
Arthur Valhalla (5): The Start Of Sparta

As soon as the previous lord whose name I didn't even get was strung up and I gave my speech, I sent morgoth to go get a whale for my villagers to feed on. The way they looked at me in both wonder and fear, someone would have thought they see me as a demigod or something. Kinda strange and uncomfortable if I'm being honest.

After familiarizing myself with the layout of the castle for the remainder of the evening, I make my way to a couch as I refuse to sleep on the same surface as that dirty simpleton who used to rule this chain of islands.

On my search around the castle, I found and executed the maester because he's a maester. I will have no Reach spies in my domain, something i will have to put runes into the earth for. His death though has left a hole I need to fill soon. After all, the sick die quick here. Hopefully, the modern cleanliness laws i aim to implement will help with this, allowing me time to find a teach a healer in the town how I want things done. Ugh. So much work and so little time.

My memory isn't perfect. But It shouldn't be too much longer until the battle above rooks rest that claims the life of rhaenys Targaryen.

Hopefully the reeds honor their words and keep me updated via Denlen about the comings and going's of the mainland.

Letting all those worries wash away as I lay on the couch, I try to get some sleep, for tomorrow my first day as a ruler begins.


Waking up to a knock on my door, I bid the person enter.

Stepping in is a man about 5'10 and skinny, like most people here on the island. His voice is soft and broken sounding. It truly hurts to see a human reach this point. Whether that be because of the abuse of the previous lord, or the abuse the land itself levies upon these people.

""Good morrow my lord. I have prepared all that is needed for you to break your fast."" The man spoke quickly after seeing the massive wolf with its head on my chest and the child sized bird perched by the window. His fear was palpable being in such close quarters with these two animals, or three really, who could rip him to shreds without a second thought.

I nodded my head and spoke back to him, ""what is your name?""

After a hasty bow he responds, "my name is Aden my lord," he started to bow after finishing the sentence but I stopped him.

""Enough of that bowing business. I'm not your previous lord. I do not expect you to become comfortable with me in a day or even a moons time. But you will learn I am not as evil as I made myself seem yesterday.

Have two men put up a board about this long and wide,"" I show him what I want with my hands and continue.

""Then I want them to put it between two posts in the middle of the town. After that they're to tell everyone they can find to arrive at that spot by the time the sun reaches its apex. Today is the first day of the rest of your lives.""

Today I decided to wear the classic red and white robes bearing my personal sigil along with my families own. After dressing and checking myself in the mirror I smiled at the reflection while putting on my cloak, I made my way down to the 'great' hall to eat and bond with my subjects.

(Image of his sigil)

(Image of clothing)


Walking into the great hall was surprising. There were merry voices ringing all about. No doubt it's been a while, if ever, since these people have seen so much food. Although it was only fatty, blubbery meat it's all I could do for the moment.

As soon as I reached the door and two men at arms nodded to me and opened the door announcing my presence, the room went as silent as the aftermath of a white walker attack.

Fearful looks were being thrown my way all the way to my table. If I'm honest, it was getting a little annoying but I corrected myself and had to keep in mind that they don't know anything but suffering.

With this thought I kept my mouth closed and ears open as the people saw I wouldn't cut out their tounge for speaking in my presence without direct consent, and slowly began their conversations again. However, everytime I caught someone's eye they flinched. While I know my eyes are unique I don't believe they're that scary. They have a slight glow but I find them beautiful. I guess after seeing the bludeagle they have a right to be scared of me.

But they've only seen the stick. Today I plan to offer them a big,juicy carrot.


(Random villager pov)

Our new lord Valhalla has called everyone to the town center. As I pass through the town walking alongside my fellow inhabitants of this island, the fear and nervousness can be felt. It's a physical thing.

After what we saw lord Valhalla do to the lord Stane, there were very mixed opinions. Some, mainly the people who's wife's and daughters suffered under the hand and manhood of lord stane cheered lord Valhallas name.

The others thought that lord Valhalla was just another version of the lord stane. I fell somewhere in the middle. Anyone who didn't directly see the Bludeagle heard about it. Lord stane had suffered for long past what should be natural, but I found myself not caring about him as he was dead. The proof of such thing hangs in front of the heart tree near the castle. The ground is stained red with lord stanes blood.

No, I was worried about the new lord we serve. My wife and I managed to keep our union hidden from lord stane, I do not want lord Valhalla to find out and take his rights of the first night as lord stane did to every women on the island that announced their union.

The lord Valhalla is a young man from what I've seen. He can't be more than 6and 10, yet the look on his eye as he tourtured lord stane will forever be burned in my memory. That was the look of ice. Pure, unfeeling ice.

I'm broken out of my musings as the group Im with at last reaches the spot we were told to gather. There standing in front of the crowd is our new lord, his robes the same color of the weirwood tree with a flag that has a creature similar to the one he arrived on inside of an arrowhead of the like I've never seen.

The lord speaks in a voice that I would bet any number of coin on carried all across the island that was now his domain, ""today marks the beginning of our kingdom. I will not lie to you and say it will be easy. What I will promise to you however is that as long as you follow me and my words, you will never go hungry or worse.""

That he knew what we resorted to in the most desperate of times shows he knows about our troubles at least. He kept speaking,

"Beginning today, you will wash your hands 3 times daily. Once before every meal. You will also not ingest or bath with any water that has not been boiled. Soon, I will create bathhouses around the island that allows you to get straight to a tub of boiled water without having to do so yourself.

One person from each household will also be taught to read and write. The post behind me will contain announcements that are important to the island and everyone living in it. Here is where you'll find out what's going on and why.

Last but not least for today, do not, I repeat DO NOT, try to force yourself upon another inhabitant of our island. I promise you the previous lords punishment will look like a child's game when I'm done should I need to revisit this. Am I clear?!""

At the resounding yes we all gave him, a screech was heard above our heads. And the massive beast our lord took as his mount landed. With him and the Direwolf eerily similar in color to the weirwoods climbing up and leaving the whispers began.

""Will he really help us?""

""Is he an old god? Look at his wolf and appearance!""

Many more things were said that day about Arthur Valhalla, none that he could hear as he was planning on how to convince giants to come back with him.

AN: that's the chapter guys. I hope you enjoy it. Gonna spend a few chapters with small time skips soon to hurry the development of Sparta along.

Continue to give me dragons to mate morgoth to and allow rhaena to ride. I appreciate the support more than any of you know. See ya tomorrow 💪🏼