
Can't escape.

The crimson blade headed for B3's head but was met with an invisible barrier, bouncing off of it with enough force to send Atropos' whole body flying a few meters back.

The dark haired Olympian flipped midair and landed gracefully on her feet. She flashed a smile at the three Valkyries before her figure became a blur, but despite her speed they were able to follow her movements with ease.

Sitta followed the enemy leader with her eyes preparing to create a barrier at any moment. The obvious option should've been to keep one constantly activated around her and her allies, however it was a difficult task even for the barrier specialist Sitta since she had to keep the other Olympians in mind as well.

Atropos didn't bother helping her allies escape the blue box that was trying to crush them, but the Valkyrie doubted that she would allow them to die just like that.