

A teenage girl who possess the most powerful magic in the universe was sent to an another universe full magic in which she unveiled many great secrets of her life. It is a novel, where you can experience all types of emotions from trust to hatred it was written in a way that you truly can be as a character and experience everything. Most importantly the novel consists of 7 members who are the survivors of many great problems. And 4 most powerful persons who saved the universe. The twist comes when Valerie discovers who the true power person of destruction. Author: 1_Shika

1_shika · Fantasy
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32 Chs

The Interject

As Jack said All of the members gathered in the ashram's main hall and the Shang sir started to speak like this

As now ependix king is back he will try to conquer the whole universe by obtaining the power of the 4 stars. So as you all know by now that James is one of the biggest competitor and now even me and Mr quack sir known his next move.

What is that sir asked Amelia

Now he will go to all the majestic planets and get the traditional Aster from the warriors of justice so it is you all duty to get the aster before James.

Ok then sir we will leave to there tomorrow only Said Lucas

Then Liam and Catherine came from nowhere and Liam said it is not possible as the warriors of justices don't believe anyone even we need to fight with them and get it and even the traditional aster will come to light only on some days not on all days ok.

Ok bro chill out why so serious Said Jack

Did I spoke with you bro asked Liam

Hello enough and listen Said Valerie and Catherine

Shang sir explained about the future plans and said that tomorrow they all will be going to the lava of the lake with their dragons and left the place

Do you know anything about that lake asked Amelia

Yes, Amelia I heard that in that lake we can find the true sense of our dragon as In this battle we even need our dragon powers right Said Valerie

As they keep speaking Luna observed that there is some one who is listening to all of the conversation so she slowly peeked there and found no one.

Luna where have you been. Nothing I just went to check on Catherine I feel like there is a 8th eye in this room. Have you checked. Yes.

And everyone said their bye bye and left to their rooms

On the roof top

Hi, there what are you doing here asked Jack to Lucas.

Nothing replied. I feel like we made a wrong welcoming as on the First day we both fought right. Yes I too feel same then let's start over. Then promise me that you don't fight with me and my sister. Deal let's start over but no deal I am giving you for fighting as there may be time when I need to fight with her. What do you mean. Nothing but looks like we have an another guest. Oh what are you doing here asked Valerie. Nothing just chitchatting replied Lucas. Is that something girls do but what change you both are that only right.

Hey Valerie how dare you to say it said Jack and Lucas and started chasing her

After sometime

Enough enough sorry I am done I can't run Said Valerie and leaned on Jack. Say sorry we will leave you. Ok fine sorry Said Valerie to Lucas

As they spoke .Mr quack sir shouted hey you go to sleep now. And all of them ran to their place

These kids are getting out of control Said Mr quack sir to Shang sir. May be but there is some kind of good feeling about them like they have a good aura and they are Persevering. Yes they are I believe that they are capable of defeating James. Yes but we don't know what James got this time as last time he is unbeatable and killed queen Marvina , but Mr quack sir, Valerie mentioned Marvina queen and said that she is going to save her at any cast. Really sir then there must be something.

Speaking of James he came to this world with his full energy powers and negative energy before due to the large war he was destroyed like he was damaged a lot so in order to regain his powers he had been in a volcano for an year and now in his palace he is speaking like this….

What had you done Fia, don't you know that combing Valerie's And ice powers makes the Quinn weak as they are capable of destroying her. But not anymore sir as Quinn become more powerful Said Lyra. How???. Sir as Quinn is in the 5 dimension gaining her power Said Omar.

Interesting,…. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha said and laughed James. Why is he laughing like a maniac ,god disgusting said fillipa. I am also feeling same I hope he dint lost his mind Said zale. Don't you feel our King's voice is to base Said Lyra. I don't say that his voice Good only said Omar. His voice is at least good when compared to yours Said zale and then they bursted out laughing. Stop the nonsense and leave the palace now Said James

As in the magix it is morning

Wake up shouted Amelia in a loud speaker. What happened Amelia is there any problem asked Lucas running towards her. Oops sorry Lucas but I am waking them up as they are sleeping like a log. Don't worry now just say as I say and they will come running towards you see... Said Lucas and whispered something in Amelia's ear. Then Amelia said as it was said by Lucas . to a shock all of them came running towards Amelia.

What where is he where asked Valerie and remaining. Who ????asked Lucas. He that only James. No no he dint came Lucas told to say his name so that you all will come here said Amelia. For this…. Omg said Luna. Fine go and get ready as we need to head to lava of lake Said Lucas.

Ok Valerie let's go to the Bath Said Luna. Ok fine let's go said Valerie. Yes today because of this Lucas my sweet dream spoiled any way come Lucas we will also go with them Said Jack. What do you mean , you are also coming ,we are going to girls place. Yes we also will… oh sorry I forgotten you guys go said Jack. What is this Jack what Valerie said yesterday you are making it true Said Lucas and burst of laughing as they realised there yesterday's situation

After completion of all the things they headed to the garden area and saw their dragons waiting for them.

Hi Valerie long time no see said Eula. Hi Eula.

Like wise everyone are very happy and even Luna and Jack introduced their dragon Mary and storm.

Thanks for coming dragons today your going to obtain your true power with the help of your holders and now head to lava of lake Said Shang sir. What are you saying sir asked all the dragons. What's the matter is that like are you afraid or something Asked Amelia. Yes Amelia we are afraid of that lake as we went to that lake once when we were small and there our mother made us to drink that water by which we dint slept for a week you know said eumpily.

