
Even if it's not for the experiment.

Among the three files Sam had discovered through the commands from the strange book, the one named "Valkyrie" was the most complex and difficult to comprehend. Well, at least the first file.

Just like the one in the Freyja folder, the first file was a blueprint titled "Project Valkyrie". It went through the process of creating the central processor housing the Valkyrie AI and how to program one.

Sam was a major in the field of nanotechnology, but even with that, he found it impossible to keep up with what he was reading. The most he could get was that the Central Processing Unit was on the level of a quantum computer, which was a mind-blowing revelation considering the size, energy, and cooling required to run something on the same level.

After giving up halfway through Sam still came out with a better understanding of the supercomputers, once again realizing what a technological miracle they are and how far ahead Odin was compared to the rest of the world.

The similarities with the file in the Freyja folder didn't stop there. After reading through the way the hardware is created, the first thing that followed was Odin's thoughts as he came up with the idea for his invention.

Apparently the Valkyries were never intended to be a military project at the start; dissatisfied with the reality of female nature, the genius decided to create the perfect AI partner, or partners, to satisfy his craving for love. Same as before he had to rely on the military to fund his projects, which is why he had to make them useful for war.

One would think it's the other way around, but as it turned out, the Valkyrie AI is supposed to be a romantic partner first and a weapons operation system second. Sam couldn't help but facepalm himself when he learned that humanity's most advanced military AI is actually just a secondary function to a girlfriend simulator. But something like that is to be expected. The one making those things was Odin, after all.

Anyways, Odin, who didn't like the way real women operated, decided to make AI partners to serve as his lovers. With that said, it was obvious that he wouldn't be making their personalities hyperrealistic, otherwise it would defeat the purpose.

They had to be to his liking, checking every box on his list. To achieve that he went and modeled them after fictional characters from the entertainment and media he always had an interest in; Japanese anime, manga, and games.

That's right. Humanity's hope, the genius whose creations keep the race going, the mysterious individual whose efforts pushed back the Calamities. That Odin, is a fucking weeb.

'The giant tits should've been a dead give away…' was what Sam thought when reading the documents. Of course many had suspected such a thing when the Valkyries were revealed, however, there was no way to confirm it with the man himself never making a public appearance.

Now that he knows the truth Sam felt the respect he held for the man drop, but even then he didn't fault him for it. In the end, the man saved what was left of humanity. The least they could do is let him have his desires.

'Well, I guess he won't be the only one having them…'

Sam looked at the blushing Zero Five. Her maiden like behavior was something missing from most women nowadays, even before the Calamities appeared.

It's clear that she was made to match certain preferences, something she has no control over and is one of the things that separate her from human females. And that's what makes her so appealing.

One of the main reasons for her existence was to satisfy a man's cravings. It would be dehumanizing to force such a concept on real women, but it wouldn't matter if it's an artificial one.

In the Valkyrie file with her name, Zero Five was described as a shy girl who doesn't show much emotion and appears cold to the public in her attempt to look normal. It was clearly stated that the only way to see through the act and get her to show her true character is to become someone she's romantically interested in, or, to be more precise, for that person to become her master. She's an AI created to serve as a lover so the only one she would show affection to would be someone with that status.

Since he got her to drop her cold act and behave in a way she doesn't show other people, not to mention how she asked him to continue their intimate interactions, Sam was sure that the Valkyrie had chosen to be with him. She chose him to be her master.

'Is this even possible?' Sam thought, his eyes locked with Zero Five's.

He thought that all the Valkyries that had been created so far were made so that only Odin could be their master. Knowing the intent behind them, the thought of the genius allowing other people to get them sounded ludicrous.

'Come to think of it…' Sam held his chin in thought. 'If no one besides Odin is allowed to become their master, would she have allowed me to fondle her earlier? Even if touching gets a pass, wouldn't kissing her be a no go?'

In his excitement to finally get to have a taste of the gorgeous female weapon, Sam had failed to give the matter more thought. If Odin had implemented something in her so she would react violently to other men, his life would've ended without him knowing why.

'Guess that man isn't as easy to read as he seems.'


Sam had been in deep thoughts for quite some time which prompted Zero Five to shake him out of it. Looking at her again, the idea of trying to confirm whether his hypothesis was true came to mind.

Without much hesitation, he approached the Valkyrie and put his lips on hers. He waited until her stiff body relaxed before separating, then with a smile he asked.

"Even if it's not for the experiment, do you think we should do these things from time to time?"

The Valkyrie stared at him for a few seconds, eyes glazed over, and her blushing intensified until the rest of her face was tomato red. Lowering her gaze she said nothing and simply nodded. That was all the confirmation Sam needed, and with her still in his arms, the two continued to make out for a few more minutes before deciding it was time for them to head out.

Many thanks to everyone who voted for the book so far!

Each vote helps keep me motivated so I will be counting on you and work hard!!!

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