
Shadows awake

"what's that a kind of ghost "said max

"Haha no my name is hex the king of the shadow realm"

Shadow looks up in fear panting

"What do you want" said Shadow

"Hehe nothing really just curious about the world of the world of the living " said hex " it marvels me but I've gotten bored now I only have one thing to do"

He raises his hands then grabs mia then dangles her"Hahahahaha it's fun to be here"

Max"put her down now" hex"or what you'll hit me and stab me hahahaha"

Shadow" where am I who are you" a voice they'll die switch with me NOW!

Kai injured and on the verge of death starts screaming for help"oh wow your still going hahaha you entertain me I know let's kill her and see how loud you get"

Shadow"hex you incompetent slave whose controlling the shadow realm now"

Hex"The real king has appeared from hiding "

Shadow glows black and his voice changes to a mysterious dark sound