance against the enemy."

"Are you trying to say that this was probably done by people? Could it be that the vampires are trying to attack? They have done this with us before."

"No your Majesty, what I saw was not what could be done by the vampires. This was most likely an attack from an army or trained personnel."

"Then if this is so then we must be ready, a group that could raze down an entire kingdom is no joke."

"I don't know why but hearing your words, I am suddenly having this bad feeling. It feels like like a wave is coming.

"A very terrifying one."