
Volume One | Chapter Four - Part One

In a Recon Space Station located near Saturn's moon, Titan. The facility was made out of your usual metal, however, it was built to withstand impacts from debris and to a limited degree projectile fire. Onboard the station was living quarters and your everyday needs such as showers and a kitchen.

This was due to the fact that some military personnel could spend as long as a few years aboard these Recon Space Stations per tour of duty.

A Federation officer with light brown hair sat at a metal desk. Upon the table was an assortment of equipment such as motion sensors, communications system and radars. He feet were sprawled out upon a clear part of the desk whilst he enthusiastically dug into his sandwich of meat and salad.

To his left, at first, he wasn't aware of the slow ping showing up on the motion sensor system. After a few seconds, he noticed it then quickly moved his seat closer to the screen.

He quickly wiped all the crumbs off of his uniform as he took a closer look at the screen before him. His expression clearly showing that he was confused by the sudden phantom ping showing up on the motion sensor.

"The hell?" he quietly spoke to himself.

The silence in the room was broken when the door behind suddenly opened up revealing to be his work colleague who's hair was an unusual dark red. The former ushered him closer to the desk so he could show him the motion sensor screen.

The dark red haired man walked over towards the main desk.

"What is it now? You better not be looking for a budget holiday whilst on work" he grunted.

"No take a look at this" his colleague pointed to the motion sensor screen. The formers expression also depicted that of confusion at what they were seeing on the screen.

"I must be some debris" he concluded.

"I don't think it is sir,"

The dark red-haired man looked towards his colleague, "Have you ran a scan yet?"


"Then do it, what are you waiting for!"

The man sat at the seat put the system through a scan once completed it showed the ping, however, this time it had changed its course to Titan itself. The whole situation was giving off bad vibes to both of the men. The dark red-haired man instantly reached for comms headset.

"Titan Federation Command this is the Titan Recon Space Station, we have picked up an unusual ping on the motion sensor system be advised"

A few seconds of static went by before someone responded on the other end.

"Negative, our sensors are clear check your source"

"We've already done that, copy over"

Another few seconds went by before he got a response on his end of the comms headset.

"Understood we're looking into it keep tracking the bogey"

The dark red-haired man sighed sounding more irritated than relieved he started to walk over towards the desk before the Recon Space Station vibrated ever so slightly and then suddenly stopped.

"Find out what that was!" he shouted to his colleagued at the desk. Who immediately started going through the various surveillance drones situated around Titan. A few moments later images of mushroom clouds emanating upon the surface of Titan filled their screen.

The looks on the men's faces were that of complete shock. Without warning, they heard the gentle rumble of what sounded like engines around as the looked out through the viewing glass before them they could see a cluster of black and green ships. Their design was alien in nature taking on unusual shapes and angles, unlike human manufactured ships.

"Holy shit," the brown-haired man muttered, "that's Terra forces how the hell did they get through!"

"I have no idea," the other man looked on clearly frightened with sweat pouring down his face "but they're here now"

"Isn't the battle group stationed at Xeres Cluster suppose to stop shit like this!" the former whined fear gradually taking over him.

The latter grabbed his colleagued by the scruff of his uniform, "It doesn't matter now! Get on the comms to Federation High Command! You understand?!"

The brown-haired man nodded vigorously instantly getting to work on securing a link between them and Federation High Command. They were interrupted by the sounds of bloodcurdling screeching and clanging upon the outer shell of the Recon Space Station.

The dark red-haired man rushed to a set of lockers situated in the corner of the room retrieving an assault rifle from the locker. He turned back toward his colleague giving a serious stern look.

"No matter what you send that message!" he ordered. Without pause, he walked towards the door before he could open it he stopped by his colleague calling out to him.

"Where the hell are you going?"

"To buy you some time" and at that, he opened the sliding door once through he locked it behind him then crushing the access key in his hand.

As for his colleague inside the room he immediately returned to what he was doing albeit his hands were shaking uncontrollably at this point. Each second that was wasted meant more lives were in the balance depending on how fast he could send this message.

As each second went by all he could do was constantly repeat to himself mentally to calm down and breath. However, as the sounds of gunfire could be heard on the other side of the door this made his heart beat tenfold as he desperately tried to complete the task he was given.