Why fear when Jack is here ,don't worry my dears you will be alright I know what to do Shang sir told me everything ok let's go to lava of lake Said Jack. But Shang sir some one is missing right Said Luna. Who is that Luna asked Valerie. I think so Liam and Catherine right said Lucas. Yes them only Said Luna. They won't come Luna as theirs dragon Completed this process yesterday night only Said Shang sir.

Who are they asked Eula. They are also your friends Eula like their name is.... I don't remember Said Amelia. Scarlet and jyo said Valerie. Ok .

They all took their dragon and rode too lava of lake.

Have we arrived yet or not asked Amelia. Yes this is lava of lake Said Jack. This is beautiful just like I do imagined Said Valerie. Yes it is amazing Said Luna.

Ok now let's go to that visible lake and you drink it and we head back to ashram, so simple Said Lucas.

Not so fast my friends as before it ,you need to beat us 2 Said Fia. Friends, what do you mean Said Lyra. It came in a flow so just stop irritating me and let's start the fight Said Fia.

Fia, Lyra what are you doing here asked Valerie. Who are they asked Luna. They are our friends Luna said Valerie. We are not here to do friendship ok and once we were friends and not now ,even back then I dint treated her as my friend ok said Fia. Oh are you the one who came newly into this group asked Lyra. Yes. What is your name Luna asked Lyra.

Yes that only. What I asked your name Luna. Yes what you said that only. What do you mean girl. Yes ,What you said that is my name Said Luna. Oh oh your name is " yes what you said that only " nice but weird name. Stop it Lyra you only said that her name is Luna. Ok sorry jokes apart Valerie fight us and win to get that water. Yes then let's begin Said all of them

Have you lost your mind how come 5 members fight with 2 members, where are your ethics asked Lyra. Fine, Amelia and Valerie will fight with you Said Jack. Why are you afraid to fight with me asked Fia. No again if I say me and Amelia you will say how come boys fight over girls that's why I choose them Said Jack.

Come Valerie it's been quite time since I fought with you so let's start ,

Waves of attack Said Lyra and it hit directly Valerie and immediately Amelia used her powers, beam of ice. Fire of bolt said Valerie and a dozen of lightning bolts came towards Fia and Lyra. And they dashed and left pain to Fia as she possesses nature power. Fia are you okay, I am sorry said Valerie. No need of your sorry and you are gonna regret it, veins of earth. Said Fia and ,Valerie and Amelia were kept in hold by the veins of earth. What is this asked Amelia. This veins will take the energy from you two and makes you weak and this is one of my powerful move Said Fia. What is going to happen asked Luna to Lucas. Just watch Luna , you will see that Amelia and Valerie are gonna win Said Lucas.

That's it, oh god I expected more from you my friend Fia ,blaze of dragon said Valerie and both of their veins are no more. What???'!!!! Is this how come you said Fia and both Lyra and Fia smiled and left the place and immediately Liam appeared have you lost your mind Amelia don't you know who is Fia and you fought with her shouted Liam. What happened asked Luna. Don't know let's see Said Jack. Liam started shouting on Amelia then Valerie got anger And shouted back at Liam. If you have any problem speak to me ,,you know it that I started fight and now you are shouting on Amelia and do you think Amelia won't shout back at you and will you shout at any one who is innocent asked Valerie. You just stop said Liam. What happened Liam asked Jack. Because of you only this all happened how can you declare a war against those two girls. What have I done asked Jack. Just stop said Liam. Stop it Liam your getting out of control you came from no where and started shouting like this said Lucas. You stop said Liam. No you stop instead Said Valerie. You don't know that Fia is James little sister if you do anything to her he will make your dad's life miserable understood and now stop complaining and do your own work and go to ashram Said Liam. My father is alive, is he really asked Valerie and Jack. Just do as I say said Liam. He is of no use Valerie let's do our work now and next we will ask Shang sir about it ok Said Jack.

Then Liam sat near a rock and all of the remaining 5 members made their dragons drink the lake water.

Liam then thought that he acted like a child and regretted everything.

Completed or not asked Liam and everyone said let's go but Luna said that our dragons can't fly now as they are very weak and now it is very cold so they can't even move. Ok then let's go to ashram in the spaceships that I brought Said Liam. Will they even work on magix asked Amelia. Yes they will said Liam and there they were 3 spaceships and in each two members sat[ Lucas and Amelia, Jack and Luna, Liam and Valerie].

You can go to your home and i will drive on my own Said Valerie but you said that you don't how to drive before Said Liam. Are you stalking me as I said this is victor before or wait you acted like victor on that day right asked Valerie. Sorry but that's me.I should have guessed Said Valerie and sat in a seat of his spaceship.

Sorry Liam said Valerie. No problem and even from my side take that. What?!!!. What you said before that only said Liam. What sorry, you can say it right Said Valerie. No, I will not say sorry to anyone but I will say to only two persons one is my sister and another will be someone who I trust the most Said Liam. How can we know that you say sorry to someone like forget it but when will you say asked Valerie. I will say when there is full moon and me and her/ him are under that moon Said Liam. Nice... but I hope there is someone who got hurt by your words said Valerie . Yes I know it said Liam. Then you should say it to them also ok said Valerie

And they reached ashram and took care about the dragons .


This is the early pharse of this novel

VALERIE v/s QUINN hope you will like it

1_shikacreators' thoughts