
VALR (The World Of Remnant)

To save the world of Remnant four Courageous Legends must stop the terror known as the Red Queen. Their bravery against her magic. Who is this goddess she serve, where does her magic originate, and will these valiant hunters win? They are Team VALR. This is the beginning of their story. In this Epic retelling of the World of Remnant experience an original story based on this world and the character's in the RWBY series. Red Vermillion is a calm and sad individual. Trapped in a state of never ending he must find his happily ever after. Red is a huntsman of two years and a beacon graduate. The war had ended some time ago but still fresh in the hearts and minds of those affected. He was born in a villiage in Mistal but after his village burns down killing his entire clan he is rescued and taken in by Ozpin. Being the youngest to graduate from beacon and become a huntsman Red found it quite peaceful though sullen. He use to belong to a team called VALR but in a terrible situation they all died leaving him with survivors guilt. And due to his semblance he has to maintain a state of psychological and emotional balance as to not hurt anyone he doesn't want to harm. He shall come across a strange girl offering a quest by the name of Lace Daisy Wonder, An old friend by the name of Van from the Vanir tribe, and a mercenary faunas by the name of Azure. In the end Red has intriguing but terrible news that he feels he should relay to his mentor/foster father Ozpin. This will be the true beginning of their long and perilous journey that transcends time and space itself.

Night_Stories · Others
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14 Chs

ch. 8 Oh Western Memories pt 2

After escorting Shoto back to his mother everyone seemed to have come out of their houses and the bar to ask questions. Some were about the creature and others were about the missing villagers. I decided on telling them the truth. That I didn't know what had happened to any of them. Although it's pure conjecture I figure most of them were killed by the Grimm. It's sad but a real possibility. Though I'll let them come to that conclusion themselves.

Although the mission was solely from Shoto's mother other villagers also paid me for the completion of it. I thank them and decide to turn in for the night. It's better that than going back out. I do need sleep after whatever the hell that was. Honestly I can't tell if It was a dream or not. I guess even the woke can lie sleeping.

Upon arriving at the inn, I hear talk of a rather rowdy huntsman coming back to the village. Apparently he was a regular here in the village but was gone for a bit. Might be the same one the mother spoke of. I'm pretty sure it is.

To be honest I actually know a huntsman that operates mainly in this continent but I haven't heard anything from him in a long time. Also he rarely ever stays in one village for more than a day. He also has a large wolf with him at all times so I'm sure I'd hear something about that if it was him. But I didn't so I'm sure it's not. Honestly I hope it's not. This particular huntsman I'm speaking of is not just rowdy but extreme. He's a drunkard, aggressive and thinks every skirmish he's involved in is "glorious" as he puts it. I've worked with him a few times while I was here before. I will say he's quite the huntsman. Does his job very well, and I've never seen him lose a fight. If anything I have seen him bleed often in battles. He has a very unique golden sword with esquisite designs on it but he never uses it. He tends to hold it with a lot of care. But that's enough of that for tonight.

I see Daisy still asleep in her bed. I walk over to my bed and rest my weapons next to me. Upon hitting my mattress I fall into the memories of yesterday disguised as a dream.

I open my eyes to find myself sheathing my sword Kisangani. I smile. Lumina and I won. She's hopping up and down in joy and I bask in my new found confidence. They all close in on me. Lumina holds my hands in hers.

"You did Red!" Her lips curve upward revealing a smile like the sun. "We did it. Together"

"You sure did." Vale tilts her hip and congratulates me with her signature smirk. "How does it feel to finally use your semblance without burning someone?"

"It feels really good Vale" I return her smile.

"Good" Arthur nods but then gives me a stern look. "Now tell us how you think you two managed to pull off this win"

Oh…well here we go.

"Well Lumina really carried me and…"

"Nonsense I just did what I always do" Lumina cuts me off standing up to Arthur.

"Which is carrying him" Arthur smirks but Lumina's death stare is ominous. Arthur looks away and grunts.

"Hmm" Lumina glares him down

Arthur sighs and walks away "I'm not trying to bully him don't worry. Allow me to rephrase " He stops and looks back at me "how do you feel that match went? What was different?"

I think to myself. The match was different. It felt real, genuine. I could feel everyone's intention. Most of all Lumina's. But the difference was…

"I trusted my partner. And I trusted my own abilities."

Vale placed her hand on my shoulder.

"That's right Red." She had the kindest aura of them all. Tough, wild, but gentle. Like a big sister.

"Trusting your team is important. But most of all, if you do not trust yourself how do you expect anyone to believe in your abilities. Thus the reason behind you past failures. But Fret not kiddo." She giggles "not only did you believe in yourself you managed to overcome the obstacles in front of you. This is a vision of things to come. I'm sure we can all uphold ourselves with valor against any foe."

"Although you came up short many times Red," Arthur began "this is proof of your resolve. You could even shine brighter than me if you train hard enough." She crosses his arms and smirk's arrogantly. I merely smile.

"Was that praise coming from Arthur himself?" Lumina questions Arthur in mocking disbelief.

"Well but if course. Even one such as I should give out his mighty praise once in a while" he jokes back with her.

"Why of course your majesty" Vale does a bow and everyone laughs.

I look behind my friends and see the headmaster Ozpin leaning against a tree watching us. He hold coffee in his hands. He smiles at me and I know my adopted father is telling me with a look that I did a good job keeping up. Today is the best day ever. I want to live it over and over again.

Following our sparring sessions Vale Decided we should move onto the next lesson from Ozpin which is apparently mastering out aura so we can use it more or something along those lines. I figure this has something to do with our weapons's upgrades. It's largely experimental in nature but Oz believes we should hone our aura before we learn anything more about these upgrades. Sounds dangerous considering how important aura is. And from his explanation I figure it has something to do with utilizing our aura with our upgraded weapons. It's honestly exciting but dangerous nonetheless.

Hours after our match everyone went their separate ways to enjoy the rest of the day. I decided to find a silent and peaceful place to play my ocarina. I lie under a tree. The breeze is almost majestic. It's almost as if the wind is begging me to play a song of peace. So I play. I fall into the sound of the wind as music rides the currents and the air surrounds me with calm intention. I play and I play until the sound drifts into the distance. And I wake from the past that will never be forgotten.