
The Vacation Part 2


I got up at 6:00am so I could get everything ready for me and The winx, today

was the day we are going to the Bahamas. I super excited for the sun, the beach and of corse the SHOPPING. I woke up the Winx at 7 so they still had time to get ready for our trip. I hope this vacation doesn't end up like last time when Darkar was here.


We got ready and all packed for our trip and meeted the specialists outside. We took the owl because we all wanted to take our time getting there and because Miss Fargonda doesn't want us to use magic.

We Got into the owl and we're on our way to the Bahamas. After flying for and hour and a half we finally got to our destination it was 1pm. "It's so beautiful here"

"Yeah it is and it's super romantic"said Sky.

"What should we do first?"asked Musa."

"How about we get settled at the house?"Asked Helia.

"Sure"said Musa.

We went to our huge house for the next two weeks, it was just off the beach, it was black and white two story beach house with huge glass windows and a huge pool. There are six bedrooms rooms, a kitchen, a living room, three bathrooms and a dining room. (See image below)

"Wow it's so beautiful"l said

"Wow it's so beautiful"l said.

"Not as beautiful as you Bloom"Sky whispered.

That made me chuckle, he can be so cute sometimes. After we all unpacked headed to the beach to relax. The Winx and I stayed on the beach while the Specialists went in the water. It was such a nice day to be at the beach. After a couple hours it was time for dinner, the boys took us to a very nice restaurant right off the beach, everything is so beautiful. After dinner the Winx and Specialist except Sky and I headed back to the beach house, Sky and I, more of I wanted to go for a walk on the beach and ever since the incident with Valtor Sky wanted to stay by me , anyway Sky and walked on the beach and watched the sunset it was so beautiful and romantic on the beach. After the was basically gone we headed back to the beach house. Everyone was watching a movie when we got back so we decided to join them, when the movie ended we all went to bed because it was late.


It was the second day in our vacation and it was nice, so far no new news about Valtor witch is good. Today the girls decided to go shopping while the rest of us stayed at the beach house and relaxed.


"Stella slow down we have two weeks here we don't have to see all the shops today."

"I know but everything looks so amazing"said Stella.

"Yeah Stella slow down we can't keep up"said the rest of the Winx.

"Fine, fine, it's about noon what do u say about lunch?"asked Stella.

Works for me"said Musa.

"Ya I'm starving"said Aisha

"Sure"said Flora.


The boys and we're relaxing when we heard a knock at the door, I opened the door to see

Daphne Oritel and Marion Bloom's family.

"Sky where's Bloom?"said Oritel I could tell something was bothering him.

"She's out with the rest of the Winx shopping."

"Do you know when she'll be back?"asked Daphne"

"No, but knowing Stella not for a while, what's going on is Bloom in danger?"

"Yes Sky, Valtor's showed his face to the entire magic dimension, and don't play dumb Miss Fargonda said you already knew that Valtor was back, Why Didn't You Tell Us?"

"Bloom and I didn't want to worry you, we didn't know what really happened with Valtor he just disappeared before we could have done anything." After explaining that I offered them to come inside to wait for the Winx, all the specialists and I explained everything that we could I had texted Bloom to come back and that it was important so hopefully she'll be her soon.


We were on our feet once again for Stella when my phone buzzed I looked to see who was messaging me and it was Sky it said Bloom can you come back it's important. After I read that I explained that Sky needed me for something important and that I was going to leave, Stella was of corse mad at the fact that I am picking Sky over shopping but I told her I'll be back if I can, with that I headed back to the beach house. When I got back to the beach house I unlocked the door with my key and when I opened the door I saw my PARENTS AND DAPHNE I was so confused why were they here? how did they know I was here?

"Daphne, mom, dad what are you doing here?"

"We came to find you"said Daphne.



Yikes, I was in trouble I never told them because I didn't want them to freak out just like they were doing now. "I didn't want to worry you guys, I knew with the Winx and Specialists I could handle Valtor without any drama or fear, wait how did you guys find out Valtor's back?"

"Well sis you should have still told us but I understand stand why you didn't"said Daphne.

"Not acceptable Bloom you should know better your a princess for the love of the Great Dragon"(Oritel)

"But dad..."

"No buts Bloom your coming home" (Oritel)

"The Winx need me and I need them how am I supposed to stop Valtor if I'm not near him?"

"Your not Bloom, Daphne will help the Winx and you will stay in the castle, and that's final! Understand." (Oritel)

"Yes father"

After that, I left with my parent and Daphne, heart broken.


After Bloom left the house was quiet no one knew what to say, we were all shocked, without Bloom none of us stood a chance against Valtor.


We finally got back from shopping all day, I'm guessing Sky kept Bloom busy, I opened the door so hear the entire house quiet, the boys were in the kitchen whispering to each other.

"Hey guy's were back, where Bloom?"

"STELLA!"said Brandon in shock.

"None of you answered my question where's Bloom?"

"Gone"said Sky a little sadness in his voice.


"Stella calm down Bloom's at Domino"said Brandon.

"Well why didn't you say that. Wait why is she at Domino I thought she was on vacation with us?"

"Valtor showed himself to the entire magic demition and Bloom's family wanted to make sure Bloom was ok but when they couldn't find her they went to Faragonda where she told them everything. Oritel didn't like that fact that we did tell him and now Bloom's stuck at Domino."

"Great so not only is the magic demetion in panic, there's no way we can defeat Valtor without Bloom." Said Musa.

"Don't forget now we can't help protect Bloom because there's no way her fathers going to let Bloom see us."said Sky.

"What are we going to do now?"asked Tecna.

"I really don't know..."said Sky.